Love Is Suicide


“Good morning baby,” Gerard smiled as Gabriella walked into the kitchen where Gerard was at the stove making breakfast. “Sit.” Gerard pointed at the table with his head.

Being the good little girl she is, Gabriella sat down. She couldn’t help but smile. This was the first morning she could remember waking up willingly. Despite her feelings, she also had the feeling things were gonna get worse…much worse.

“Gabby,” Gerard asked worriedly snapping Gabriella out of thought.

“Huh?” She replied confused, staring at Gerard who was staring back with concern filled eyes.

“You can eat now,” He said. It was than she realized there was a plate of pancakes and two eggs placed on the table in front of her. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Gabriella smiled reassuringly.

“Are you sure?” Gerard asked.

“I’m fine,” Gabriella repeated and started eating. Gerard shrugged his shoulders and also started to eat.

“So what’s on the agenda for today?” Gabriella asked as she stood up and placed her plate in the sink.

“Whatever you want,” Gerard replied walking up to her from behind and snaking his arms around her waste. She leaned her head back on his chest and thought for a minute.

“I want you to meet my best friend,” She said looking up at him.

“Okay,” He nodded his head. “How about you invite her and I’ll invite my younger brother so she doesn’t feel left out?”

“Perfect!” Gabriella exclaimed excitedly as she spun around and kiss Gerard hard on the lips. “I’m gonna go get changed and call Brooke!” She started to run towards the stairs.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do the dishes,” Gerard grumbled and turned on the water.

“Thanks baby!” Gabriella yelled over her shoulder once she was she was halfway up the stairs.

“Yeah yeah,” Gerard laughed.

Gabriella ran into the room and started jumping up and down on the bed. After doing that for a couple minutes, she stopped and picked up the cordless phone, which was laying on the night stand next to the bed. She dialed Brooke’s number and waited.

“What do you want?” She heard Brooke’s voice.

“That’s a nice way to answer the phone,” Gabriella laughed.

“Gabriella! I’m so sorry, I didn’t recognize the number. Where are you?”

“Home,” Gabriella smirked, knowing very well Brooke had no idea what she was talking about.


“I moved in with Gerard yesterday.”

“Damn girl! You just met the guy two days ago and you’ve already moved in with him. You whore.”

“Hey! I’m not a whore. And if I were, I would have learned it from you haha.”

“You’re funny.”

“I know.”

“But seriously, what made you decide to move in with him?”

“I don’t know… I just have this feeling that maybe he can save me. He’s different from other guys.”

“Okay… just be careful, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Don’t worry, Gerard won’t hurt me. He loves me.”

“Do you love him?”


“I’m happy for you Gabby.”

“Thanks. Hey listen, could you come over and meet Gerard? He’s inviting his younger brother.”

“Hell yeah I will!”

“Haha, that’s what I thought. I’ll be at your in a half hour.”

“K, bye Gabby.”

“Bye B.” Gabriella hung up.

“I thought you’d be dressed and gone by now,” Gerard laughed as he walked into the bedroom.

“Hah, well Brooke and I got to talking.” Gabriella said as she got up and walked over to the dresser.

“About what?” Gerard asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothing,” Gabriella smiled innocently at him while taking off her shirt. Once it was off, she saw Gerard staring at her. “What?”

“How come you wouldn’t get dressed in front of me last night?”

“Because I wanted to torture you,” Gabriella grinned after she put on a tight, plain white tee-shirt. Than she took off her shorts and slipped on a pair of jeans.

“You’re mean,” Gerard said, pouting.

“I know,” Gabriella smiled as she walked over to him. “I’m gonna go get Brooke now.”

“Do you want me to give you a ride?” Gerard questioned while wrapping his arms around her waste and pulling her closer to him.

“No, a little exercise won’t kill me,” Gabriella laughed. “I’ll be back in a half hour tops.”

“Okay,” Gerard said and than gave her a kiss. Gabriella walked out of the room and down the stairs.

As soon as she got out of the house, she began to skip. When she arrived at Brooke’s house, she just walked right in.

“BROOKE!” She yelled up the stairs. “Hurry your skinny ass!”

“Yes mother!” Brooke shouted back. A door slammed and Brooke came walking down the stairs.

“Damn Brooke,” Gabby laughed staring at her best friend’s outfit.

“What?” Brooke asked, batting her eyelashes and pretending to be innocent.

“You’re such a tart, let’s go.” Brooke and Gabriella walked out of the house.

“So what’s Gerard’s brother like?” Brooke asked after a couple minutes of silence.

“How am I suppose to know?” Gabriella replied.

“I don’t know,” Brooke laughed. Gabriella rolled her eyes. Then they arrived at Gerard’s house.

When they got inside, Gerard was sitting on the couch with his younger brother, Mikey. After the introductions were done, they decided what to do. Brooke came up with the brilliant idea of going to the movies. Since no one else had any suggestions, that’s what they agreed to do. Instead of taking both Gerard and Mikey’s car, they decided to just take Gerard’s. Of course, Gabriella sat in the front with Gerard and Brooke sat in the back next to Mikey.

