Love Is Suicide

The Notebook

An hour later, Gabriella found herself cuddled on the couch next to Gerard. They were watching The Notebook. Gabriella looked at Gerard. He was staring blankly at the tv. She elbowed him.

“You can try to act like you’re enjoying the movie!” She said firmly to him once he looked at her.

“Don’t get an attitude with me woman,” He replied teasingly. Gabriella rolled her eyes and went back to watching the movie. From the corner of her eye, she could see Gerard smiling at her.

“What?” She asked, turning her head towards him.

“Nothing,” He answered still smiling. Gabriella glared at him.

“TELL ME!” She exclaimed while scowling.

“Maybe I don’t want to.” Gerard replied back with a raised eyebrow.

“Than I’m leaving!” She stuck her tongue out at him and started to get up, but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap.

“You’re not going anywhere,” He whispered into her right ear. She had her head leaning against his left shoulder.

“Why did you take me here? Why didn’t you just leave me on the bench?” Gabriella asked softly, staring at her hand that Gerard was holding onto.

“Because I knew.” Was the short reply Gerard gave her. Gabriella sat up and turned around so that she was facing him.

“Knew what?” Questioned Gabriella, staring into Gerard’s eyes.

“That you’re the one.” Gerard answered, staring back into Gabriella’s eyes. Gabriella felt tears start to swell up behind her eyes and she shook her head.

“No. I’m not. I don’t believe in love anymore. Love is suicide.” She said, more to herself than him.

“What do you mean?” An obvious confused Gerard asked.

“My sister fell in love…and it killed her.” She answered, while glaring at Gerard. “I will not follow in her shadow!”

Before Gerard could say anything, Gabriella shot up and ran out of the door.


She could hear Gerard screaming from behind her, but she didn’t turn around or stop running. She ran to the one place she knew would make her feel better. Her best friends house.

For a couple minutes, she stood on Brooke’s front porch, pounding on the door. When Brooke opened it, it was obvious she was high.

“Gabriella! What on earth happened?” Brooke asked, despite being high, she always managed to be a caring friend.

“Can I come in?” Gabriella asked, avoiding Brooke’s question. Brooke nodded her head and stepped aside, opening the door wider.

Gabriella stepped into the warm house. She began to feel better. And she’d feel even better once she got what she came for.

“Do you have any H?” She asked Brooke, who just closed the door. Brooke nodded. “Can I please have some?”

“Of course,” Brooke smiled and started walking up the stairs. “I’ll be right back.” Gabriella just nodded her head. She sat down on the couch. A couple minutes later, Brooke walked back into the room carrying a needle and a band.

“Thanks,” Gabriella replied as she took the needle and band.

Brooke sat down on the couch. She watched as Gabriella tightened the band around her upper arm and injected the needle into her light pale skin. Once she removed the needle and band, she began to feel the effects. A feeling of calmness and soothing washed over her. She forgot about Gerard and what he said.

“Better?” Brooke questioned. Gabriella looked at her and smiled.

“Better.” The two friends smiled at each other.

Drugs and heroin aren't the only thing they have in common. They’re true friends. Neither of them can tell the other to stop. Both have tried. But after her sister’s death and her father leaving, Gabriella relapsed. Brooke not too long after. Her mother had passed away from breast cancer. Brooke took that really hard, they were close. It was her mother who first helped Brooke stop. But without her mom, she’s like a lost puppy.

“Do you wanna spend the night?” Brooke asked.

“Sure!” Gabriella responded happily.

“We can’t do anything though, I have to babysit Kristen.” Brooke explained. Kristen is Brooke’s younger half-sister. Gabriella looked at her quizzically. “What?”

“I thought you hated her, your dad and step-mother?” Gabriella asked. Brooke shrugged.

“It’s not Kristen’s fault her father is a lying, cheating asshole. And DeAnna didn’t steal him, he want willingly.” Gabriella smiled at her best friend. Brooke raised her eyebrow. “What?”

“My little Brooke is growing up,” Gabriella said pretending to be sad and wiped an invisible tear away.

“Oh shut up!” Brooke laughed. “What about you?”

“What about me?” Gabriella questioned solemnly. She knew what Brooke meant.

“You can’t keep pushing love away Gabby,” Brooke told her.

“Why not?” Gabriella asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Not all guys are like Jake. Besides, Kelly wouldn’t want you to end up alone. Somewhere out there is somebody who loves you.”

“I think I know who that someone is,” Gabriella sighed sadly. “But I think I may have screwed that up.”

“What do you mean?” Brooke asked, staring at her best friend concerned. Gabriella told her the whole story. From the fight with her mom to why she came to Brooke’s house.

“Talk to him Gabriella. He’ll understand.” Brooke advised her.

“I guess it couldn’t hurt.” Gabriella sighed as she stood up. “I’ll be back.”