Razorblades & Butterflies


Beep…beep….I could hear the continuous beeping of a machine. I tried opening my eyes. They felt heavy as though bricks were laying on top them. After a few more attempts, I finally succeeded only to instantly close them due to blinding bright lights. After a moments hesitation, I opened them slowly. It was then I realized I was in a hospital room. I was laying on a hospital bed with my arms strapped to the sides. Seriously!? I can’t even kill myself right. Damn.

“Chloe?” I heard his voice. I glanced to my left and saw Frank sitting on a chair next to my bed. He had tears in his eyes. I felt myself heart break. He was crying because of me.

“Hi Frank.” I tried giving him a smile, but failed miserably. His eyes narrowed. I looked down ashamed. “I’m sorry.”

“You had me worried sick!” I could tell he was angry which made me feel even worse. I peeked up at him. His eyes were full of sadness and hurt. “Why Chloe?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered softly, avoiding his gaze.

Before Frank could say anything, a man wearing a doctor’s uniform walked in, staring down at a clipboard. His eyes were full of amazement when he looked up and saw I was awake.

“You’re awake.”

“Yeah,” I simply said. I bit my lip in order not to an a sarcastic remark.

“You’re very lucky your friend found you in time.” I looked over at Frank. He just stared blankly at me. I looked back at the doctor.

“When can I go home?”

“You will be released once the papers are signed.”

“Well give me the damn papers!”

“Chloe!” Frank hissed, staring at me with angry eyes. He looked back at the doctor. “Can we please have the papers?”

The doctor nodded his head and turned around and walked out of the room. He soon came back with the papers and left again.


“What?” Frank said from where he stood across the room looking out the window.

“I need help.” He turned around and I looked at the straps around my arms. Rolling his eyes, he walked over to the bed and picked up the clipboard and proceeded to fill them out for me.

Once they were filled out and given back to the doctor, I was allowed to leave. Frank waited out in the hallway while I got changed.

“I’m ready,” I said quietly, walking up to where Frank was standing talking to a pretty blonde nurse. He said goodbye to her, after being handed a piece of paper with her number on it, and turned around and started walking down the hallway without waiting for me. I sighed as I followed after him. He’s mad at me.

Outside we walked to Frank’s car in silence. He unlocked it and got in. I let out a deep sigh as I copied him.

“Are you ever going to stop being mad at me?” I asked after fifteen minutes of silence. Frank simply shrugged his shoulders. I let out a growl as I turned my head toward the window. I saw the street sign for my road, but instead of turning right he continued driving straight. Worriedly I looked back at him. “We are going?”

“Home,” he answered staring straight ahead. I scowled.

“My home is that way.”

“Not anymore.” Say whatttttt?


“I am not leaving you by yourself,” he replied glancing at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I do not need a babysitter Frank!”

“Apparently you do Chloe Mae!” He said, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

“Whatever,” I mumbled to myself as I crossed my arms over my chest. I was too tired to keep arguing.

We arrived at Frank’s house five minutes later. We got out and walked up to the door. Frank fumbled with the keys on his keychain until he found the one that unlocked the door. Without speaking to me, Frank walked down the hallway and then into his room. Sighing, I stepped down into the living room and sat down on the couch. I picked up the remote off the coffee table and turned on the tv. Nothing good was on so I figured now would be a good time to go and try to talk to Frank.

I paused once I stood outside his bedroom door. Hesitantly I lifted my hand and knocked. There was a brief pause before I got a reply.

“Come in.”

Cautiously, I opened my door and apprehensively stepped into his room. He was laying on his bed facing the ceiling with his hands tucked under his head. I stood there waiting for him to acknowledge me but no such luck. Sighing, I sauntered over to his bed and sat down on the edge.

“I’m sorry Frank.” I was staring down at my hands that laid clasped together on my lap. The bed shifted as Frank sat up.

“I know you are.” I looked up at him. He gave me a smile. I smiled back happily. He stood up and extended his hand to me. “Let’s get something to eat.”