Darkness and Madness

Chapter 2: Sane Man or Insane Beast? How can we Tell?

I decided to wander a bit in my new prison. I only took two steps to my left when I smashed my head straight into a shandler of those light orb things.
“Agh! why are these thing so low?” I asked myself, starting to actually look and study the room more closely. I found out that I was quite tall for the room. I roughly estimated that I was like 8 feet or 9 feet tall.
Then I started to hear more shouts, and voices. Again I could barely make them out.
“Thing…. Down….?” a feminine voice questioned
“Yes… You think…..?” a another more masculine voice questioned
“It’s…. huge not a couple of….. handle.” another male voice stated more sarcastic than anything
“We are the…. or do you…?” The female voice threatened. Then the door opened sending down rays of blue light down the old wooden steps, “Here?”
“Yes ma’am, down the steps into the basement”
I started to hear heavy metal footsteps clang down the stairs different from the two that rushed up stairs before in fear.

Right now I had two options
*Option #1: Sit/Stand and submit myself quietly to the people/guards.
*Option #2 Ambush them when them came down and get out as fast as I could.

I picked second option as I was not going to let some people treat me like a wild animal. I moved and flattened myself against the wall near the stairs so there was less of a chance of them seeing me when they came down. Then another one of those balls of light floated down the stairs.
“Wait, what?!” one of them asked dumbfounded, “He-He was right- he was down there I swear by the light!”
I started to hear footsteps come racing down the steps, but they weren’t metal so I knew it was one of the non-military or non-guards from before. “This isn’t good he’s going to see me!” I whispered to myself. He stood at the base of the stairwell looking around. At one point he actually looked straight at me, but seemed to brush off my presence as if I was invisible.
The other called from the top of the stairs with sarcasm, “Troy how do you lose a eight foot beast in such a small cellar?”
“Mike I really don’t want any of your-.” Troy was cut off by Mike
“Troy, Troy, Troy don’t we can’t be fighting in front of Miss major here. She’s our commanding officer remember? Or have you forgotten?”
“Mike don’t open that wound again or I- I’ll eh forget it.” venom dripping from his wordes as he spoke

No, at the moment I did not know what they were talking about. Later on I found out. Yeah it was some drama queen army or guard stuff more like: the friend I was with did this and then this happened blah, blah, blah you can figure it out. No you’ll have to wait or figure it out, I’m not just going to give the juicy secret to you. Ok back to the story, and something to add is a mysterious fact that I came to realize over time.

A Fact to realize for Sure:
I was utterly invisible to the naked eye.

I outstretched my arm to grab Troy, but before I went to grab him I examined my hand, then my arm then the rest of me. All there was is a slight shimmer where my body should have been. I was nearly invisible, now the rest started to come down there foot step blending in together. As the rest made their way do a remark of how each other was dumber to come or to call them here was a waste.
The female made the first comment, “How many times are you two going to cry wolf to the council? The council guard has more important matter to attend to rather than babysitting you two idiots.”
“Aris be quiet, this time it was no joke.” Mike snapped, “Don’t forget before you were in the guard you use to do the same with your brother and your younger sister!”
“Ugh, you're still the same Mike.” Aris said, “Even through-”
Mike cut off Aris, “Shh, do you hear that?”
“Hear what?” one of the guards said trying to hear what Mike was hearing.
“I think I hear breathing.”
I decided that was enough talk as I grabbed Aries pulling her into a bear hug, she yelped when I grabbed her and another guard gasped. The other guards raised their spears a small white crystal at the end of each one.
“Back. Away. Slowly.” I growled my voice sounding deep and dry, “Away from the stair or she popes.” Really I wasn’t going to do anything to her as a slow agonizing burn started up every time I tried to tighten my hold on her. I also could tell that my touch was the same to her as she started to struggle in short bursts and in less intensity.
“Let… Me… Go… You foul……. Beast” Aris gasped each word seeming to sap her strength each time she spoke, or even attempted to breath.
I felt fine just a small hint of fatigue was creeping into me. I was not going to get out of this unscaved if this kept up. I made my way to the stairs I stepped on the first step it creaked so loud that I thought it couldn’t hold my weight. I took another step up the stairs again the creek.
“It’s going to take Aris!” Mike gasped pointing at me
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Troy said snatching a spear from one of the guards. He threw it, but a black misty tentacle shot out grabbed it the spear inches away from my helmet.
My mouth uttered words that I didn’t think of, and definitely didn’t say them either, “You're so naive, a pathetic throw like that is not going to end me tsk, tsk, tsk.”
Troy’s face scrunching up in anger. As my new appendage snapped the spear in two as if to make a mockery of Troy’s failed hero attempt.
Aris again croaked out a few weak words now in more urgency, “T-Troy M-M- Mike get Imperious and Elder Tobin-” She passed out before she could finish her sentence
“Quickly we must move she’s losing her light getting moving up the stairs!” A voice in my head said.

No I don’t mean I thought the voice from earlier was thinking. No, I barely knew where I was and what was happening so no I didn’t think ‘It’ told me to in my thoughts. It was like there was another being inside me or something, or like I had another me inside me. But it knew way more of the world than I knew.

I did what it said I hurried up the stairs and as soon as I got up to the door of the cellar, three of those misty tentacles popped out of my back one shut and locked the other two grabbed Aris. I’ll make sure she is going to live and make sure she can’t come after us. I nodded in response. It put Aris in a armua. Bend this metal rod around the handles so she can’t get out too easily. I did as it said bending a metal rod the thing broke off from a nearby statue. Now we make our escape!
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Here is the next chapter to "Darkness and Madness". I hope you all enjoy, and if you have any friends, people who you know, or family members that may like this kind of story it is much appreciated. Alright everybody have a good morning, good night, or good afternoon. See you guys later.