What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Gigantic Snowman & Awkward Talks

It had been a month since me and Brandon split up. It was hard but it was for the best. He bring girls back here and flaunting them in front of me in hopes it would make me jealous, it doesn't. It makes me chuckle because I know he misses me and wants me back, you can see it in his eyes when he looks at me.

I was outside with Glomb, Dunn, Dico, and Raab we were building a snowman with Ape's car.

"April is gonna be so pissed! And Bam had nothing to do with it? Ha." Glomb said as he lifted me on his shoulders so I could put the final touches gigantic snowman on.

"We should write it down in the Viva La Bam history books." Glomb said as he put me back on the ground.

"HEY!" we suddenly heard Ape yell from the upstairs window. "What are you guys building?"

"An over sized snowman!!!" Me and Dunn yelled back.

"That's humongous!" She yelled down to us.

"I know!!!" Dunn yelled back.

"That's pretty cool!" She yelled down to us with a huge smile on her face.

"Yo, you gotta come down here and move your car so we can plow the rest of the driveway." I told her, Dunn and everyone laughed.

"I'm gonna get my camera and take a picture." She said, closing the window.

A minute later she came out the sliding glass doors.

"Oh my god, that's so cool. Everyone get in front so I can take a picture."

I stood in the middle between Dunn and Glomb, Raab was on the end.

We then took one with Ape, and Dunn took the picture. Before he pressed the button to take the picture said "Look happy, cause you won't be in a minute."

After the pictures we're done and Ape had taken a look at them she said "My car was parked right here."

"We know it was." I said, and poked it with a shovel.

She gasped. "You guys didn't do that! You guys are jerks! Where's Bam?" Ape asked.

"I dunno, but we're gonna have to get this out of here." Dunn said and turned to the car.

"You better unclear my car!" She yelled, heading inside. "Where is that little brat?" She asked herself.

We ran inside after her, chuckling when we heard her scream Bam's name.

"Your friends made a whole snowman outta my car!" She told him.

I sat on the table.

"They aren't my friends." He said to her.

"I'm not your friend? Rude." I said to him, folding my arms and making a grumpy face.

"You helped?" He asked me shocked.

"Fuck yeah I helped!" I screamed back at him.

"I'm proud of you!" He said then gave me a hug.

"BAM!" Ape yelled, spoiling the brother/sister moment

"APE!" He yelled back "YOU RUINED OUR BROMANCE MOMENT!" Ape smiled at this.

"Well, they just piled the whole car up!" She yelled as Dunn, Raab, Glomb, and Novak walked in.

"That's what you do in the winter, you build snowmen!" Dunn said defending our snowman.

"I got stuff I have to do! I have to go out!" Ape complained.

"It's winter, Ape." I said.

Ape snorted softly. "Well thank God winter's almost over."

"Not so fast April, I think Punxsitawney Phil needs to decide that one. Groundhog Day is coming up." I announced.

"GROUNDHOG DAY!" Dunn yelled right in her ear.

"How far is Punxsitawney?" Bam asked.

"Dude, it's a least 5 hours. Right Glomb? We went down 'ere last year." I told him.

"Well, let's go!" Bam said.

"Today?" Novak asked.

"Yes Novak, today. Alright everyone go pack and meet down at the car in 20 minutes." Bam announced, leaving the kitchen.

I went up to my room and started packing when I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around and standing behind me was none other than Novak.

"What?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing....you know handling the break up and everything."

I looked at him like he had 2 heads. "You....w-wanted to see how I was doing?" He nodded. I just stood there chuckled, then threw the shirts that were in my hand into the bag. "Ok, so you want to know how I'm doing? Hmmm....well let's see the guy I loved broke my heart by promising he wouldn't do heroin anymore but went and did it anyway, came home guns a-blazing accusing Rake my best friend of trying to steal me away, called me names, and just took my heart, ripped it from my chest, threw it on the ground and crushed it. How do you think I'm doing Novak, honestly how the fuck do you think I'm doing?"

He looked like a lost puppy "Misfit I'm sorry.....I lo-"

"Don't Novak, no.Get out of my room." He just stood there looking confused. I went up and shoved him "GET OUT! NOW!" I was too angry to notice a living room full of people staring at us.


I went back in my room and slammed the door shut, a few tears running down my face. In the back of my mind a thought appeared "I wonder if he's actually going to prove it....Guess we'll just have to wait and see."