Forever and for Always Yours

It was you

BRIAN? Doodle had to be seeing things. He loves her, I opened my mouth to protest and he gave me a wicked smile. Oh my god, he did do it.
“What the fuck did you do Brian?” He looked rather twisted. Never in a million years would I have imagined him as the person who would hurt doodle. He has got to be kidding; this has to be a joke. Where’s Ashton Kutcher when he is needed? I looked at him like he had lost it.
“Looks like the cat’s out of the bag huh?”
“YOU DID THIS?” He smirked at me.
“Well yes I did, “
“Why? Why would you do that to her she loved you.”
“Actually the reason I hurt her has nothing to do with that poor innocent bystander. It was all because of you. You see it is all really simple. You hurt me badly. You should remember you turned me down; this could have all been avoided. You see last year I was in love with you and guess what I send you roses and teddy bears galore and do you know that you broke my heart. You gave him all the credit.”
“What are you talking about?”
“My fucking brother Aiden, you gave him everything. You ran up to him and showered him in affection. I hated him and I devised up a plan to destroy you.”
“You bastard,” I lunged at him. We rolled out into the hallway. I was beating the shit out of him. The doctors came in and broke us up.
I screamed, “Take that bastard to jail for attempted murder. He tried to kill Necole.”
They escorted him out of the room but didn’t take him into questioning. I was mad as hell. I sat and watched my best friend breathing with a machine. This was killing me. I couldn’t do this. I sat there in silence just watching her. I felt my phone vibrate and didn’t even look at it. I was in shock, I couldn’t help it. How could he do that to her? I didn’t even know him. At least I didn’t think I did. I thought Aiden only had one brother, and that was older. I just sat there with a blank ass stare on my face. How could he use her like that? This was all my fault I was the reason she was hurt. I am indebted to her badly and I can’t change that. It sickens me to think about it. I had hurt her again. I stared at her again. My eyes started to water. I am a terrible best friend. I do not deserve her. My phone vibrated again. I looked at the caller id and seen It was Mike. I didn’t really feel like talking but I had no choice when all our friends showed up.
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Yeaa sequel finally happy Dee?