What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Texi-Anna, Alligators, hand-holding, & cuddles.

We drove down to an alligator pit, me and Novak hanging onto each other the whole time.

"Raab got some chicken for Vito's suitcase." Bam said as he held up the suitcase and the camera panned over to a bunch of alligators.

"Why'du gotta play games with my suitcase?" Vito yelled at us.

"Vito, what's in your suitcase?" I yelled at him.

Bam tossed it over the chain link fence and the alligators smelled the chicken and swam over to it and started munching on it.

"Yo! Go down wit your buddies 'n get meh suitcase, steadajus sittin there like an idiot." Vito yelled at the alligators. Which made me chuckle.


"I DUN CARE!" He yelled back at me.

We all laughed, I felt a hand brush up against mine mine and looked over and there stood Novak, looking down at my hand debating if he should ask or not. I smiled and put his hand in mine. He looked at me and blushed then looked down.

Vito gave up on screaming at the gators and now just yelled at us. "Ay yai ya carry on me gak when in a suitcase I didn't know alligators would be eatin it!"

"You were right, there is one fun thing about this trip." April said to Bam.

Since we had gotten rid of Vito's clothes we had to go shopping for new clothes for him. We went to a local western outfitter to get cowboy stuff for him.

"I got the spurs, just bring the boots." Novak yelled at me
"Do you have size fat?" I asked the lady, she laughed at my request.

We got Vito dressed, and Bam attempted to get a fake sharpie mustache on him. "You're an ass-rout-hole, doncu listen to nothing?"

I shot him with a pop gun, which just made him more mad and freak out more.

We went back to the motel and I was squished between Rake and Novak. It was so hot I discarded my sweater and wore the tank top i brought. I went into the bathroom to change and when I came out Novak couldn't stop staring at my chest. "Hey eyes up here bub!" He widened his eyes and looked down embarrassed.

I sat down on the bed. "It's so hot, I'm miserable, and I hate everything right now." Novak and Rake agreed. Novak put his head on my stomach and spread out, Rake put his head on my shoulder. "I AM NOT A PILLOW!" I shouted at them. "You're right, you're a seat!" Novak yelled at sat on my lap. "Not what I meant but ok."

"Hey guys were-NOVAK WHAT THE FUCK!" Bam yelled when he saw Novak sitting on me, head in my chest, and layed across my body. "She's comfy, fight me." Bam shook his head. "Hey what's....what the fuck?" Dunn asked. "SOMEONE GET THE CAMERA!" Rake jumped up and got the camera and took a picture of us. I put my arms around Novak and did a cheesy smile. "Aw how cute." Bam said.

"Now get up we're sleeping outside!" Novak jumped off me and knocked me off the bed. "Oh ok then Novak." He smiled and helped me up. We got up and pushed the mattress out the door and into the parking lot.

"Now we just need entertainment." Bam said. "My guitars in the car, I can get it!" I said. Everyone nodded.

I sat down and played.

Pardon me for my lack of excitement,
But I’m not entirely thrilled.
Stutter when I talk,
Flail around as I walk,
Yeah the moment’s been killed.

And I’m not good at this no, not all.
I’m not good at this.

I’m a wreck and I know it,
And I tend to show it every chance that I get.
Butterflies in the skies, they just fly on by.
Yeah they’re making me sick.
They don’t flutter about, I’d do without.
All they do is kick.

Mean it truly,
Sincere heart.
Why do you do this to me?
Tear me apart.

It’s my fault and I know it,
And I tend to blow it, no thanks to you.
Its like you sit and you watch me,
You poke and you taunt me, it’s all that you do.
And I’m not fighting that no, not at all.
Just want to be something, a name you call.
The lips you taste just to fall, madly in love.

Mean it truly,
Sincere heart.
Why do you do this to me?
Tear me apart.

I got my eyes set on you,
My heart is burning red.
All of my words come out wrong,
Run circles in my head.
You had me and I melted,
In the palm of your hand.
You know it yes I felt it,
You’ll never understand.

Mean it truly,
Sincere heart.
Why do you do this to me?
Tear me apart."

I stopped singing and everyone clapped, I put my guitar back in the van and all we could hear Bam yell was "Turn that light off!" At Ryan who was still working on the boat.

I layed my head down and Novak shuffled over to me and put his arm around me. "Hope you don't mind." He said. I shook my head and turned around "Not at all." I said and cuddled into his chest.