Invader Zim: Telio Rising

Chapter One: Origin

The air was crisp and the sky was dark like on any Autumn day on Earth. A slow sound of wind and leaves crinkling could be heard in any direction as the Skool children scurried out of the doors of their torturous labor hours.

"Look! Its the green freak! How is he ALWAYS missing Skool?" A blonde girl, known as Brit, shouted out while skipping down the stairs of Skool.
Zim dashed to the stairs, out of breath from his hurried attempt to reach Skool in time. Time had been flying past him recently because of his vigorous work in his underground lair.
"Yeah! Its one thing to be late, but its just STUPID to show up at the END of the day!" Another girl, Zita, shouted back.
Zim's green complexion faded paler as he looked terrified at the wondering humans around him. What if they found out what he was doing? What if they knew he'd been plotting and building something evil?
Zim's train of thought was interrupted when a hand shoved him into the bushes, violently.
"Weirdo!" , Brit laughed. "Why don't you have any friends?" Zim's lip puckered a little with frustration,
"ZIM NEEDS NO FRIENDS!" He stood up out of the bush and grabbed the book he had dropped, "Zim is much too superior for you FILTHY earth-pigs! Begone, earth-pig!" He waved a spiky black hand at her in a shooing manner. The blonde girl stood in awe for a moment at his bold attempt to overpower her popularity. Zim smacked his little arms behind his back, closed his eyes and puckered his bottom lip, symbolizing his casual pride. Another moment passed and Zim stood still. Not a word was spoken from either one and the tension arose. Finally, Zim's curiosity got the best of him, forcing him to peek open one eye and see what was happening. The next thing he knew, he was stuffed in a dumpster with a broken arm and brused eyeball.
"GIR!" Zim growled into his communication device. "GIR, I REQUEST YOUR ASSISTANCE!" He winced a little in pain. Why was everyone always bullying him? Was his disguise too obvious? He shuffled his bare feet (the kids stole his boots he so cherished) and slammed his fist blindly above him, trying to figure out how to open the dumpster's lid. All attempts failed as he grew more restless of the situation. His anger built up and the thought of the children bullying him infuriated him more and more with each rubbery slam. GIR hadn't responded to his distress call and he began to feel very alone.
"GIR!" He shouted, knowing GIR was not on the outside waiting for him. He only shouted his name in a desperate attempt to cheer himself up. One last pound of his insignificant fist and his emotions began to spill.
"What is wrong with ZIM?!" He whined, a small tear building up in his eyes. "Everyone provokes, hurts, laughs at Zim! It CAN'T be me!, its THEM! They do not comprehend BRILLIANCE like the ...brilliance I..Have!.." He sighed, knowing this was a lie and sniffed back his tear. "Once I am free from this DUMP I will be praised as ruler of all!...But first I must escape this this trash bin!"
Finally, a glorious sound sparked outside the smelly lid. GIR's engines blasted and Zim heard the sound of his minions metal feet clinking onto the gravel outside. He smirked a zipper-tooth grin as the lid slowly opened with GIR standing on the opening side.
"Hello master!" GIR waved and smiled brightly yet mindlessly. "I'm makin' taquitoes!" He giggled. Zim rolled his violet eyes and hopped on GIR's back. For some reason, he felt a bit heavier, but his weariness overpowered the curious idea so he discarded it.
"Yes, yes you are-- NOW! Take me back home, GIR!" He raised a pointy black finger towards the street, signaling his dog-suited robot to fly in the direction. GIR's engines blasted once more and the two were sent flying across the street to home.