Blood on the Midnight Roses

THREE-Small Piece Of The Story


Deep calm breath, back straight and look them right in the eye. I sit in the deep green velvet chair, my body and face are calm yet my insides are shaking and afraid. Officer John Krillian sits before me, his hard but also caring eyes looking deep into my soul. There is no escaping, no lying when he is around. I have to face him and speak only the truth, no matter who it hurts.

Officer Krillian; Hello Miss Arlington, I’m sorry we’re not meeting at a more happy time. How are you holding up?
Calista; I’m doing ok. I think I’m still in shock, trying to get my head around it all. The how’s and why’s.
Officer Krillian; I know Miss Arlington, we’re all in shock that this has happened and I want to let you know that we’re doing everything we can to catch this monster.
He gave me a smile that told me that he meant what he said, but was unsure that he could follow through with it. He pressed the play button on his recorder, marking the beginning of the interview.
Officer Krillian; This is Officer John Krillian of the Silver Wings Police Department, interviewing Miss Calista Arlington age 17 in the case of Autumn Campbell. Interview starting at 14:30 Monday 19 2015. Miss Arlington, could you tell me the last time you saw Miss Campbell?
Calista; Thursday 15, the day she disappeared.
Officer Krillian; I see. I believe that you and Miss Campbell were close friends, is this correct?
Calista; Yes, we’re been best friends since childhood. Practically sisters.
Officer Krillian; Ok. I see from the school records that you were both in the same classes that day. How did she seem to you?
Calista; Quite and withdrawn. She wasn’t talking much, or even happy. She was skipping school a lot, saying that she was sick. It was her first full day back, but she wasn’t herself.
Officer Krillian; Yes, from what I’ve read she missed six full weeks of school and when she was in, she wasn’t her normal self. Do you know why Miss Arlington?
Deep breath. Honest, I have to be honest.
Calista; I believe so. It’s all to do with this boy she was seeing.
Officer Krillian; A boyfriend? Strange, her parents never said anything about a boyfriend.
Calista; That’s because they don’t know about him, or what she was like around him.
Officer Krillian; How do you mean?
Calista; Well, um…when he was around, she’d swear out loud. She’d wear shorter skirts and corsets and leather clothing. They’d drink together, smoke cigarettes and weed and…have sex.

I dropped my head. It’s not like I’m that old-fashioned woman trapped in a teenage girl’s body. However since we live in an old-fashioned and very religious town, even the thought of an unwed girl having sex is a sin. Rule breaking only happened in the dead of night.

Officer Krillian; I see, so you were the only one who knew. Did you meet this boy? Do you know his name and where he lives?
Calista; I met him three times, all at parties on the outskirts of town. I remember his name, Raven Vincent and I think Autumn told me that he lived in the next town over. Knowing her gold-fish like memory, she most likely wrote his address in her dairy.
Officer Krillian; Do you know where the dairy might be Miss Arlington? That information could be very helpful to us.
Calista; Yes, it’s taped under her desk in her room.
Officer Krillian; Thank you Miss Arlington. Now your mother told me that Miss Campbell went to your home after school, and an eye witness said that they saw her leave two hours later looking upset. Could you tell me why she would seem upset?

Ok, here it goes. The hard part.

Calista; Yes, we had a huge fight.
Officer Krillian; And what was the fight about?
Calista; Her. You see Officer, Autumn started acting very differently during the summer, especially after one night she snuck out of her house to see Raven. After that she was skipping school, she stopped eating and talking to people and when she did speak, her voice sounded lost and broken. I was worried, I wanted to know what was wrong. I asked her what was going on and told her that I didn’t like her boyfriend, and the way she was with him. Who he was changing her into.
Officer Krillian; And then what happened?
Calista; Then she got angry, like really angry. She was yelling at me, like how dare I judge her man. She threw a book at me, grabbed her stuff and told me that she was seeing him that night at Teddy’s. You know, that bar near the woods?

He nodded his head, understanding what I meant.

Calista; Anyway, I tried to stop her from leaving by grabbing her wrist, begging her not to go alone. To at least take me with her, but she laughed in my face and threw me to the ground. She, she then told me that I was nothing more than a spoiled child and that I should f off! She doesn’t have to listen to this. She was going out and having fun and that I can’t fing stop her. She then called me a bitch and to stay out of her life.

Tears tried to escape my eyes, so I attacked them with my sleeve. It’s hard to relive the last time I saw my only friend. But know it’s out in the open, I’m afraid of what happens next. Soon the whole town will know the side of Autumn only I and he got to see. Will they believe it though? Will they believe me?