What Have I Gotten Myself Into?



I've been with Misfit for a month now and I've never been happier. Sure I may have got it in with those other girls but none of them were her, none of them could compare.

She was currently asleep, curled into my side, god was she cute. I kissed her head and without meaning too, woke her up. "Morning." She said and kissed me. "Good morning hun, i didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep." She shook her head. "It's alright. I needed to be up anyway. Abby's coming and taking me for a piercing."

I looked at her confused. "Piercing. What piercing?" She got out of bed and said "My vertical labret." I was confused "Your what?" She turned around "The middle of your bottom lip. Right here." She said and pointed. "Oh cool, can I come?" I asked. "Sure. I'm gonna go shower so I'll be right back." She said and kissed me. "I love you." She smiled "I love you too."

I grabbed the laptop and looked up pictures of the piercing she was getting. It looked cool, she'd suit it.

She came back 10 minutes later and got dressed (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=180157883 ) "Damn, my girlfriend looks good!" I stood up and hugged her around her hips. She turned around and put her arms around my neck. "And my boyfriend is the handsomest." I laughed as she kissed me. "But you need to get dressed, Abby's coming in 10 minutes." I nodded and pulled on a pair of jeans, plain white shirt, socks, my shoes, and my jacket. "Ready."

We went downstairs, got something to eat and when we were done Abby was here. "Hey girl you ready to get your face pierced?" She asked. Misfit yelled "WELL DUH! Brandon's coming with us by the way." Abby nodded "Aight cool, let's go!"

We got into the car and drove towards the piercing place. We got there Abby, Misfit, and I walked in. "Hi, Misfit. I'm here to see Lily?" She asked. "Hi Misfit, I'm Lily and I'll be doing your piercing. If you'll just sign here and then follow me." She signed and said "Brandon wanna come in with me?" I nodded.

"Alright sit down here and I'll mark out where I'm piercing you, then we'll get started." Lily said, Misfit nodded. She marked out Misfits lip. "Alright on the count of 3 breathe in...1.2.3." Misfit breathed in and I watched the needle go in, and watched Lily put the jewelry in. "Alright, you're all done!" Lily said. She handed a mirror to Misfit and she loved it.

"How does it look?" She asked me "Fantastic. It suits your face."

We payed and then went home. Everyone loved her new piercing. We ended up cuddling in bed for the rest of the day.

God do I love her.