What Have I Gotten Myself Into?


I was woken up to being nudged, I opened my eyes and there stood Glomb and Ryan.

"Mmm what?" I asked groggily. "Come with us, we're going gator hunting." I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "That sounds kind of fun." Ryan and Glomb smiled. "Just let me get my jacket." They nodded and left the tent entrance.

I sat up, removed Brandon from my side, got my sweater, and my shoes and met the boys at the boat.

"This is Farron, and Eddie, and they're gonna show us some gator hunting." Dunn said to the camera. I smiled and shook their hands.

"Misfit." I told them.

I got in the boat and sat between Dunn and Glomb as Farron and Eddie started off the boat and drove away from the bayou.

Glomb pointed out to us a Herring catching a fish. We stopped, and Farron told us to be quiet. He leaned over the boat and all we saw was a baby gator. He reached down ever so slowly and snatched the baby gator.

"Oh, yeah!" Glomb yelled as he brought the baby into the air boat.

"Shine the flashlight on it." I said.

Farron then handed the gator to Dunn.

Dunn began to use the gator as a puppet, it was quite amusing especially when he used the British accent.

"Glomb...shut up." The gators mouth spoke, "Nobody wants to hear from you. Put me back. How dare you have the nerve of catching me- I don't know why it has a british accent." Dunn said, which sent all of us into hysterics.

We put the baby back, and went on our way to catch frogs. We caught a few and headed back to camp.

We tiptoed to Bam's tent, opened the flap and dumped them in. He woke up screaming. "What the fuck is that? What in the fuck?" He asked us. "FROGS!" I said loudly. "And you thought it's be a good idea to put them in my tent?" He asked pissed off. We all nodded our heads.

"You guys are gonna get it." Bam said and went back to sleep.

I climbed back in the tent with Novak.

What did bam mean he's gonna get us? I have no idea, but knowing Bam it can't be good.