Days Gone By

An Invitation

I’m sitting at the kitchen table over a work assignment when Jack walks in with the mail, squeezing a stack of bills under his arm and tearing open a single white envelope. He pauses in the doorway, his eyebrows stitched together. I look up, waiting for him to speak.

“Apparently, our ten year high school reunion is in two weeks,” he says, unamused.

“Oh, ew,” I retort, sticking my tongue out.

“Should we go, though?”

“I don’t know. I’m not really keen on ever seeing that school or those people again.”

“Yeah, but… we could always go to brag about how perfect our lives are.”

“That’s true…”

“We’re the only high profile couple who is still together.”

“Are we really? What happened to John and Kenzie?”

“Divorced last year.”

“That’s unfortunate… we should definitely go to gloat then.”

“I’ll take the day off work.”