What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Going Home, Shopping, & Bitches

We woke up the next morning to Bam flying the air boat through the camp. I grabbed Novak and exited the area before we both got ripped to shreds.

"First you dump alligator shit on us, then you destroy the camp! What's wrong with you?" Glomb asked

"Why'd you ruin a perfectly good tent with bullfrogs?" Bam asked back. "It's time to get out of the bayou, I still have bullfrog slime on my face and I'm fed up."

"Well who's gonna clean up this mess?" Ape asked.

"It's biodegradable, all of it." Bam responded.

"Anything else the hogs will use." I said.

"We're out!" Bam said, everyone cheered and we got in the airboat and left.

We got back in West Chester, and as per usual Brandon dipped and went to the bar. Bam gave his parents a hug and April made delicious clam chowder.

Bam's girlfriend Abby came over "Hey, Misfit, wanna go shopping tomorrow?" She asked.

"Of course!" I said. "Women." Bam and Dunn said. Me and Abby threw clam chowder at them. "Anyway, what time do you want to go at tomorrow?" I asked. "How does 1:00 sound?" I smiled and nodded. "Sounds good."

We sat up and had a few beers then decided to go to bed.

I was in bed reading for a couple of hours and heard the door open and close and Novak come in with a female. "Of fucking course." I said, turned my radio on, blasted it, and fell asleep listening to Slayer.

I got up the next morning, got dressed ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=180070648 ) and went downstairs.

"Morning guys." Bam, Dunn, Rake, Raab, Glomb, Abby, Ape, and Phil said "Good morning."

I grabbed some food, sat down, and ate. "Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower, get dressed, and then do you wanna go?" Abby asked.

I nodded, "For sure."

"So did you guys see Novak's new girl?" Rake asked.

I suddenly got uncomfortable. "I'm gonna go do the dishes." I said and got up.

"Yeah I did, she's not that pretty, kinda rude as well." My head suddenly shot up. "Rude how?" I asked.

"He came in, she didn't even say hi. They sat down and she wouldn't talk at all, and she kept wanting too go up to his room." Bam said.

"Sounds like a bitch." I said. Everyone nodded.

Abby came down 10 minutes later. "You ready to go?" I nodded. "Alright, we're going, I love you." she said to Bam. "Love you too." He said back. "You guys are gross, stop." I said, Abby smacked me on the back of the head and we walked out the door.

We got to the mall, bought some food, walked around, and bought some clothes. We were about to leave when we spotted a Totoro onesie.

"Woah! Abby, hold up. Totoro onesie. I gotta buy it." She laughed "What are you 8?" "Shut up." I said.

We bought it, left, and drove back. "Hold on before we go in I'm putting it on." (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cG5WlzwWL._UX385_.jpg) I changed in the car, and we went in.

I heard everyone say hey and Novak ask. "Where's Misfit?" Abby chuckled and said "Here she is." I walked in with a stupid smirk on my face "Hey guys."

"What are you wearing?" Bam asked. "It's called a onesie." Bam chuckled. "What are you 8?" He asked. "THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" Abby said. "OH hush both of you, it's cool. Plus it has a tail!" I said, turned around, and shook the tail. Everyone laughed, except for the girl attached on Novak's lap.

"That looks stupid, you're an adult, not a child."

"Ok 1, I did not ask for your opinion, 2 who are you? And 3, shut your mouth."

"I'm his girlfreind." She said. I chuckled at that. "Honey, you aint shit! Like every other girl that's been here you'll be out by tomorrow."


"Well...." Novak said.

"FUCK THIS, I'M OUT!" She said. She came up and slapped me, then left.

"What a bitch." I said, everyone agreed.