For Robin


I held tightly onto my niece’s hand as we both silently watched as the coffin in which held her mother’s body was lowered into the ground. It was a grey rainy day. Taylor and I were the only ones left at the cemetery with the exception of the cemetery caretaker. Once the coffin was in place, Taylor go of my hand and advanced towards the hole, holding tightly onto the red rose she held in her hand. Tears in my eyes, I watched as she tossed the rose into the grave. She turned around and walked back over to me. I held my arms open towards her and she ran into them and started crying against my black clad body. The harder she cried, the tighter I held onto her. My heart was breaking. I never thought I’d have to say goodbye to my sister so soon. Just eight months ago she was perfectly healthy and enjoying life and being a mother. One word changed it all; cancer