Status: In Production



A thunderous crash echoed through the empty streets of the city, tall sky scrapers reaching upward toward the dark grey sky. Reaching up like hands, desperate for an escape from the city and horror below. There were no cars, no pedestrians, just silence and rain. Slowly, a soft pink began to creep into the grey of the buildings, consuming the color and making them far brighter than they were before. Yellows and blues mixed with the pink in a soapy kind of pastel shade as the clouds in the sky became bright carnations. They blossomed and opened, the rain water tainted with their murky pink and yellow shades.

Another crash sounded and down Center Avenue tumbled a curvy female form. She skidded across the asphalt of the road which was now beginning to flood with the murky pastel liquid. Rounding the corner, hovering just above the ground, was another girl. More slender, with bright blue hair pulled into buns on either side of her head. She wore a flowing yellow dress that ended at the knees, bright blue shoes on her feet with pink socks and gloves and jewels adorning her on her wrists, ankles and hair. She grinned brightly, holding a star shaped wand.

“Just give up, you’re no match for me! Not with my powers fully unlocked!” She giggled maliciously, making her way in a slow hover closer to the girl still resting on the asphalt.

Slowly, the dark skinned woman shoved herself up onto her knees on the ground, her lavender colored hair soaked with the murky water she’d been resting in. She peered over her shoulder at the girl in the air, her eyes a navy blue to match her navy blue, puffy dress she wore. Her petticoats were a lavender to match her hair, the pastel color looking almost sparkly against her much darker skin.
Stumbling to her feet, she glared up at the woman in the air, “You misunderstand your power! You may win this fight, but you can never destroy the light!” Brushing lavender hair over her shoulder, she reached her hands over her head and a bright light formed between her palms. It twitched erratically and formed into a wand with a heart shape to it. Holding it proudly in her hand, she charged for the girl in the air, who charged her right back.

The credits began to roll across the screen and a small framed, blonde haired girl sat in front of her television screen. Staring in shock at the cliffhanger, she whined loudly and threw herself back to lie across her bed, “No!! You can’t end the episode there! I need to see if Star actually kills Tammy!” She grabbed at her pillow, yanking it across her face to muffle her whining. When she’d started watching this show on Netflix, “Galactic Warriors: Princess’ Magic”, she had no idea she’d have taken such a strong liking to it. After all, the name was cheesy and it was an anime! Yet there she was, another weekend spent binge watching three seasons. Now it was time for the wait, the painful wait for the fourth season!

There were three soft taps on her bedroom door and it creaked open, her mother’s voice amused, “Agnes, what in the world are you doing?”

Agnes sat up, dropping her pillow to the side on her bed and whining at her mom, “My show ended on a cliffhanger and now I don’t know if Tammy is going to die! I don’t want her to die, she needs to be with Jules!”

Her mother flashed her an amused smile, leaning in the doorway and surveying Agnes’ messy pajamas. She hadn’t changed in about a day and a half, her pink sleeping shirt buttoned incorrectly and her pants rolled up to her knees. “You have to start packing, silly! You have to go back to school on Tuesday and you know we’re going out tomorrow to wish you well on your trip back!”

Agnes frowned and pouted, puffing out her cheeks in a childish way. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked away from her mom. She knew she shouldn’t complain, it took a lot of time and money to get her into her private academy, but it didn’t mean she had to like it. If she had it her way she’d stay at home, here with her family.

“Aggie, please don’t make that face at me, you know we don’t want to send you anymore than you want to go.” Agnes could hear the hurt in her mother’s voice and she realized she had shown too much of her disappointment in this situation than she had originally intended. After a quiet and tense moment, her mother spoke again. “I’ll be downstairs making breakfast, get dressed and we can go celebrate today too or something…”

Softly, her door clicked shut and Agnes looked at it with longing. She loved this room, this house, and her family. Slowly, she stood up and made her way to her window, pushing back the curtain with her hand and peering outside. Living in the countryside of Montana was no place for her to get an education though, and her family always told her that. It’s why she’d be back in a plane, flying to Lyseria. It was a small country, not many people knew it even existed. A cold country, but full of lush grass and vegetation too. It had one of the best educations in the world due to its all girl’s academy. A girl could be enrolled at any age and she would graduate officially when she was the age of twenty-one with skills to get a well-paying job and everything. A bit of a longer education time, but she didn’t mind it. All she minded was being so far away from her family. From her mom, dad, and little brother. It seemed so long ago when they had fled Germany. She’d only been ten at that time. Agnes mused quietly to herself, wondering where those seven and a half years had even gone before letting the curtain shut and turning away from the window to get dressed.