Forever and for Always Yours

The same old dilema

The first ones there were Aiden, Nikolas, Chris, and Vlad. I looked at Aiden and I started to cry again. Necole is still lying there helpless. He looked at me and I seen how the Necole thing had hurt him as well. He looked troubled as well. I couldn’t help it I went and wrapped my arms around him. He tried to smile but neither of us was up to smiling at the moment. I found it rather ironic that my boyfriend has only tried calling while my ex is here. It is very ironic if I do say so myself. I paced the floor and kept watching her. I looked over and Nikolas had her hands in his. Aw he was crying she will never believe this. I just looked from guy to guy and I realized how big of a part doodle holds in our hearts. She means so much to us all it’s unbelievable that some jack as would come and try to kill her right in front of our eyes, under all our noses. Mike called again so I walked out of the room and answered it. I seen Aiden’s eyes shift because I am guessing he knew who it was.
“I got your message how is she?”
“Well if you would have came when I called you would know your fucking self now wouldn’t you.”
“Babe why are you snapping at me? I didn’t do anything to you.”
“You did do something; you didn’t come when I call. Do you know my ex is here but my boyfriend is not?”
“Aiden’s there?”
“Yea Aiden’s here he has been comforting me since he got here while his best friend is a mess.”
“Well I am on my way”
“Why now? Why would you come now you weren’t here earlier?”
The line got silent. I hung up. I walked back into the room and hugged Aiden. He looked at me quizingly. I just smiled at him and asked him to come into the hallway with me.
“Danni we have to talk.”
“I know we do Aiden you want to go first?”
“Yea I do, you can’t keep fucking with my emotions. One minute you want me the next you’re screaming at me. You love me but you don’t and I can’t so this. If you want me say so now but you aint fucking screaming at me later. Now what did you have to tell me?” I felt my breath caught in my throat, very rarely does he ever yell at me. So this surprised me and hurt me.
“I just wanted to say thanks for helping me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Today you were here and my boyfriend wasn’t so thanks.”
“I guess that shows you that you made the wrong decision.”
I watched him walk back into that room. Over the next few days Mike and I talked fewer and fewer and I could care less. He was really aggravating me. Do you know that he hasn’t been up here once since Doodle has been in the hospital? I am not here. It is getting so bad that they are bringing food to me when they bring her lunch. Which she hasn’t eaten. She hasn’t even woken up yet and it has been four days. I am starting to worry. The nurses came in a few minutes ago and told me to go home and change my clothes and shower and what not. I did just as they asked. I knew I had started to stink but I really didn’t care. My best friend could die and they expect me to look my hottest? I don’t think so. I came back an hour later with arby’s. I went to sit in my seat but almost ran into someone coming out of the bathroom. Who the hell was he and why he in my best friend’s room?
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sorry it took so long but my muse is gone
thats ok the chapter is still good