Status: Nano story.

The Night Shades.


My movements were slow, my body slightly hunched over at the shoulders and my eyes were droopy from the lack of sleep. When I had gotten home I hadn't realized that my father was awake, sitting in the living room drinking tea while reading a book. It was his normal routine, but last night was different. He seemed to be more on edge, maybe that's why I got lectured.

He told me not to stare at the woods any longer, that I would upset them. I would make them angry for being curious, he told me of the children would would watch the woods and then disappear with out a trace.

My eyes had narrowed as I listened to his speech, the fires light dancing around the room making his lecture that much creepier. He was afraid that I would be next, they would take me and use me for what ever purpose I could serve. That they were monsters of the night, that's why they were called Night shades. I didn't argue back, I didn't even speak back in fear of punishment, simply nodded in agreement and stalked off to my room.

But it wasn't long until the bright rays of sun woke me up,I tried to hide in my covers and sheets but my mother pulled from my body like pulled a string of cheese from the rest. Easy and efficient. Now I stalked through the village in search of eggs and milk, tired, hungry and grumpy. My feet dragging through the snow probably leaving a trail behind me.

"What can I do for you Ms.bardo." The stallsmen spoke as I slowly inched my way to his market stall, he was the only I came to for eggs, milk and bread. Cheap but worth while. Once I place the basket and money on the counter, he immediately got to work and started to fill the basket. Breads, eggs, milk and even some meat this time for free.

"A pretty lady like you shouldn't be carrying such a load alone." The voice was unfamiliar, this put me in alert as I turned in its direction. A man standing six plus feet tall with casual attire of jeans and a button up shirt, stood a few inches away. His hands were stuffed into his jeans pockets and his body was putting most of its weight in his heels.

My eyes slowly move towards his face but it was blocked by a hat, typical. Grabbing the basket, I placed it on my shoulder and swiftly turned my back to his front.I wasn't going to allow some stranger make me, a woman to seem weak and unable to carry such a load, even though it was heavy and my body ached for more sleep. "I'm fine." I responded as I started to make my leave, but it wasn't long until he stood next to me, as if he took merely a few long strides to reach me.

"That's all fine and well, but I will still accompanying you home." His voice, husky and deep but held a bit of something else that I couldn't place. Romantic? Sarcasm? I sighed trying to empty my mind of any thoughts it was having and thought that would come into place. But my heart still raced in my chest, not from fear, but from actually being accompanied home by a man from the market.