Don't Mutter

CH 7

I woke up to Sam tapping my shoulder. It was morning and we needed to get going. I groggily crawled from the bed. I only slept about an hour, my mind was racing the whole night. Of course we had to get going once I really started to sleep. I looked up, Dean was at the table with his face buried in his arms. Did he sleep there? The bed next to mine was unmade, Sam walked passed. Well he slept in the bed? Both of them?

“Hey Evette will you wake Dean up?” Sam asked shoving clothes into a nearby duffel bag. I nodded my head and finally got up from the bed. I strolled across the room to Dean, it occurred to me I couldn’t just call his name. So I pressed on his shoulder blade with my hand. He stirred and looked up at me.

“Mornin’” he groggily wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. I backed away so he could get up. We didn’t stay long after I woke him. We had to get to the costume shop in town before we even consider going to the church next. And across the town we went. I looked very different in the day time, there seemed to be a lot more dirt and cactuses.

“You should come out now.” Dean’s muffled voice came from the other side of the curtain of the dressing room. Or rather dressing corner of a bigger room, it was really small. I peeked through the curtain. Sam was wandering around the room looking over the odd costumes on mannequins. Dean sat on an old diner booth, it was honestly probably put in this store for convenience rather than looks. They wore their priest outfits with the white collars. I opened the curtain fashioning the horrible outfit.

“Alright,” Dean smiled “You look cute, why are you making that face?”

I didn’t realize I was making a face, then I realized he called me cute. My cheeks started to get warm. I went back into the dressing room and removed the costume. As I dressed into my clothes again I held out the costume to Dean from behind the curtain. When I came out from the dressing room Sam and Dean were at the checkout stand. Sam set down a credit card on the glass counter. The clerk was bagging the purchase by the time I made it over. Sam handed me the bag and we were off to leave the store. It dawned on me that I should have just kept the costume on. Because changing in the back seat might be my only option now. It’s not all bad, it’s not like I’d stripping down naked in front of these two, just down to my underwear and bra. I was done changing within minutes of arriving at the church, well a block from the church. The church might think it would be odd to see a nun and a couple of priests climb out of a muscle car. My heart started to race once I stepped foot outside the car. I hope we don’t get caught.

“Okay so, once we’re inside we’ll need to split up obviously.” Dean projected.

“Well Evette needs to stay close to one of us, she’s vulnerable.”

“Right, now what are we going to tell them?”

“Father Paul and Father Jacob are looking for a new church after having a falling out with their old church. Sister Mary Ann who is MUTE is tagging along to find a new convent.” Sam made up an entire scheme on the spot.


The robe or whatever this thing was called was a bit long, I had to hold it up so it wouldn’t drag on the ground. We came up to the church, it had two towers with bell but hardly any windows. No stained glass to be found anywhere. The church doors were at least ten feet tall and made of brass. Peoples hand prints stained the bronze colored metal.

“Think we should have given her a gun?” Dean opened the heavy door and we filed in. Just ten or so feet in front of us looked to be a small fountain. An older man with red hair strode past us, he wore white robes with golden and green embellishments. He noticed us and stepped back a couple of steps.

“Hello.” He came at us with a greeting smile.

“Hello father.” Sam replied.

“Are you enjoying our church?”

“Well you see sir, we’d love to have a look around. We had a falling out in our old church and we’re looking for a new place to call home.” Dean told him.

“May I ask what happened?” the priest asked. Sam and Dean exchanged a quick glance.

“Donation money was used for personal gain, when we spoke up about it we were pushed out of the church. My sister was also pushed from the convent for being related to myself.” Sam lied. My ear started to itch furiously, all I wanted to do was scratch but my ears were hidden in this stupid hood thing. I curled my toes instead.

“I am welcome to having others join this church. I am Father Lloyd.” The priest held out his hand.

“Father Jacob, and this is my sister, Sister Mary Ann.” Sam shook his hand, the priest came to me and clasped my hand in his. He turned to Dean.

“Father Paul.” Dean shook Father Lloyd’s hand.

“Hello who are we?” a chipper womanly voice chimed in. A chubby nun came into view, her face was smiling so brightly it could be blinding.

“Sister this is Father Paul and Jacob looking for a new church to join. Father Jacob’s sister seeks a new convent.”

“I’m Sister Louise.” She directed her attention at me hiding around Sam.

“This is Mary Ann, she would love to introduce herself but unfortunately she is mute.” Sam told her.

“That’s all right, she’ll feel welcome here in our convent.”

“Shall we show them around?” Father Lloyd suggested. Sister Louise practically jumped at me and dragged me away from Sam. I got the idea she just wanted a new friend. They walked us into the cathedral room, Louise had her arm linked with mine. Ten rows of pews were on each side of the aisle. To be honest, it was a very bland church. No art, no windows, even the chandeliers above us seemed bland. No decorative moldings on the wall, not even sculptures of Biblical figures you’d usually see at your typical church.

“I’ll take Sister Mary Ann to the convent, I’ll show her the chapel later.” Sister Louise dragged me away. It was too late for Sam to say anything, I was already separated. I had the look of strain on my face, Sam and Dean watched me get dragged away into a separate room. A door closed officially dividing us.

“You’ll just love the garden we have growing between the church and convent.” Sister Louise opened a large heavy door, it was like the ones at the front of the church. A couple of stone steps leading downwards from the door was before us. I looked out, it was indeed a yard, lush, green, and full of life. It was a complete difference from what I just saw back there. Through the thick gardens and flowers was another stone building. It looked like a smaller version of the church. The bronze double doors opened from the building, two nuns emerged. We walked closer to them as they came closer to us on the pathway.

“Sisters, meet Sister Mary Ann. She’s looking for a convent!” Sister Louise called out. They were much older I noticed as we got closer. They’re close to my grandmother’s age. They were twins, they’ve been here since they were eighteen apparently. Since their names were so similar it wasn’t hard to forget them. Sister Olivia and Olive, their parents could have probably been a little more creative.
The three of them dragged me around the gardens showing me all the plants blooming for spring. Everything from corn to rose bushes grew there. It sort of calmed me, a beautiful scenery in all this is nice.
“We should show her inside.” Olive suggested. They all agreed and we were off to go inside the actual convent. We came up on the steps and walked up. Olivia held open the door, I nodded at her as a thank you. I wonder what Sam and Dean are doing right now, hopefully getting closer to figuring this all out. They’re my voice now.
The Sisters brought me into a hallway, the walls were lined with polished mahogany. A mahogany table with a beautiful bouquet of flowers sat in the center. The hallway split of like a cross. Each wing had a golden plaque labeling where they went. To the left was the kitchen, and to the right was the housing for all the nuns. Behind tall bronze doors was an office, or at least that’s what it was labeled as on the plaque.

“You know we should introduce her to Father Nathan, he so handsome you know!” Olivia chimed.

“Sister Olivia!” Sister Louise scolded.

“Oh I don’t touch but I can sure look.”

We came to the office doors. Sister Louise knocked on the door. A muffled voice answered saying to come in. Sister Olive opened the door and before I could even think of walking in the room my heart jump into my throat. My mind raced back to the bar. The man who bought me a drink, the drink I had that was spiked, the man that dragged me outside to my terrifying fate. He sat at a desk in front of us, he looked up from his scrawling hand. His eyes fell on mine. Waylon. Instead of every day street clothes he wore something similar to what Sam and Dean were wearing when we walked in here.

“Father Nathan, this is Sister Mary Ann. She’s come here to find a new convent.” Sister Louise spouted.

“Is that so?” his mouth twisted into a sickening smile.