Status: I'm back!

A Dream's Reality

Chapter 8

Day 2 – Fire Control

I was nervous about today’s session with Braeden. Not that I didn’t trust Braeden, but because I’m nervous about the use of fire. It’s definitely scarier than using earth control. Naida told us both that our best place to have our session was the training grounds. So after breakfast, I headed towards the training grounds with Naida showing me the way.

“Thanks, Naida!” I smiled at her before opening the doors to the training grounds. She just waved at me and kept going her own way.

“Queen Celeste! Over here!” Braeden shouted cheerfully. However, when I got closer to him I could tell his golden eyes held a different emotion. Sadness? I didn’t want to pry, so I decided to leave things alone.

“Hi, Prince Braeden!” I smiled at him brightly and he smiled back. He shook his messy black hair before speaking.

“So, today we start with fire control.” His mood seemed to change, as his usual goofy smile vanished. “First I want you to work on heating your body. If you can generate heat your body, it’ll make the controlling fire much easier.” I nodded anxiously, wanting to know how it’s done. “To start, you need to calm your mind. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

I did what was told and closed my eyes to calm my mind. I was still feeling a bit nervous so I took a few minutes to get my mind calm. Then I started the breathing exercises slowly.

“Good.” Braeden’s voice was very soothing. “Now, I need you to think of energy running through your body and feel it slowly growing hotter.” I nodded in response and tried to imagine this warm energy running through my body.

At first, I felt nothing. But after some patience, I started to feel the warmth. I was surprised and that messed with my calm state a bit, so the warmth diminished. I’m not giving up! Determined, I brought myself back to my calm state and the warmth started growing. The warmth intensified throughout my body and it felt tingly and hot. My eyes shot open as I smiled at my accomplishment.

“Prince Braeden! I did it!” I cheered happily. “It felt warm and tingly. A good feeling.” I gave him a broad smile and laughed giddily.

“Ah, that’s great Queen Celeste! I knew you could do it.” Braeden smiled halfheartedly and ruffled my hair. He took my hand in both of his for a moment. I looked at him with both confusion and blush on my face.

“Prince Braeden?” I questioned, tilting my head to the side. Braeden quickly let go.

“Oh, sorry Queen Celeste. I was uh, just checking to see if you still felt warm!” Braeden stuttered with a deep blush on his face. He was rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly when I giggled.

“It’s okay Prince Braeden. You just startled me.” I smiled and Braeden just nodded in embarrassment. He cleared his throat before talking again.

“Ahm. Okay, Queen Celeste. The next step is to try to create a growing flame.” Braeden sighed as he grasped my hand and lead me over to a cushioned spot on the floor with a single candle. We sat down in front of each other with the candle standing in between us. Then Braeden surprised me by lighting the candle with just his hand. Woah!

“Wow! That was cool Prince Braeden! Is that what I’m doing?!” I was genuinely excited, feeling a rush of excitement. My nerves had all gone away for the moment. Braeden just nodded.

“It’s nothing to be so excited about, it’s just fire.” I felt awkward at his words but didn’t know what to say in response. To me, it’s exciting because I’ve never seen this kind of thing before. It’s like magic! Braeden noticed that I looked down. “Oh, I’m sorry Queen Celeste! I didn’t mean to be rude.” His golden eyes still looked sad as he apologized.

“No it’s alright Braeden; I know that I’m rather simple. But this is all new to me.” I smiled at him reassuringly and he just nodded with a small smile.

“Yes, you’re right Queen Celeste. Now, I want you to try to make the flame grow.” I looked at him with wide eyes but he continued. “Close your eyes. First, imagine the flickering of the flame you’re your mind. Watch it.” Braeden paused to let me start the first steps. Once I had the image in my mind, I nodded and he went on. “Once again, imagine warm energy. This time imagine it running through your arm to your fingers. Imagine the energy growing brighter and point your hand at the flame as if you’re feeding it your energy.”

I did as was told and tried imagining the warm energy once more. It came to me quicker than before, probably because I’m only focusing on one part of my body. As I felt it grow more intense, I lifted my hand towards the warmth of the candle. I opened my eyes to watch the flame in anticipation. For a few moments, nothing happened. I almost sighed in disappointment when I saw the flame grow the slightest bit. My eyes widened and I tried concentrating even more. It grew!

I looked towards Braeden with a big smile before releasing my hand back to my side. The second I did that, the flame diminished to nothing but a wave of smoke. My eyes widened once more. I jumped up in excitement just like I had yesterday with Elion. It was working!

“Prince Braeden! I did it! I really did it! I made it grow!” I cheered happily. Braeden stood up with a smile as he nodded in approval.

“Wow, Queen Celeste. You’re a fast learner!” I blushed at the compliment, feeling happy at his praise.

“I just listened to what you told me to do, Prince Braeden. Your voice is very soothing.” It was Braeden’s turn to blush and I giggled. “Thank you!”

