
Unreal is a McFly story about a young girl who bumps into a stranger in the supermarket one day. When she finally realises who that famous stranger is, her life changes forever, from being a 20 year old un-employed girl trying her hardest to get into uni, into a house-mate of 4 hot guys which she listens to on her i-Pod every day. Her life dramatically changes as she becomes a bus-mate to the 4 handsome, talented guys and suddenly she starts to fall for not just one of them, oh no, but two, of the gorgeous looking, multi talented, famous band... Is she in way over her head? Or is this all just....

  1. She Left Me
    This part will not be a short description of the story but a few lines from the song that is the title, e.g You'll be ok you don't need me, believe me, you'll be fine.
  2. Help
    Help, I need somebody, Help, Just anybody... (possibly Kate!? Where are you!?)
  3. Obviously
    This girl, she's out of this world, believe me.
  4. Met This Girl
    I'm glad I met this girl, she didn't walk away, I think she was impressed and was having a good time.
  5. I Wanna Hold You
    Tell me that you want me baby, tell me that it's true. And I'd do anything you ask, I wanna hold you bad!
  6. You've Got A Friend
    You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running, to see you again.
  7. I've Got You
    Looking in your eyes, hoping they won't cry, and even if they do, I'll be in bed so close to you, to hold you through the night, if you need me, I'll be there. Cuz I've got you.
  8. Corrupted
    Am I too much for you, cause you're too much for me, still wanna be, corrupted.