Status: active


the notebook.

I was horribly and terribly nervous.

You didn’t realize it but I was. You were seated on the floor right beside me reviewing for our upcoming quiz in Zoology. We were given this break while our teacher was setting up the specimens inside the classroom. I remember you asking me if you could look at my assignment paper where we had to draw the specimens ourselves. I have never been so embarrassed for my drawings up until that moment when you asked for it.

It was after a few minutes that the group that we were seated with started talking about random stuff. We stopped studying for the quiz and started talking about other things instead. The topics changed from time to time until I randomly asked about a little black spot in my eye.

“Baka vein lang ‘yun.”, a friend of mine said.

“Vein ?! Itim tapos bilog?!”, you replied in return.

It was seeing your expression, seeing your face after what my friend had said which made me laugh so hard. You barely did anything but you’ve made me so happy so effortlessly.

A notebook from my friend was slipped onto my lap and I read the note that was written on it.

“Lakas ng tawa mo a.”

I smiled and blushed but made no response and tried to return the notebook. I extended it and the notebook was right in front of you and unexpectedly, without warning you snatched it from me to see the note.

I shrieked and tried to close the notebook before you could even read it even though it was still in your hands. You were shocked and time seemed to slow down because you looked at me as if I was crazy. It was then that I realized how I’ve embarrassed myself literally in front of you. It also made me wonder if you finally found out I liked you.

My bet was that you probably did.