Love Is Suicide

So Long and Goodnight

"Take one more step towards that door Gabriella and you're never walking into this house again!" An angry Claire Andrews yelled at her eighteen year old daughter, who stood a couple feet from the front door.

"Good," Gabriella responded back in ice cold voice that sent shivers down her mother's spine. She walked closer to the door while glaring at her mother. The door opened. Gabriella broke eye contact with her mom, stepped out of the house and slammed the door behind her.

For a couple minutes, she stood on her front porch. She looked up at the dark sky filled with twinkling stars. A warm tear fell from her eye. Gabriella shook her head. She was contemplating going back inside. No, the voice in her head told you. You don't need her. You don't need anyone. You're capable of making it on your own. Don't let them see they've won. You can do this. With a new feeling of confidence flowing through her veins, she made her way down the porch steps with her head held high. Once she made it to the sidewalk, she turned around and stared at the large white house she had spent the last four years in. Turning abruptly to the right, she stared walking away. Away from her family and friends...a way from her life she used to deem 'perfect.' But that was before her father left...and before her best and older sister killed herself after she found out that her boyfriend, whom she loved with all her heart, was cheating on her. After that incident, Gabriella changed. She stopped hanging out with her friends and became distant from her parents. Another thing that changed was her view on love. Before her sister's death, Gabriella was a hopeless romantic and believed in true love. Now? All Gabriella views love as is suicide.

Which way now? She asked herself once she made it to the end of the block she lived on. Choosing a direction was hard. She had no idea where she was going. You could always turn back around, apologize to your mom and continue on with your life. Gabriella shook her head repeatedly. She couldn't do that. Part of her wanted to, but another part new that even if she did, it wouldn't change anything. I've got to know if there's more out there... With that thought in mind, she chose a random direction and started walking. After walking for about twenty minutes, Gabriella made it to the tiny town she lived in. She sat down at a bench and watched as cars drove by. Where do I go from here? Suddenly, Gabriella began to feel tired. I shouldn’t have taken those pills… That was Gabriella’s last thought before she passed out.
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