What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Wake Up Call

I woke up to Ryan running the air boat and Novak jumping on top of me.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" Dunn asked.

I nodded my head. "Did you wake me....yeah you did." I turned my attention to the person on top of me "Novak what is with you and laying on top of me?" He blushed and got off. "Sorry." I laughed and shoved him.

"Ok Bam everyone's up, can we get out of here now?" Ape asked.

"This place is a notch of fun!" Bam said.

"This place is not a notch of fun!!!" Ape screamed.

"Where's Vito?" I asked. Everyone shook their head and we decided to get in the van and drive. We ended up at the sporting good store to get supplies such as tents, tarps, cots, sleeping bags, and other necessity's.

We got down and rode in the air boat and it was really fun, my hands were up in the air but as usual Novak was attached at my side, snuggling into it. "Are you scared?" I asked him. "Me, scared? Psh no." The boat went faster and he huddled into my side more. "Sure."

Glomb decided to get out and make a bayou buoy, which was a big mistake. As soon as he got into the tree Bam said. "When he's in far enough, let's hit it and go." I shook my head and looked over and Brandon had decided it'd be a good time too take his shirt off. I swooned on the inside, then he resumed his spot attached to my side.

We left Glomb in the tree, we came back 3 hours later and he was still there but burnt to a crisp. "You assholes left me there for 3 god damn hours, in direct sunlight! My whole left side is burned." He said as I helped him in the boat.

"He got in the boat and decided to push Novak out and into the crocodile infested water.

"Asshole, get me out of here!" I leaned down and helped him in. "Thanks Misfit." he said as hugged me I smiled "Not a problem."

"GET A ROOM!" Rake yelled. I flipped him off "Shut up or i'll push you in next."

Most people think it's weird that me and Rake are still good friends after being together for 2 years but we both ended it mutually, no hard feelings. He was happy, I was happy. We're pretty good friends.

We went father down the swamp and found a spot. "This looks good!" Bam yelled. I nodded. "NUDIE NOVAK WE'RE SHARING A TENT!" He smiled and did a thumbs up. "IF I HEAR ANY MOANING, GROANING OR "Ooooh Novak, harder" I'M FEEDING YOU BOTH TOO THE GATORS! IM NOT LISTENING TO YOU GUYS HAVE SEX LIKE WHEN YOU WERE RAKE!" Dunn yelled.

"1 TIME DUDE, 1 TIME!" Rake yelled.


"HEY!" Rake yelled, his heading popping up over the tent.

"You look an angry groundhog from where I'm standing." I told him and he just chuckled.

This was going to be an interesting camping trip.