Into Your Arms


I walked down the deserted country lane, my leather jacket thrown over my shoulder. My heels clacked on the smooth blacktop as I walked. The only light came from the moon and stars above me. I hated this place, Mystic Falls. It was a small town in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a large forest.

It seemed like I had been walking for an eternity. I was tired and hungry. As I continued to walk I noticed a dim light coming from behind me, with each second it grew brighter. I could hear the engine droning as the car sped down the road. It flew past me and slammed on the breaks. It screeched to a halt about 20 feet ahead of me.

The driver’s door opened and out stepped a young man. His face was round and slightly chubby. He had short blonde hair that clearly had a mind of its own. His eyes were a deep chocolate
brown framed with long thick lashes. He couldn’t be more then 20.

“Hey!” he yelled as he ran over to me. “You okay?”

He stopped a few feet away from me and took in my appearance. My long auburn hair fell down past my shoulders. My brown eyes were tired. His gaze traveled down my body, taking in my petite frame.

“I’m fine.” I responded flatly. “My car broke down a while back and I haven’t come across any houses or other people.”

“Where are you heading? I can give you a ride”

“I’m heading to Mystic Falls but I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“Don’t you think you should be less worried about inconveniencing me and more worried about your safety?” He let out a small chuckle.

“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” I smiled at him.

“I’m heading that way anyways so it’s no inconvenience. Really Miss….?”

“Cadence” I said extending on a hand.

“It’s nice to meet you Cadence.” He said shaking my hand. “I’m Zach.”

“It’s nice to meet you as well Zach.”

“C’mon let’s get in the car where it’s nice and warm.”

Zach opened the passenger door for me and I climbed in. He ran around the car and got in behind the wheel. He turned the car back on and took off down the road.

“So what brings you to Mystic Falls Cadence?”

“I’m visiting an old friend. How about you? Do you live in Mystic Falls?”

“Nah, I live in the next town over but I like to drive out here and clear my head every once in a while. Do you mind if I turn on the radio?”

“Not at all.” The music would be a nice distraction.


We had been driving for a while when it hit, the hunger. My chest started to burn like it was on fire. My mouth started to ache as my canines slowly unsheathed themselves. Why did humans have to taste so good? Maybe this car ride was a bad idea, a very bad idea.

“Are you okay?” Zach said nervously.

I needed to think fast. How could I possibly get out of this car without tipping him off to anything? I thought quickly and came up with a plan.

“Can you pull over? I think I’m going to be sick.” I tried my best to sound uneasy and nervous.

“Yeah, of course I can.”

Zach pulled the car over to the side of the road. I threw the door open and darted into the forest. I didn’t make it far though; it couldn’t be more than 30 feet. I was just on the other side of the tree line. My whole body ached. I needed to feed and soon before the hunger took over. I tried to calm my racing heart. It was hard to hear over it pounding in my chest.

I stood very still, listening. The forest was quiet; the only sounds came from the insects hiding in the trees and grass. I slight breeze would rustle the leaves ever now and then. There was nothing else out here. I just needed a deer or even a rabbit something to get by till I could get to a blood bank, but there was nothing, nothing but a cute blonde hair boy a few feet away. In the distance I could hear a car door open and close, then the sounds of footsteps.

“Cadence! Cadence where are you?”

I could hear his footsteps getting louder as he ran through the trees searching for me. His heart was pounding; his body was dripping in sweat. He stopped suddenly as he came upon me standing beside a large oak.

“Cadence are you okay?” he reached out to touch my shoulder.

I couldn’t take it anymore. It was too much and I hadn’t eaten in so long. He smelled amazing and he was right there, just an arm’s length away. The idiot even ran into the dark forest. It was making it so easy to cave.

“I’m sorry” I said softly looking him in the eyes. “I really don’t want to do this.”

“Do what?” He asked shakily.

I grabbed his arm and dragged him towards me. I pushed his head back as he screamed and sank my teeth into his neck hitting his carotid artery. His blood rushed into my mouth overflowing it and dripping down my face. It was warm and sweet. It made me feel powerful, strong, and invincible. Zach wasn’t struggling anymore; his body had gone completely limp.

I dropped him on the ground. His blue t-shirt was soaked in blood. His eyes were open wide in shock, his lips were parted slightly. Regret washed over me. I had gone so many years without feeding directly from a person, and now I’ve killed somebody. This poor boy had a family, friends, maybe even a girlfriend and now they will all have a hole in their lives because of me.

I knelt down beside what was once Zach and slowly closed his eyes. He looked almost peaceful lying there on the ground. His blood was starting to soak the ground around him. I knew I needed to go, I needed to get out of here before someone came along.

I got up quickly and made my way through the forest and back to the road. I needed to get into town and quick. Thankfully feeding on Zach had giving me my energy back and I good vamp run into town. I ran to the car and grabbed my jacket before taking off down the road.

After a couple miles I came across a large wooden green sign. In bold gold lettering were the words ‘Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia’
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This is a remake of an old story I started writing on here about 4 years ago. Enjoy and please comment and subscribe