What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Cuddles & Chats

I got up the next morning, hopped in the shower, got dressed ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=180099922 ) and headed downstairs.

"Morning." I said. "Morning." I got from everyone else. "Well that shirts just rude." Dunn said. I looked down at my shirt and it had a skull hand giving the middle finger.

"Oh well." I said and sat down.

"So Novak was asking about you last night." I dropped my spoon into my cereal "And what as he asking?"

"He was just wondering if you hated him." I nodded "What'd you tell him?"

"We told him you didn't. And he was a moron for thinking you hated him, and that you liked him." DUnn said.

I spit out my drink. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

"We're we not supposed to?" Dunn asked "NO! YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO!" I screamed. "Sorry." Bam said. I rubbed my temples "You 2 are gonna give me a heart attack one day, I swear to God." I sat back down. "What did he say after you said that?" Dunn spoke up. "He was kinda shocked, said "I don't get how she likes me, I'm worthless, I'm just a junkie who can't do anything right." We told him that was bullshit and she likes you for you." I nodded "Accurate." The boys laughed "I think he wants to talk to you today as well." Dunn said as he bit into his toast. "Alrighty then."

A few hours passed, and we heard Brandon's door open and him come downstairs. "Oh Misfit you're up. I'm gonna make something to eat and then can I talk to you?" He asked. I looked at Bam and Ryan and they raised their eyebrows. I turned back to Novak "For sure." I nodded "Ok sweet." He said back.

He ate, and we headed up to his room. "Use protection." Raab said. "Raab reference the shirt." I told him and he chuckled.

We got into his room and he closed the door. "SO you're probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you." He said softly. I nodded even though I already knew why. "Yeah." I said as I sat back on the bed.

"Well.....you ever wonder why those girls leave a day or two after?" He asked. "Cause they're a booty call...not a girlfriend." I said confused. "No....well yes. They leave because none of them are....well...none of them are you."

"Excuse me, what?" I said.

"They're not you Misfit. None of those girls are you, I only want you. I really like you, and I thought those girls would take away my crush but they don't. They're just a substitute for you. It seems no matter what girl I sleep with they don't compare to you. It's you Misfit, and it's always been you, no one else. I'm......I'm in love with you Misfit, and I want to be with you. I want you to love me, keep me safe, make me feel protected, to hold me, to care for me...I want you to love me. I just hope you want that too."

I smiled and a tear slid down my face. I stood up and took one of his hands in mine, and my other hand cupped his face. "I want you too, and I want to love you." I said, he leaned into my hand more and smiled.

I smiled back at him. He looked me in the eye, leaned in and kissed me.

We ended up cuddling in his bed for the next 2 hours, talking, kissing, laughing, making jokes, etc.

I was finally where I want to be. I was happy, with Brandon Novak.