Status: I have a bit written but need to look it over

Diaries of the Man Upstairs

Featering Chris Kendall,staring Chris Kendall, With Chris Kendall

April 28th

Pj's in!

And he's been gone for awhile now. I'm happy about that.

Stitches hurt. Dan won't let me move much.

I wanted to help pj.
He didn't let me.

I'll be fixed soon.

I think I'm gonna ask Dan to marry me.

I know he already did but I mean, I really want to get on it. No more saying no.

I'm ready.



Moonlight Sonata. I quietly play it, just to keep Phil beside me. He won't leave if I play it. I've figured that out.

I hear a loud bang from upstairs. I look down at Phil who's head is in my lap.

He was crying earlier, only because he was mad at himself for breaking my favorite mug so that brought us here.

I don't really care that he broke it. I know it was an accident.

Plus, I have better mugs.

Maybe not the same one mum got me when I moved out but it's nothing.

"Do you think he's okay," Phil asks, speaking for the first time in about an hour.

I just continue playing a little slower.

"He's fine. Just stay right here." I start to hum as I play. I've really learnt it in the past couple days. I've studied it to play for him because he asks me to almost twice daily.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in," Phil calls, knowing its only pj.

I keep playing the same part over and over again.

Pj slowly comes in, cup of coffee in his hands and takes a seat on the couch.

"Sounds really beautiful," Pj comments.

I smile. "Thanks..."

"Can you play Mozart," Phil asks. I switch songs.

Pj pulls up a chair by us.

"Let's have Chris for dinner. He really wants to meet you, Phil. I think you and Chris would get along really well, pj."

Phil grabs my phone, unlocking it.

"Chris Kendall," I tell him ad he searches my contacts. He puts the phone up to my ear.

"I'm not covering your shift tomorrow-"

"No no! Come over for dinner tonight... I got Phil here and his cousin Pj who's moved in with us and we'll just have dinner, watch some tv, chat, chill. Please?" Phil pressed a random note on the piano, making me stop, shaking my head at how wrong it sounds. I take the phone from phil, getting his arms wrapped around me.

"Is pj... cute?"

I look over at pj. He grins at me. 

"Someone's sounding gay..."

"I decided to try things. I heard trying being open worked. I mean, we're all a little gay, right?" He laughs. I grin.

A long whiny cry comes from Phil. I shake him, scared he's bleeding again. His head shoots up, making him whimper. I pull up his shirt, checking on the stitches and sighing in relief when there's no blood. He's had a terrible time healing... we had to go back to the ER because the cut opened back up.

"Well I think it'll be cute. He's very charming. You've gotta meet Phil though." I kiss Phil's head, he laughs.

"Fine! What time?"

"6," I answer. I play with Phil's hand. "Bring your funny voices!"

I flick pj, earning a poke in the neck, making me scream and jump off of the stool. Phil falls off, screaming in pain. Pj rushes to the phone.

"Dress nice! Well all be wearing sweats. YOURE IN A HOUSE WITH GAY MEN WE WILL FEAST ON YOU!" He hangs up, making a run for it.

I pull Phil up, pulling up his shirt to check on his stitches. He groans.

"I'm fine, Dan! Stop checking! You're paranoid!" He walks off, making me follow him just by the way he walks.

"Such a fine view," I mumble.

"Hm," he asks. I giggle.

"You know there's still a couple hours till he's actually here... we do have locks," I hint, grabbing him by the wrist.

"Aren't you worried about my stitches," he asks. I shrug.

"You can't walk like that and then say no." I pull him closer.

He pulls me to his bedroom. I grin. He closes the door and locks it behind.



"How's that salad going," I ask, wrapping my arms around my waist.

"You have one minute to put on pants," he threaten. "Pj's in the pantry. Make a run for it."

I groan, making a run to the bedroom. I change, fix my hair, and change the smell of Dan that rubbed off on me.

I run back to the kitchen, hearing Dan and pj singing as they set the dining room table.

"Phil, go get the door," Dan demands. I run downstairs, opening the door to find a nice, jumpy man at the door.

"Hello," I greet. He smiles.

"Hello! I'm Chris!" He shakes my hand. I let him in.

"We're upstairs. Peej is down here. Sorry about that." I lead him upstairs.

"Phil, I watch your videos. I personally think you're hilarious... or I should say amazingphil!" He smiles really big at me. I blush.

We get to the actual flat and the smell hits me. I hadn't noticed it earlier. It smells like heaven... like God came and kissed my nose and left.

I follow my nose, being greeted by a beautiful soufflé and an even more beautiful blueberry and peach cobbler. I reach over for a fork, only to get my hand slapped away by pj.

"Nothing's changed! Out! Into the dinning room! Stay there! And sit on your hands while you're at it! Dan!" Pj pushes me out, snapping random complaints to me.

Dan comes over, sitting me at my seat.

"Chris, were in here," he hollers. I get slapped in the arm. "Didn't even show the man around!"

"I smelled food," I defend myself. He gives me the look your mum gives you when she catches you taking something and asks for it back.

"Sit there and sit still or else I will sit on you. Now what do you want to drink? You finished off your favorite wine last night."

I groan really loud. He laughs, taking a seat on my lap.

