Forever and for Always Yours

hard on ?

If I had anything to drink it would have been all over her. That thing was her brother? He was smirking. I didn’t know if it was because of big boobed McGee or because I had been proved wrong. I scowled. I couldn’t help it I was mad. How could she keep something like this from me? I told her everything and she kept something like this a secret from me. What the hell man I feel so hurt.
“Now ya can get ta stepping hoe.”
“Excuse me was I done Jacob? No I didn’t think so. Danielle has been my best friend forever. I never told you two about each other is because for one Danielle you hate thugs. Wannabes and posers remember. Danielle you are not allowed to hit him when I say this. Jake you hate freaks. I knew you guys would never get along and now look I was right.”
I hate it when she’s right. The nurse started to giggle which brought me out of my thoughts. I felt that feeling creep up on me again. Then I heard her annoying voice. It was so soft you could barely hear it.
“Would you like some pain medication sweetheart?”
“Yea shawty mi head hurts like a bitch.”
“Ok I will bring back some morphine for you darling.”
I looked over at doodle who laughed. I grunted and hit her in the arm. I don’t like her right now. I got out of bed and started out the door and ran into the tramp… I meant the nurse. She walked over and set his medicine up and popped her hips and she walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and left the room. I decided to call Mike back. I waited while it rang. The fourth ring it was answered by a female.

Doodles p.o.v
I watched Danielle walk out of the room and I started to laugh. The last thing she thinks is going to happen. Of course I will find it as hilarious at that time as I do now.
“Hey NeNe wanna kno sumfin?”
“Yea sure what is it?”
“I gotta hard-on.”
“Ew dude you’re family. Tell someone else that.”
“Aight I will den.” All of this is before he hit his morphine pump, this was gonna be one long ass day. I hear footsteps and look up to see Dani walking back into the room. She looks like she had been crying, I went to say something but I was outspoken.
“Hey shawty guess what.” Danielle didn’t say anything just looked down at the floor. “Yo I iz talking to ya…. Yo goddamn bitch.” She looked up as a tear rolled down her cheek.
“What do you want?”
“I gotta hard on.”
“Ok why do I care?”
“Cuz I wanna kno how much ya charge ta take care of it.” I hit my forehead I knew it was going to be on after that last statement.

Danielle’s p.o.v
I know this wannabe did not just insinuate I was a whore. My boyfriends cheating on me and now some guy I don’t even know just called me a whore. I felt my knees go weak and I fell to the ground and started to bawl. This day can not get any worse.
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