“What movie are we going to see?” Mikey asked.

“The Grudge two,” Brooke and Gabriella both answered at the same. Gerard groaned.

“Why? It’ll probably be stupid like the first one.”

“Yeah,” Mikey said, agreeing with his brother.

“Fine, you two can see a different movie. We’re going to see the Grudge two!” Brooke exclaimed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You always were the drama queen B,” Gabriella laughed, shaking her head.

“ME?! Uh-uh! Remember that time when-”

“You say what I think you’re about to say and I’ll come back there and beat you sense-less!”

“You can’t do that.”

“Yeah, you need some sense first.”


“Would you children stop arguing before I turn this car around and go home?” Gerard interjected jokingly. Brooke and Gabriella stared at him and started to laugh.

After twenty minutes of silence, they arrived at the movies. Reluctantly, Gerard and Mikey agreed to see The Grudge two. While Brooke and Gabriella went into the theater, Mikey and Gerard got the snacks and drinks.

“So what do you think of Gerard and Mikey?” Gabriella asked.

“Gerard seems nice. And Mikey’s cute,” Brooke giggled slightly blushing.

“OMG!” Gabriella exclaimed loudly. “You’re blushing!”

“Shhh,” Brooke whispered. “The whole theater doesn’t need to know.”

“You like Mikey,” Gabriella grinned.

“I do,” Brooke admitted just as Gerard and Mikey walked into the room.

“Where’s my starburst?” Gabriella asked Gerard just as he sat down next to her. Mikey sat down next to Brooke who was sitting to the right of Gabriella.

“I ate them,” Gerard smirked, staring ahead at the screen.

“Gerarddddddd,” Gabriella whined, giving Gerard puppy eyes. Gerard pulled out a box of starburst from his pocket and handed it to her. When she went to grab it, he pulled it back.

“Gerard,” She said glaring at him. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will!”

“Would you two shut up?” Brooke whispered loudly. “The movie is gonna start!” Gabriella turned and looked at her.

“He won’t give me my starburst,” Gabriella said. Brooke leaned forward and looked at Gerard.

“Give her, her starburst.”

“Fine!” Gerard pouted and dropped the box of starburst on Gabriella’s lap.

“Thanks,” Gabriella said as she popped a Starburst into her mouth and focused on the screen.


“The movie was retarted.” Gabriella said sadly as the four of them walked back to Gerard’s car

“Told you so,” Gerard smirked and stuck his tongue at her.

“Keep it up Gerard,” Gabriella warned, narrowing her eyes at him.

“Wow, you two act just like little kids,” Mikey laughed once they reached Gerard’s car.

Gerard unlocked the door and they all got in. The ride back to the house was quiet, because Brooke and Mikey fell asleep. Gerard of course was paying attention to the road and Gabriella was staring out the window thinking. Tomorrow would be the sixth month anniversary Kelly’s death. She planned on visiting the cemetery. Last time she was there was for Kelly’s funeral.

“Gabby are you ok?” Gerard asked, once against snapping Gabriella out of her thoughts.

“Yeah,” Gabriella lied, looking at Gerard with a fake smile.

“Don’t lie to me Gabriella, I know something is wrong.”

“Fine,” Gabriella sighed. “Tomorrow is the sixth month of anniversary Kelly’s death.”

“Oh,” Gerard responded. He stopped at a red light and looked at her. “You never told me how she died, all you said was that your sister fell in love and it killed her.”

“She found out her boyfriend was cheating on and she killed herself.” Gabriella explained as her eyes slowly began to feel with tears. “After that, I vowed to never fall in love, because I didn’t want to follow in her footsteps.”

“Gabriella, I promise I’ll never hurt you,” Gerard to her as he grabbed onto her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

“I know,” Gabriella smiled at him. He smiled back. The light turned green and he started to drive.

“Aw, they’re so cute!” Gerard said looking over his shoulder at Brooke and Mikey. They were parked in front of his house.

“Yeah,” Gabriella agreed smiling. Mikey was pressed up against the door with his head resting up against the window. Brooke was leaning against him with her head on his shoulder.

“How should we wake them up?” Gerard asked, turning towards her.

“BROOKE MARIE! GET YOUR ASS UP NOW!” Gabriella yelled and than started to laugh.

“Not funny Gabriella Rose,” Brooke mumbled as she reluctantly opened her eyes and sat up. Mikey also opened his eyes and sat up.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” Gabriella grinned.

“Mmhmm,” Brooke replied while rolling her eyes.

“It’s late, you two should get going,” Gerard said.

“Right,” Mikey yawned. He looked at Brooke. “You need a ride home?”

“Sure,” Brooke smiled at him.

“Well, we’ll see you two later,” Mikey said. He opened the door and closed it after Brooke got out.

“Well that was fun,” Gabriella laughed. “I say we go inside and go to sleep.”

“I agree with you.” Gerard got out of the car and walked to Gabriella’s side and opened the door for her.

“Thank you,” She smiled sweetly, staring at him.

“Anything for my baby,” He replied and leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips.

With Gerard’s arm wrapped around her shoulder and hers wrapped around his waist, they walked towards the house.