Forever and for Always Yours

Oops it slipped

What the hell did he want now? Aiden was peering over my shoulder and got a glimpse at the name on the caller id. He immediately rolled his eyes and jerked his arm back. I looked over at wankster and he smirked and shook his head. So I flipped him off and left the room. My phone had stopped ringing by then so I just stared blankly at the screen. Should I call him back? I opened my phone to do the right thing I guess but instead my phone made the charge noise and read new voicemail. I sighed and went to listen to the voicemail. I leaned up against the wall and started to tap my foot impatiently.
“Not goin’ fast ‘nuff fo yo shawty? Ya kno I can help ya out der, Imma good at hittin it and runnin’,” with that the asshole started to laugh. I rolled my eyes and started to listen.
“Hey babygurl it’s Mike, we really need to talk call me back as soon as you can. I love you.”
“Aw hot damn he gunna break it off.” I looked over and seen wigger standing next to me.
“You know that’s my personal business Jake.” I watched him shudder and then it dawned on me, the big bad ass wigger did have something that unnerved him his own name.
“Don’t call me dat it aint mi name aight.” He walked back into the room. I laughed and followed him.
When I entered the room Aiden stood and said his goodbyes to Doodle. He pushed past me and kept on moving without even looking at me. Nikolas went and hugged doodle and then ran after Aiden. Which now left doodle, Jake, and I. I then couldn’t control it, I looked over at him and I died laughing. He got pissed and shrugged his shoulders. Our eyes locked and we looked at doodle at the same time.
“Now nobody is here to save your dumb ass. Explain whitie over here.” She looked over at Jake and started to stumble a bit.
“Well Danielle you see he’s uh… he’s uh… holy shit its John Cena!” Both wankster and I looked at doodle jumped out of bed and grabbed her bedpan. She went up and cracked Jake in the back of the head with it. He falls to the ground and I start to back away from her.
“Look doodle I know you just woke up and all but no need to get crazy, wait what am I saying you already are crazy. Don’t go twice as crazy then right.”
“You realize you aren’t helping your chances any right?”
“Uh I am hotter than him?” She tapped her temple a moment then said, “Good point.”
We walked back over to her bed and I laid next to her. I started to play with her hair; it’s a habit of mine. I guess you can say.
“Alright I know you maybe surprised at what I am about to tell you but the guy I just knocked out with a bed pan is actually my…”
The nurse walked in with her lunch tray and interrupted her sentence. I sent the bitch death glares. She looked at me and didn’t pay attention to where she was going and tripped over Jake. She went flying upwards, not to mention the food went everywhere which happened to be spaghetti. So the once white room now had orange noodles everywhere. Plus her Oreo pudding and tea covered the walls as well. We looked around and died of hysterics. The nurse then screamed at the top of her lungs and in came in two more nurses. The first nurse was a little on the heavyset side, she walked in first and slipped right into the mess. The entire back of her nurse’s outfit was orange. She squealed and the second nurse was on her tail. She looked like she just stepped out of a playboy magazine. She had long blonde hair, big blue eyes and her boobs were popping out of her very low cut one piece dress which was also way to short. I wrinkled my nose and looked at doodle who coughed tramp a little too loudly. The nurse bent down and checked on Jake. He opened his eyes and the first thing he seen was her chest bent over.
“Bez mine shawty.” I felt something hit my chest hard then I got pissed. The nurse had him get into the bed next to doodle. She kept leaning and bending over. I felt that feeling come back. Doodle looked in between all three of us.
“Well I guess this would be as good as time as ever. Danielle I want you to meet Jake or a.ka. Ace… my brother.”
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so happy to have my laptop back