“Of course, Queen Celeste.” He bowed politely and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“No need to be so formal!” Braeden’s eyes widened and he nodded.

“Right!” He said happily, his eyes finally matching his voice. I sighed in relief but Braeden didn’t notice. All of a sudden, I feel his arms wrap around me tightly. Braeden?! “Celeste.” That was the first time he didn’t call me Queen. “I need you to promise me that you won’t ever try to use fire control when you’re alone,” Braeden spoke in a serious tone.

“O-okay. I promise.” I felt confused but decided it best to follow his words. I didn’t want to chance anything anyway. But I wonder why he’s so serious. Has something happened? I decided it best to ask about that another time. Braeden’s hold on me loosened before he moved back, leaving his hands on my shoulders.

“Good!” Braeden gave me his usual smile and placed one of his hands on my cheek. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” My eyes widened and I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. All I could do was a nod. “Queen Celeste! Let’s go get us some lunch now!”

Braeden was back to his cheerful self as we chatted the whole way to the dining hall. I didn’t realize that a few hours have passed since I walked into the training grounds to meet with him. I felt accomplished with what I was able to do both today and yesterday but also a little curious about Braeden’s change in mood. I hope he’s okay…


Braeden’s POV:

I wasn’t too excited about having to teach Queen Celeste about controlling fire. Although I knew, I’m the only one out of the princes that can. I just didn’t really like fire control at all, I rarely use it myself unless it’s needed or its minuscule uses. I don’t want a repeat of that day. Before I could get lost in my thoughts, Queen Celeste entered the training grounds and I greeted her happily. Well, as happy as I could at least.

After greeting each other, I got right down to business and started instructing Queen Celeste on how to heat up her body with energy. She listened intently with an innocent look in her sparkling green eyes. Cute. I watched as she did what was told and started breathing slowly. Her face was completely calm and serene. I couldn’t help but stare. She really is pretty… I shook away the thoughts and focused on her exercise.

Her eyes opened and she cheered happily about feeling the heat run through her body. She’s so cute and simple! I smiled at her and messed with her soft blonde hair. Before I realized what I was doing, I grabbed one of her pale hands with both of mine. I don’t want anything to harm these delicate hands. Queen Celeste calling out to me shook me out of my stupor and I immediately released her hand in embarrassment.

I stupidly told her I was just making sure she was still warm as m face turned bright red. Damn it… As I was rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment, Queen Celeste just laughed. Her laugh sounded so nice. I cleared my throat and reminded myself I needed to focus on the training session. I took her hand and pulled her towards a candle for the next part. I didn’t need to hold her hand but wanted to anyway. Luckily, she let me do it with no complaints. I’m glad.

I created a flame for the candle and Queen Celeste’s eyes widened in awe. She got so excited over a tiny thing and I just couldn’t really understand why. Maybe because I hate fire… Without thinking, I spoke rudely to Queen Celeste. I felt so bad the second the words left my lips. But she just smiled at me and told me it was okay. I couldn’t help but smile back. She’s so kind.

I gave Queen Celeste her next task and watched her prepare herself. She was so determined I couldn’t help but smirk. She will do well in all the elements. Probably will surpass us princes . I chuckled to myself at the thought and smiled as I continued to watch her. She finally opened her eyes and stared at the flame intently, waiting for it to grow. When it did, her eyes widened and she gave me a huge smile.

I felt my cheeks warm at her smile. She withdrew her hand and the flame vanished. My eyes widened in surprise, but Queen Celeste didn’t seem to notice it was her. She diminished it too?! She blushed at my praise and I smiled. But then she surprised me by saying my voice was soothing. I instantly blushed at her words. Soothing?? I hid my embarrassment with a bow but Queen Celeste just giggled. Warmth spread through my body and I truly smiled at her.

To my surprise, she sighed in relief. Did she notice? My eyes widened at the thought of her noticing I wasn’t all cheery. That’s when I thought of that day again. The day when I was just learning how to control fire and accidentally burned my little brother, Kie, and his room. Luckily, he only was a little burned on his right arm and shoulder. But I’ve disliked fire ever since. I only see the pain in his eyes and hear his cries.

I looked at Queen Celeste and hugged her tightly. She wouldn’t understand why yet but I made her promise not to try to use fire control alone. I don’t want her to get hurt. She answered my promise and I felt relieved. I loosened my grip and moved away to look at her face, leaving my hands on her shoulders. I smiled at her before placing my hand on her cheek. Please don’t get hurt . Her eyes widened and she blushed.

I instantly turned around and changed the subject to lunch in order to hide my tomato-red face. I can’t believe I did that! I felt so embarrassed and hoped that Queen Celeste wouldn’t notice. We talked the whole way back to the dining hall, but I kept stealing glances at her face and my hand. Soft…
♠ ♠ ♠
Braeden is my sweetheart! <3