Status: C O M P L E T E D | 9-28-16

Give Into Me.

Get to You

A buzzing sound on my bedside table pulls me from my light sleep and I reach my hand over searching the darkness for my cell phone. Finding it I press the home button the bright light burns my eyes causing me to squint. (3 new messages: Unknown Number)

X: hey, it's tyler. (11:46 PM)
X: did you give me a bogus number? (12:24 am)
X: seriously, Adleigh? Or are you asleep.. (1:40 am)
A: it's 2 am, yes I'm asleep you idiot. (2:12 am)

Locking my phone I switch it to silent and toss it to the other side of my bed drifting right back off to sleep. If there's one thing this boy needs to learn real fast is that no one, and I mean NO ONE messes with my sleep. My parents didn’t call me Gremlin growing up for nothing!

Five more hours of sleep is not enough but I manage to drag myself from my bed and into a scalding hot shower. I meet Hannah an hour later in the kitchen both of us dressed for church and looking exhausted beneath our coats of makeup. "Let's get this over with, I'm already looking forward to my nap." I yawn out and Hannah agrees following me downstairs to the parking lot.

When Hannah and I moved back to Dallas from Austin making the move from our sorority house to our own apartment we made a deal with our parents, at least every other Sunday we had to attend Mass with them. So far we had held up to the deal, only crawling into the church with hangovers from hell once or twice.

Hannah and I had grown up in the same circle in Dallas, our parents were friends and we attended the same church, our brothers played baseball together we were practically the same person growing up and for the most part still were. We attended the same Catholic academy our entire lives rocking those plaid skirts and Converse everyday until we finally graduated and even decided on attending the same college.

At our high school I wasn’t offered your normal cheerleading experience so I thought I wouldn’t have a shot at cheering in college but thankfully my coaches at Cheer Athletics made calls on my behalf and I was offered a spot at UT Austin, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma State. Being from a Longhorns family my decision was easy, the Reichman's bleed Burnt Orange.

I followed in both of my parents footsteps and attended UT at Austin majoring in public relations and image management, I graduated in 2014 Magna Cum Laude. Now it's my little brother Asher's turn, he just began his sophomore year at UT he's 20 and plays baseball for the Longhorns while majoring in biomedical engineering.

Throwing my car into park in the parking lot I shove Hannah's shoulder waking her up as she leans against the window, half dead to the world. "Hannah, wake up we've gotta go in we're almost late." She groans but sits up wiping the bit of drool from the corners of her mouth before flinging open her door, I follow suit as we make our way into the beautiful Catholic church finding our parents in their usual pews.

"Good morning, girls." Hannah's mom, Beth greets us and we both force smiles to our faces.

"Good morning, Mrs. Klein. How're you?" I respond sliding in beside my dad as Hannah sits beside her parents and little sister, Julie.

"Wonderful, sweetie. Are you excited for tonight? Big game, I'm sure you'll be very busy." Ugh, she had to remind me about work! I had to get a job where Sunday's are my busiest days!

"I'm sure I will be too, the girls are ready they have a new routine so it should be fun. The Saints won't know what hit 'em!" The Klein's begin their own conversation and my father slings his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side. "How's my little girl?" He asks and I shrug, 23 years old and I'll always be my daddy's little girl.

"Tired, but I don’t work until 9 tomorrow so I think I'll make it." My dad laughs and kisses my forehead.

"How was the gym yesterday? Your mom said you coached, I assume you also worked out? Did your ankle hold up?" SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.

"Ehh, it swelled but it was fine once I iced it. The girls are doing great, ready to get their bid for Worlds."

"Maybe you should see the doctor again, Ads." I shake my head, one surgery was enough and it had already taken away my professional career I didn’t need to be poked and prodded anymore.

"I'm fine, daddy. Han and I went to the Stars game last night, we had a really good time." I quickly change the subject leaving out the reason why I had went to the game in the first place. The last thing I needed my parents knowing was that I had met Tyler Seguin in a bar and made a bet with him.

"Sounds like a good time, do you like hockey now Adleigh Ruth?"

"I'm undecided, it's no football but I guess I don’t hate it." The Priest appears at the altar and I relax into the seat letting the service soak into my soul. I mumble along to hymns, down my communion and listen to the tales of Noah as the bald man speaks to the crowd I feel my purse vibrating, reaching down slowly I retrieve the culprit noting new text messages from Tyler.

T: Sorry, I thought you were ignoring me. What are you up to today?
T: Are you still ignoring me?
A: Some people go to church, Seguin. I can't talk right now.

My dad gives me the elbow and I mouth 'sorry' as I silence the phone and toss it back into my oversized purse. The service drags on for what seems like an eternity before it's finally over and we're all set free. My parents question Hannah and I some more on our weekly plans and beg us to go to lunch but thankfully I have to get ready for work, and by get ready I mean take a nap.

"Can you drive?" I ask Hannah holding up the keys to my Jeep and she nods as I toss them to her.

"You okay?" She asks as I dig for my phone, my screen revealing that Tyler had replied.

"Yeah, I uhh, screw it I'm not going to hide it. Tyler keeps texting me and he thinks I'm ignoring him so I wanted to text him back." Hannah fires up the SUV and wiggles her shoulders doing some terrible behind the wheel dance moves. "Oh, yeah you liiikeee himmmm!!" The immature girl drags out and I instantly feel like we're 12 again talking about the boys we thought were cute in middle school!

"Shut up and drive." I slouch down in my seat as she gets trapped in the downtown traffic diving into my first real conversation with Tyler.

