Status: I have a bit written but need to look it over

Diaries of the Man Upstairs

Holly Marie Combs


"Phil," I call, searching the bathroom cabinets for his pills. "Phil?!"

"Honey, Phil can't hear you. He and Sarah are with the baby."

"Sarah," I ask, really confused. I turn around to see a young holly Marie combs. I just stare at her for awhile.

"Okay but jack wants his daddy so please," she asks. I stare for a minute longer.

"What are you doing here," I ask. She laughs.

"I got a break so I thought why not go see the hubby," she says, hugging me. She smells nice to be quite honest with you.

"I'm going to get jack. Where's Phil?"

"Downstairs... like always..."

I nod, running out to go find jack who appears to be my child. He was quite the cute child to be honest. He has nearly black hair and my skin tone. Her smile though.

I pick him up, carrying him downstairs with me and knocking on Phil's door.

Sarah Michelle Gellar opens the door...

"C-can I have Phil...," I ask. She nods, letting me in and getting Phil.

"Dan... what's up...," he asks, quite awkwardly. I shrug.

"I'm married to holly Marie Combs," I answer. He arches his eyebrows.

"Yeah," he states. I frown.

"Can we... can we meet outside for a minute," I ask. He shrugs.

"Sarah, we're going out," Phil calls.

"Okay, be him by dinner," she yells back. I nod. I drop jack off with holly and go out and meet Phil.

"What is it," he asks.

"Why am I married to holly... and you Sarah...?"

"Because we love them?"

"Why aren't we married...," I ask, getting nervous.

"Because that's really weird. Are you feeling okay, Dan? Should we take your temperature?" He puts his hand on my head.

"I'm... fine... but why are... Phil... what's going on?" I start to panic. He just watches me. That panicle me even more.

"I don't understand, Dan," he states. I look at him for a minute or two.

"Me ether... what's going on?" I look him straight in the eyes. He shrugs.

"Beats me," he mumbles.

I pull his chin up to look at me. Then I kiss him.

It started off real slow but it was still nice. It felt like a warm hug on a winters day.

I run my tongue against his lip before being let in. I feel his hand on my back, pulling me up.

He pulls away.

"I knew that would work," he states. I blink a couple times, getting used to the light.

"Don't tell holly," I mumble.

He furrows his eyebrows. "Okay but I'll have to find her first."

"Where am I," I ask, confused. He laughs.

"Asleep on pj's couch. He practically begged me to get you up."

I look around, realizing it was all only a dream.

"Oh thank god! I'm no longer married to her... okay... I'm starving. We should run through McDonald's. Hey Phil... did you take your medication today?"

"No... waiting on a refill... is it okay if I'm unstable today," he asks. I smile really big and nod.

"You got a hair cut," I mumble. He nods.

"Yeah and I'm taking you to get one in 10 minutes so go get ready."

"Oh... okay..."  I get up and dressed and ready just slightly late but... oops.

After we get my hair all chopped off, which by the way looks really nice. I like it. Of course, Phil complained about his and it making him look old, me fighting back with he is old. I got punched in the arm......... I did deserve it big time.

"So holly," he asks. I shake my head, laughing.

"Ah yes... I married piper Halliwell and you married Buffy summers... we do not look like dads."

Phil smiles, nudging me with his elbow.

"I think you're hot. Here comes a new little Dan coming along. I can't wait... d-did you know that you're adorable?"

"No... tell me more...," I blush.

"I think I am the luckiest man alive. I need no woman. I have Dan." He grabs my hand before stoping really hard. I look at him.

"Are you okay," I ask.

"No," he exclaims. "No! Are you kidding me... Dan..."

"Yes," I ask. He pulls me behind him.

"Do you see my dad too or is it the lack of meds," Phil asks.

I look where he's looking, noticing the tall man with brown hair and the smile I dread more than anything.

"It's him alright," I whisper.

"Go say hi with me," Phil mumbles, jerking me to where my dad is asking a woman if she knows where Phil is. I laugh.

"Dad, he's behind you," Phil states. His dad swings around.

"PHIL !" He hugs Phil, giving him a squeeze. Phil keeps his hand in mine.

He lets go in what felt like hours but that's okay.

