What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Texi-Anna and Budget Inn (part 2)

I ran upstairs passed Ryan, Rake, and Bam "Woah slow down Misfit, you almost knocked me over the balcony." "What oh sorry Ryan." I apologized and shut my door.

I shut my door and sighed heavily against it. I kissed Novak...and I liked it. God what is wrong with me? You can't like kissing Novak, the nudist, nudie Novak, the heroin addict. I slapped myself out of my trance and packed. (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_62/set?id=179898769 )


I just kissed Misfit, and I enjoyed it. What? I didn't like Misfit did I? I don't think so. I mean she was nice, cute, funny, caring, oh shit I did like Misfit!


I was sat between Dunn and of course Novak on the plane to Texas. Me and Dunn we're fooling around and telling jokes, Novak joined in for some of them but other than that he was quiet for the flight.

When we arrived in Texas is was boiling hot. The camera's got some shots of me, but it was most likely not flattering shots. I was sweating, red in the face, my eyeliner was half down my face, and my hair was most likely becoming frizzy.

We rented a van which was hotter than outside, I was sandwiched between Raab and Bam. "So the whole idea is that were here to see if we can have more fun than Phil can at home all by himself?" I asked in a sour way, the heat getting to me. Dunn could tell because he looked back at me and said. "Does ms cranky need a nap?" I threw my boot at him. "Shut up. Now give me my boot back." He rubbed his head and gave it back.

"What the hells a proper swamp?" Vito asked and I reached over and hit his double chin, I got a high five from Ape for that.

"Vito we're gonna find you a proper swamp." I said.

"Where are we gonna stay?" Ape asked.

"On a pissy cot, i don't know."

"No one planned any of this?" I screamed

"Ok 1, OW!!" Bam yelled at me pointing to his ear. "And 2, calm down we'll find a place." Bam said. "Oh my god, I could kill you."

I don't do well with things that aren't planned out first, it makes me anxious.

"Up there! Look! Budget Inn." Dunn yelled. I looked back at him and said "ok now I could kill you."

"Yo! Budget Inn!" Novak yelled. "You too!" I said too him.

"Calm down Misfit." Bam said and waved his hand at me.

We pulled into the haggard ass motel and me and April gave each other the same look. "This place smells so bad." Me and Ape said at the same time.

"I got two rooms." Raab said as he came out the office.

"That's it?" I asked with a look of disbelief on my face.

"Two rooms for you?" Vito asked as he sat down on the back of a truck.

"Two for us Vito." Raab said.

"yer nah gonna stay in der, April's gonna flip out." Vito said and I chuckled.

"Don't touch anything or you'll be infected!" April yelled after us as we went into the rooms.

"This place is wonderful because I can now get Hep C." I said sarcastically and stuck my thumbs up.

"Oh hush Misfit." Bam said. Novak came up beside me and put his arm around me. "Yeah it'll be ok Misfit." I side glanced at him. "Sure."

Me, Bam, Novak, went out and asked Vito if he wanted his luggage put into his room, he nodded. We got a shopping cart and put Novak in it and rolled him and the luggage into Vito's room.

"Ahh got hot sauce in theres prolly broken." Vito said, and I helped Novak out of the cart. "Thanks." he said "Not a problem." I said and smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and we walked hand-in-hand over to everyone else. They saw our hands but didn't say anything.

"Why don't you and Dunn go find something to do." Bam said to Glomb.

"Anything to get us out of this shit hole." Dunn said and Glomb nodded.

"Vito!" We all called over to him.

"Whar you doin with my suitcase now?" He yelled at us.

"Ape!" "What?!" she called from inside the van.

"Let's go."


"Were trying to show you some fun."