"Peej! Phil wants a glass of juice!" Dan smiles really big. Pj comes in with food.

"Phil doesn't like juice! I'm not an idiot!" Pj sticks his tongue out at Dan, turning around to find Chris just centimeters away from his face. "Whoa...," he whispers, turning bright red.

I giggle, pulling Dan closer. Not that you could be any closer, honestly.

We are practically molded into one.

"You knew this was going to happen, didn't you," I ask.

He nods, playing with my hands.

"Sorry," Chris whispers. Pj blushes harder.

"No, no. My bad. Have a seat! I uh... I kicked Dan out of the kitchen. I had no interest in what he was saying, to be quite honest. It was gross and yeah... I hurt." Pj kind of stumbles and rambles on. Chris blushes too, taking a seat. At the table.

"What would you like to drink," pj asks, helping Chris.

"Water is fine," he says with a smile.

"Beer," Dan yells. Chris smiles, sheepishly. He nods.

"Beer all through," I yell, making Dan jump. He puts his hand over his heart. I laugh, kissing his head. He pulls my hand closer to him. I smile.

"I love you, kid," I whisper. He blushes.

"You're a pain in the butt... literally," he replies, obviously meaning I love you too! Psh! That's what he's thinking.

"Hey Phil, could you be a pain in the butt a little quieter because I can hear you going alllllllll night long," pj says with a smile.

"I can only get louder," Dan laughs. I shrug.

"He's the one who controls it. It's his mouth." I kiss his neck, getting a giggle. Pj gags and Chris just sort of coos.

"Don't you have food burning," Dan asks. Pj' s eyes nearly pop out as he runs to the kitchen. Dan turns around on my lap, wrapping his legs around my waist.

"Don't forget that Chris is feeling abandon," I mumble. He shakes his head.

"He's been waiting for this!" Dan pulls me closer, kissing me. Chris claps and cheers, making me laugh really hard while Dan continues to try to kiss me but failing.

"Try something," I giggle after pushing him away. He looks at me, confused.

"Stick out your tongue," I instruct.

Dan looks behind to Chris. "DO IT," he yells. He taps his fingers, waiting.

He sighs, giving into my ways.

He sticks out his tongue as far as it can. I stick out mine, touching his, making him pull away and look confused. I frown. He uses his hand to open my mouth, putting his tongue in it.

"Oh my gosh get a room you are grossing me out," pj yells. Dan starts to moan, putting his hands in random places but hitting my special place, making my breath hitch. He smirks at that, coming back to kiss my nose and then hop off of me.

"Is that a form of torture," I ask.

He just looks at me all innocently.

"Dinner is served," Pj announces. He takes the seat beside Chris since its the only one. I smile to myself.

Pj fixes our plates.

Dan takes a bite of my soufflé, making me stare weirdly at him. "This is so good, I wanna bend Phil's mum over the table and smack that woman!"

"What," he asks.

I take a breath, letting it slide. "The vegan diet," I ask.

He shrugs. "Maybe in 6 years we should try something new," he mumbles. I smile.

"You know what else we should try," pj says.

I take a bite of mine, nearly chocking when pj decides to speak again.

"So I read Phil's special book under his pillow and... after dinner I have special plans. Also, Phil's scared to say it but he's ready for the wedding."

Dan spits out his food, going into a coughing fit. I feel the color drain from me completely.

When Dan catches his breath, it looks over at me.
"Is he serious or is this a cruel joke?"

"Dan, you're 19 you've not figured out your life yet! You're working at a Starbucks and paying with your uni fund for the 2 of us. I want to but you can't take that. You know you can't."

He bites his lip, looking me in the eye. "Yeah," he asks. "Prove it." He gets up, pulling out my chair.

"I'm not going to prove that it's too much weight on your shoulders, Dan. That's ridiculous." I pull myself back in.

He pulls me right back out.

"Marry me," he demands.

I laugh. "Dan, stop it-"

"Marry. Me." He gets on his knees in front of me.

"Okay," I give in. He smiles really big.

"Marry me, Philip Michael," he asks, once more as a question. I nod.

"Yes, Dan... ill marry you." I blush. He takes his seat from earlier on my lap, kissing me before returning quietly to his food.

"Let me tell you right now, it's always like this and knowing them, you'll never have a dull moment. They're always doing something questionable." Pj fills Chris in.

"Here I was, thinking Dan was normal," he says with a laugh. Dan shrugs.

"I'm not weird! I'm entertaining," he mumbles. I giggle, kissing his ear.

"You entertain me," I whisper, getting a gag from pj.

"They're also disgusting." He throws a grape at me, which Dan catches and eats.

"Okay okay but if we're getting married, I'm gonna have to look better," I announce, taking another bite. Dan wiggles, getting himself into a little trouble, causing there to be a big hickey on the back of his neck. Chris cheers me on as I do it, making me laugh.

"Why do I live here," he mumbles. I smile at him.

"Because I'm your favorite," I answer, even though it was rhetorical. He sticks his tongue out at me. I just play with Dan's hair while he picks food off of my plate and onto his, thinking I won't notice. I did. But why stop him? I'm just glad he's eating.

I love this kid.