Status: In progress



The day had come. Was it a day Dean was excited for? No. But it was a day he was anxious for. It was the day Dean left his home to go to college. Let's get something clear. Dean never really wanted to study and make something of himself. But he chose this path in order to avoid going on an even less desired path; his father's raging vendetta to kill whatever it was that killed his wife, Dean and little brother Sam's mother. Anything but that. After the tragic event that took hold of their household, John, their father, went completely mental. He had never given the boys even a second to come to terms with what happened or mourn the loss of their mother. He took them absolutely everywhere and nowhere nice. To say Dean was frustrated, was an understatement. And he knew his little brother felt the same way. So, the younger Winchesters made a pact. When Sammy was old enough to attend college, they would both go. Ridding themselves of their father for good.

To any normal parent, to see their kids wanting to go to school was a dream come true. To John, though? It was a complete nightmare. The last night together alone was a scream fest. John protesting that the Winchesters didn't care about their mother anymore, let alone their father, him threatening to never see him ever again and, of course, getting too close to Sam for Dean's comfort. It ended up being a very physical confrontation. One that almost landed Dean in the hospital. But, he had been through worse on his hunts and Sam had helped peel John off of him.

If Dean never heard from his father again, he would be okay with that. He had come to terms that his father was a complete lost cause and waste of time to try and "save". The only thing that really mattered to him was that Sam was doing well. His brother was his main, if not only, priority. He didn't really care about how he ended up after his academic four year run. Sam tried to encourage him to do something really substantial like he was doing, law. Something he always admired about Sammy; no matter how crappy Dean felt about himself and how truly shitty he was at things, his little brother always had faith that he could do much more than he was placed on this planet to do. Little Sammy always the one to crack a smile on Dean's face.

After much discussion, Dean went with engineering. That would be the one and only thing he was glad his dad taught him. Cars were something Dean could do blinded, stoned and with his limbs tied. He knew it all from start to finish and it encouraged him to study. Even the mathematics and science behind it. He liked learning about the mechanics, fuel injections, combinations of chemicals to lighten or heavy the fiber used to make the bodies of certain was all interesting to him. And easy. Therefore, he had a lot of spare time just doing another one of his past times he enjoyed that Sam never really approved of but knew he couldn't stop; just get high.

What else was he going to do? It was college, right? The time for experimentation and exploration. A time for hook ups and fuck ups. A time Dean would finally feel alive once again. And if it took suppliments to get him to that desired "alive" feeling, then so be it. It also didn't hurt that he was pleasant to look at. Having girls wanting to be with him after a 5 minute conversation really worked in his favor. He enjoyed it. He enjoyed not having to think about anything else except for his easy studies and letting his mind wander off to whatever happy place his drug of choice would take it. Anything but his beloved mother and wrecked father.

Dean knew he was a repeat, boring, boohoo, petty story. A walking cliche. He was that kid, "the kid that gets high cause he has too many issues". At first it bothered him, of course, but he quickly got over it. He learned it was a label people needed to make to associate with him and once they did, it was all fun times. And this happened with a friend he came to make due to mutual acquaintances and campus parties. His name was Fergus. His name had floated about several circles, being wealthy and actually a decent person to be around, which was weird for the older Winchester. All the rich people he met were complete dicks and the chicks were easier to get than extra large fries at McDonald's. Which is why Dean was so quick to judge him. But, something extraordinarily odd happened. Dean had run into some trouble with his drug dealer, as most junkies do. He consumed more than his wallet was capable of paying off. Things were going to turn for the worst, which didn't really faze Dean but he did remember his education was on the line. If this were to get out and he was kicked from school, Sam was going to find out. And if he did, he would be so disappointed in his brother. Dean couldn't handle it. He would rather get his ass beat up by his dad again than have Sam disappointed in him. He entered in a slight panic, not knowing what he was going to do before he got a text from his dealer saying they were good. That his "friend Fergus" had paid him. Why? Dean never knew. But, this caused the Winchester to find him and at least thank the guy. Dean was an ass in many regards, but when someone saved his skin like that just because, he knew he had to thank them. And with this event, they had developed a quick friendship. Sharing similar taste in outings and extracurricular activities, lets call them, it was a no-brainer that these two would become friends.

It was the weekend, now. And, like every weekend, Dean and Fergus found themselves at a frat party, drinking, surrounded by loud music that could barely be heard and girls coming up to them every five minutes. A scene Dean felt he would never get tired of. He was laughing at some dirty joke Fergus said, since that was his M.O., until he noticed a head of blue hair walk through the door across the abused frat house. Dean's eyes looked down to see who it belonged to and his eyes narrowed in on interest when he saw the girl. A girl he had never seen before. She had to have been new. It didn't matter how high Dean was, he would never forget a girl like that.

He nudged Fergus to get his attention from another girl he was speaking to. It took a few nudges since once Fergus was talking to a girl he was interested in, it was almost impossible to get him to look at you, even if you were dying. But once he did, Dean pointed at the blue headed girl who had walked in with some friends and immediately started to dance.

"You know her..?" Dean asked, as he bit his bottom lip unconsciously as his green eyes traveled down her fit form.
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