When All Else Fails

Chapter one.

It started off a year ago. Things were slipping, hard and fast. Evil was lurking all around, tormenting and killing the human race. Of course we tried, as hard as we could. We were created to fight, created to win whatever earth and the human race was subconsciously battling. But life slowly, than immediately slipped. Everything went into chaos. We fought as hard as we could. Very little sleep and food, lacking on all of our necessities but putting ourselves aside to do what was expected of us. But we were stupid. I mean, how could a group of twenty teenagers fight against demons and entities all over the world? It was illogical, but we hoped for the best.

I watched as the world went down in flames. I continue to watch hundreds to thousands die on end. We have all turned on each other, putting our selfish needs in front of others. But it is not entirely their fault. We didn't want this to happen. But humans themselves are born corrupt, an evil sitting there inside of them just waiting to be let go and run the mind. The bad thing is that, once it is let loose, it tends to take control all of your brain cells and turn you pure evil. Very few can keep it in control and tame it down.

We are all alone now, fending for ourselves. It is most definitely scary being the kind of person I am and fighting by yourself. Once all hell broke loose everyone was fighting; blaming each other. We broke up and now doing our own thing. Twenty person group to single individuals in a single year. It’s is crazy how much could happen right in front of your eyes but you can't stop or help it. Kind of escapes you, in a blurr. If I could go back I would, to a time where we all were together.

This loneliness is something I wouldn't wish on anything.
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Just part of the prolog. Something a work in process.