

“Oh my god, Tom’s coming! What are we gonna do?”

“What do you mean what are we gonna do? Nothing. Why?”

Taylor quickly unravelled her arms from around Danny’s waist and sat upright in panic.

“Because! He can’t see me here like this, what’s he gonna think, that you’ve copped off with me already. He’s gonna think I’m a layover!”


“Danny!” Taylor laughed as did Danny, who then quickly decided on a plan.

“Ok, ok, erm, look, how about you stay here and I tell him I was just showing you around the bunks, you know getting you acquainted with things, yeah?” Danny replied, smiling to himself whilst watching Taylor and thinking of the amazing kiss they had just shared together.

“Yeah ok, that’s a good plan, now quick, cause he’s coming.”

“Ok, quick get out of the bed. Not that I want you to but,”

Taylor looked at Danny sarcastically, which then made him quickly forget what he had wanted to say, as they both frantically scrambled out from under the duvet. As they did so, they could hear Tom walking towards them and shouting Taylor’s name. They quickly sorted themselves out checking if they both looked ok, and Danny even made sure there was time to give Taylor a quick kiss on the lips, before they were torn apart.

“Ok, ready?”

“Yep. Thank you.”

“No problem.” Danny replied.

“And about later?”

“Yes ok, I’ll think about it. Now quick, give me a kiss.”

Danny smiled as he gave Taylor another kiss, Taylor cupping his neck and making it last a few seconds longer than the other one, as they finished the kiss and both slowly pulled away, with Taylor quietly giggling as she got rid of the lipstick that was on the corner of Danny’s mouth, with her thumb.

“Ok, we’re all ready.”

And as soon as those words came out of Taylor’s big mouth, Danny and Taylor both jumped down from his bunk as Tom strode right around the corner.

“Hey, Taylor, Danny, what are you guys doing?”

“Oh, well I was just showing her around. You know, giving her the grand tour and everything.”

“Oh right.”

“Yeah, your bunks really nice Tom, dead homey, it’s lovely.”

Tom smiled at Taylor as his dimple appeared and he went a little shy.

“Thanks, I do the best I can.”

Taylor smiled back at him and at Danny who had stopped talking and was standing there in complete silence.

“So, did you want me?”

“Um yeah, I was just wondering what you fancied to eat? You know if you had anything special in mind? As I am quite a good chef myself.”


“Aha. I can’t say I’m Gordon Ramsay, but I’m getting there. You know we were on his show once!”

Taylor smiled as she could see Tom was pleased with himself, until Danny spoiled the moment and embarrassed Tom by then saying…

“Yeah, or Edwina Curry.”

Taylor and Danny started to laugh, as she patted Danny on the shoulder, and then realised that Tom wasn’t too happy with the comment, as he turned up his nose and quickly said his goodbyes.

“Ok well, I’ll go and see what we’ve got in and then just give me a shout ok?”

“Yes, thank you Tom, that’s lovely of you. Bye.”

Taylor placed her hand gently on Tom’s arm, as she smiled at him whilst saying goodbye, and once he was gone, she turned back round to Danny who was smiling and moved closer to her, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, as Taylor did the same to his neck, and they kissed each other again. Their hands were in each other’s hair, and they felt so comfortable with each other, but they were extra careful as to not let anyone see. Luckily, nobody did and as they finished their kiss, they said goodbye to each other as they slowly let go of hands, Taylor walked away into the kitchen to find Tom.

Danny sighed with delight as he rubbed the huge smile on his face. He couldn’t believe how happy he was, and how amazing the past half hour had been with Taylor. If only it was to happen again tonight. He wished and hoped that fingers crossed, she would take up his offer of staying in his bed. Well, he would just have to wait and see…