Status: I have a bit written but need to look it over

Diaries of the Man Upstairs

Look at Us

August 26

I know I haven't been writing lately but I've been real into Dil lately and studying for my drivers test... and Dan. Really caught up in Dan.

I'm really excited!

Dan and I are in the process of building a nursery.

It's tiring but it's really coming along.

I added a picture so that we can remember it.

Pj is going to paint Dil on the wall by the bed and we want to hang clouds from the ceiling.

We chose yellow because we didn't want a gender tied color.

We didn't want to know the gender yet but I'm hoping for a boy.

Dan's voting girl.

Dan wants one of each.

I want to make it through one and base it off of that.

In reality, we know who will do the work.

But back to the gender.

We're trying not to make a deal because it doesn't really matter.

It might be like pj and want to completely change.

I'm okay with that.

I want it to wait till its older for awhile though because I want it to be positive before major changes.

But I'll let him wear a dress and make up or her wear short hair and beanies.

Dan laughed when I asked what he'd do.

First I was really offended.

Then he was like why are you even asking.

I love that man so much.

I think I'll always be unprepared but I am waiting eagerly.

Very eagerly.

I'm so happy.

3:28 pm


"Dan," I ask, putting away a couple baby outfits. He walks in with a huge smile.

"Look at my man," he exclaims, pulling me into a hug.

"I need a second opinion on this," I state, holding up an outfit with monkeys on it. He smiles.

"Love it. So will Dil."

I hear a loud thud, making me jump. Dan flings me away from the door, throwing his arms around me, back facing the door, and looking back to see that it's only Troye.

I blush at him protecting me.

"Dan... I need a man to man talk... that's not ty... if you don't mind..."

Dan looks at me as if to ask me if it's okay. I smile.

"Go ahead... I do get you for as long as we both shall live, right? Troye wants man on man. I'm going to hang up the mirror.  Tell Tyler that I have his pictures." I pull the step stool out of the closet and set it up.

"Come on Troye," Dan yells, pulling Troye to the kitchen. I watch as Dan pours them both a glass of grape juice. "Nutella talk."

I watch him get the Nutella out.

I smile to myself and go hang up the mirror.

As I start to hang up the blinds, Troye scares me by popping up right next to me.

He shyly waves at me. I wave back. I look back to see Dan giving Troye a thumbs up in the doorway. I nod, getting the concept.

"Y-your eyes are... they're very blue today... And that shirt is really nice," he whispers. I grin.

"Thank you... I'm flattered, but i am really happy with my Dan and were expecting! I'm so sorry... but Dan is my other half. I couldn't ever..." I play along, peeking over at Dan, who is blushing and hiding his face when he notices me looking.

"Oh- oh! Oh... it's okay! I'll move on... thank you for hearing me out..." he smiles and runs back to Dan. I wave at Dan. Dan blushes again and walks off with Troye.

I laugh to myself, finishing my job.

"Troye, Dan, I'll be in my room. I love you!" I only holler, deciding they'll be fine without me coming in.

"Love you too," I hear both yell.

I go up to my room, which is the basement. Half of it is my space and the other is storage. I chose the basement. I get to be behind all of the storage stuff. My choice.

See, the thing about my room is that it's actually cluttered with pictures. Most of them are Dan without him knowing.

It's creepy maybe but... I just couldn't let them go. He's a model and he doesn't believe me.

Oh! That reminds me! I have pictures to print!

I get my computer, checking to see if my video posted and grabbing my camera.

I run out.

"I'm leaving now," I yell.

"Be safe," I hear Dan, literally right behind me. I kiss him goodbye, peeking in the kitchen to wave bye at Troye and then I head out.

I had grabbed my bag before I left so I put it on. I get stopped by a girl, running up to me, crying.

"A-amazingphil," she screams in a northern accent.

"Hi," I say with a grin, holding my arms out for her.

She climbs in my arms. I smile, hugging her.

"Is there anyone with you," I ask. She shakes her head.

"Heading anywhere," I ask.

"Home," she says, letting go of me.

"Would you like to go get pictures with me," I ask. She screams. "Okay but please don't scream! Can I have a name?"

"Alex," she whispers.

"That's beautiful... want to look through my photos? No taking pictures of the pictures though. Also, don't tell."

"No one would believe me," she shrugs. I hand her the camera and we start walking to a Walmart. Why not? It's cool to spend time with fans.

"This is so cute oh my gosh!"

I look over her shoulder at it to see which picture. It's of me waking Dan on his birthday. I blush.

She smiles at me. I blush deeper. "Y-yeah... he's cute, isn't he," I whisper. She squeals.

"I uh... I watched your coming out video," Alex states. I grin.

"Yeah," I ask. She nods.

"It inspired me to ask the guy I like out... he reminds me a lot of Dan..."

"We should go to Starbucks and invite them after we get pictures," I suggest. She smiles really big.

"I'll call him," she mumbles.

"It's nice to actually meet someone straight. Lately I've just been stuck in a house with my gay cousin and my boyfriend... with frequent visits from Tyler and Troye..." I fumble with my zipper on my jacket.

We get the pictures printed and I call Dan. We head to Starbucks and we meet up.

Dan shows with a jacket for me as well as himself.

"Hey, it's late and cold so I thought you'd want this," he explains. He puts it on me, kissing my head.

"It's leather," I state. He smiles, all proud of himself.

"Mhm! But it's not black though. It's dark brown. I knew you'd prefer it."

He blushes, grabbing my hand.

"Take a seat. I ordered for you. Say hi to Alex and we're waiting on her boyfriend."

Dan takes a seat next to me and rests his hand on my leg.

"Hi Alex. How, how did this thing with Phil... happen?"

"Oh! She's a fan." I nod and pull the jacket tighter on me.

It smells like heaven. It's nice and warm. It's also stiff but it's nice.

"Hi," she says with a smile. "I was just walking and he showed up and asked me if I wanted to get pictures printed with him."

"Oooo what'd you get," he asks.

"Nothing! It's for my room! You don't get it!"

"Give it," he yells. I hang my head. He grabs the pictures from the bag.

I watch his expressions as he looks through them.

They aren't that great.

But at the end, a small blush and a kiss on the ear.

"I didn't know...," he whispers. I blush.

A guy walks up and starts to freak out.

Didn't take long to realize that it's Alex's boyfriend and he's a huge fan. Way huge.

Dan was a bit awkward the whole time... well, worse than usual.

When we get home, he's quiet.

"Dan...," I ask. He looks up at me and nods.

"Are... are you mad," I ask. He shakes his head.

"You don't seem happy," I whisper. He shrugs.

"You're a really good photographer, Phil... I've never seen anything that good of me. I... actually thought I looked okay..."

I bite my lip, nodding.

"You take quite a bit of pictures... especially while I'm sleeping...," he whispers. I shrug. He pulls his jacket off of me, kissing my neck from behind.

"I think sleeping is the most vulnerable, childish, and most adorable aesthetic setting. You draw my interests when you don't know I'm looking at you. That's when you look most beautiful. When you're not paying attention. Then one day I just wanted to see how many pictures I could get until you noticed I was taking pictures. You didn't... but I realized how much I love it... that's how I decided to apply with ty. Nothing feels as good as taking pictures of you though, Dan..."

"Not even tonight," he asks. I blush, shrugging.

"I dunno... there's more than this..." I state, putting the pictures on the table.

"I think this'll be better," he smiles, kissing me. I don't kiss back, which makes him look at me weirdly.

"No, I'm lead," I demand, kissing him again, roughly. He pulls me into him and slams me against the wall.

I really love this man.