"Oh... he's still here," mr. Lester mumbles. I shake my head with a smile.

"Nothing gets past you, sir," I mumble. He laughs.

"Nice meet, dad! Now go back home so me and my husband can enjoy our stroll. We have to get food for him and pills for me so hurry."

"Phillip Michael Lester-Howell... whoa you have a long name... please just don't cause a scene."

He rolls his eyes, pulling me around his dad and just walking.

"I got payed today so still McDonald's or..."

"Pizza," I ask. Phil nods. His dad is calling after us but Phil just keeps walking.

I hear him walking after us. Phil just stops and kisses me. I pull him into my chest and hold him tight.

"Don't come back. Just run." He pulls away and nudges me. I shake my head. He nods, kissing my cheek and heading toward his dad. I pull him back and we keep walking

"Just let him follow," I mumble. Phil nods and keeps walking I smile at him. "I've gotten quite taller," I point out.

"You are quite a giant... but that's okay. The taller you are, the easier it is to do this." He grabs my bum unexpectedly, making me jump and squeal.

"You monster," I yell, shoving him. I slap his bum, making him gasp. I stick out my tongue.

"No no! The only way you should use that tongue at me is when is actually touching me and we're alone. Put it back."

"I used it on your mum last night," I come back. Phil rolls his eyes.

"Y-... your mum!"

"My mum is a saint," I yell.

"Literally," Phil shoots back.

I frown.

"You now owe me breadsticks, Lester!" I groan.

"You were going to get some anyway and that's Lester-Howell to you mister go around and correct everyone!"

"Phillip, Daniel and Dil Lester-Howell," I mumble, taking Phil's hand back in mine. Phil pulls me into the pharmacy to grab his pills for his mental issues.

I pick up mine as well. He watches me like a hawk as I receive my prescription. He looks at me, confused.

I smile at the lady, paying for both of ours.

"Where does all of this money come from," he asks as we're leaving. I shrug. "You were fired..."

"Yeah... but I know how to save, a-and my family is on the richer side... you've never met my family," I whisper, getting uncomfortable about still living on my fathers pay.

"Why haven't you told me," he asks. I shrug.

"I want to make it on my own... on... our own... but since I've been unemployed, I've maybe asked my dad to slip in a little extra on my monthly uni fund... I needed to do my part..." I play with my fingers.

"And the pills," he asks. I blush.

"I take about half a medicine cabinet, Phil... just having a hard time dealing with life. I didn't want to worry you." I put both bottles in his backpack, zipping it up and kissing Phil's head.

"Dan... it's nothing serious, is it," he asks. I shake my head.

"Small things. Antidepressants, ADHD meds believe it or not, anxiety meds, thyroid meds, sleeping medication... and meds for anorexia," I whisper. "That felt good to say out loud... do you know how hard it is to wake up before you just for meds and then going back to bed?"

"They're all mental related," Phil replies. I shrug.

"I went through a lot from 15 till I met you," I mumble. He hugs me. I smile, squeezing him. He lets me go, stopping at our next destination. I find seats while Phil orders.

He sits across from me, playing footsie for a minute or two.

"So what I'm getting from all of the meds you listed is that for a good 3 years all you did was sit in the dark," he speaks up, scaring me.

"Pretty much... I twitched a bit. Some days I would jog till I puked. It's messed up my stomach and so now I don't jog and I can only eat so much at once. I can't tell when I'm hungry ether unless I'm starving."

I hide my face in my hands. He pulls my hand down, taking it in his.

"I love you so much, Dan,"
He mumbles. I nod, wiping away a tear or two.

"Ditto," I reply. He starts to dig through the backpack, pulling out a tissue and cleaning me up.

"Don't you forget that because I always will." He kisses me before leaving to get our food. He comes back with more than I expected him to. I smile.

"Take your time. Big boy's gotta eat."

"That's what pj said when Dil happened," I murmur. He spits out his food, turning away to cough really hard for what felt like hours.

"You're a terrible person," he yells after recovering. I grin. He turns bright red. "Oh my gosh, that's not what I needed!" He cringes, gagging and taking a drink. I blush.

He's so cute. like a little bunny. My little bunny.

I really got lucky.