Diary of a Fangirl

00 - Before

Before I had met Rowan—okay, no. Scratch that. Before I had gotten to know Rowan, the idea of chasing anything that I knew was bad for me wasn't a thought in my mind. I liked to compare him to cigarette smoke, mostly because he was there one second and gone the next. But if you think about it that way, I was the lighter; only adding fuel to the fire.

And with more of him that I took in, the more addicted that I became. I'm not going to say that everything fell on him because that's the furthest thing from the truth. We were both at fault, in two completely different ways.

It honestly never occurred to me how long this tour would've been.

A month and a half ago, I would've told you that two months just isn't enough time to fall in love with someone. Especially when half of that time is spent avoiding the other person or arguing over something stupid.

I would've also told you that it isn't enough time to fuck everything else up along with it, but I guess I was a different person then.

Honestly, I don't know if I was better or worse.

I can't tell you guys enough that I'm sorry for everything that's happened. And for those of you willing to place blame on just one of us, it takes two to send things spiraling out of control. For once, I'm trying to own up to things, too.

If you're new here, welcome to diary.of.a.fangirl. And if you're not, then you know a little of what's about to be shared. You might even know all of it, really.

Until next time, guys,
Hailey xo
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feedback is definitely encouraged!