T: Sorry, you can text me after.. I mean if you want to, this is not helping my stalker case.
A: What's up stalker?
T: Haha, very funny. I'm just playing with my dogs, it's rest day so I get to just hangout.
A: Lucky.
T: You work on Sundays?
A: It's my busiest day of the week!
T: You never told me what it is that you really do..
A: You never asked.
T: I've only had your number for less than 24 hours… and you were asleep for most of that.
A: Sorry, I really love sleeping. FYI you should know now that if you ever wake me up I will most likely bite your head off.
T: not a morning person, noted. So what's today's adventure, Reichman?
A: My big girl job, lol. I work PR for the Dallas Cowboys organization, during the season I mainly work for the Cheerleaders.
T: Damn, I would have guessed you were on the squad..
A: well, I was last season..
T: no shit?!
A: Don’t act so surprised Seguin, I cheered at UT too. I "retired" after 2 seasons with the DCC.
T: how old are you?
A: smooth, Seguin.
T: I mean you don't look old enough to have graduated college and have cheered with the Cowboys!
A: I'm 23 almost 24.. Pretty old lol I took a job with the DCC after I retired
T: you learn something new every day I guess.. I actually figured you'd work for your parent's dealership?A: Nah, I didn't follow either of their footsteps.
T: They both don't work there?
A: My mom is in and out at the dealership, she's an attorney so her office gets most of her attention.
T: damn, busy family
A: very, but I have to get ready for work and by get ready I mean nap sooooo…
T: lol have a nice nap, I'll be watching tonight :)
A: not a chance in hell you'll see me but the boys appreciate your support lol bye Tyler
T: bye Adleigh

By the time our conversation ends I'm back laying in my bed stripped out of my 'church' appropriate dress phone lying on my back as I stare at the ceiling tiles. Talking to Tyler was nice, he wasn't douchey over the phone but it's hard to convey your real personality through text, I'll give him time his true colors will show soon enough. Pushing the thoughts of the hockey player out of my mind I fall into a relaxing sleep with no interruptions until my alarm goes off hours later.

Stretching I peel off the fluffy white comforter and slide into a navy blue dress, Sunday night football calls for all things blue. After adjusting my hair and freshening up my makeup I'm out the door headed straight for AT&T Stadium, no matter how many times I roll up to work it still takes my breath away.

"Adleigh! So glad you're early, Sam needs some help with the Twitter page and a few of the girls have some questions for you regarding image branding." I had just stepped in the door and there were already problems! "Thank you Delaney, I'll get right on it."

My heels click on the concrete floor as I make my way down to the cheerleader's dressing room, a year ago I was inside putting on my boots and tying my boobs into my top and now I'm here making sure none of the girls make themselves out to be fools online and to the media. Pushing through the door the smell of hairspray hits me right in the face as I enter the room full of bottle blondes and long legs.

"Adi!" Turning my head I follow the small voice to one of the veterans and one of my really good friends, Abby.

"Hey, girl!" I smile hugging the blonde bombshell.

"God, I miss having you in here." She pouts and it hits me straight in the heart, "I didn't go too far, Abs. I'm still here, just wearing a little more clothing these days."

"Not the same, I need you on my kick line!" I shake my head, those days are over.

"Give it up, girl. Do you know which rookies I'm supposed to be talking with? Del said they were having some image issues." Abby points over to the corner where most of the rookies are seated. "Caila, and Victoria.."

"Thanks, good luck tonight babe. You'll do great!" The blonde hugs me again and I'm off to do my real job, social media and personal image crisis handler of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

It turns out their crisis' were not actually real issues, just some rude comments on Twitter and Instagram something they're going to need to get over quickly. Living in the public eye takes a while to get used to. "All I can tell you girls is that you signed up for this, slap on a thicker skin and a wider smile. 6 months out of the year you're America's Sweethearts, you've gotta learn to take the heat and the pressure sometimes." It seemed like a bitchy statement but it was all the truth, being a cheerleader is not all sunshine and rainbows.

Before I know it I have a radio in my ear and I'm in the tunnel beneath the stadium waiting to release the girls for pre-game ceremonies. Sunday Night Football is huge all over America but in Texas we do everything bigger. So I'm nervous for the new routine and for the rookies first taste of SNF, and for some reason I'm just wishing I was still suited up in those signature white cowboy boots. A voice in my ear signals that it's time and I take a deep breath and nod my head, "Smiles on ladies, you're on in 30 seconds." Taking their places and slapping on bright white grins I hold up a thumbs up move to the wall of the tunnel and release them to the field. Step one complete.

Step two is me sitting in the corner of AT&T stadium until halftime making sure everything runs smoothly, no injuries, wardrobe malfunctions, or misconduct while running the DCC Twitter and Instagram pages. It also allows me a front row ticket to the game in a seat that people would pay thousands for that I and my partner Delaney literally get paid to sit in. This is a job I should never complain about, but what's the fun in that?

By halftime all is well on the field and the girls take to the middle of the field for their halftime performance, I find myself counting in my head to their steps and tapping my foot to the beat of the music. I can tell myself I don't miss it over and over, but I do I miss it so much. But my ankle couldn’t take it anymore, 18 years of cheer was enough for my body. The squad rocks their new routine and I'm off to the press box, compressing and GIFing the dance to post on Twitter. On the ride up from the ground floor to the top deck I check my phone, a new message from Tyler.

T: 85% sure I just saw you on TV..
A: nah..
T: Navy dress? Your hair is hard to miss Adleigh.
A: oops.. Guess you found waldo, huh?
T: Do I get a prize?
A: depends on what you want?
T: Go out with me.. Like a date.
A: Hmm.. Aren't you too busy for those?
T: home games this week.. When are you free?
A: I didn't agree to this..
T: You're not fighting it either..
A: I'm not exactly a fan of 'dates'.
T: okay how about just dinner then? Friends?
A: we've met twice, Seguin.
T: okay, acquaintances Reichman. You in or not?
A: any day but Wednesday works for me, I have cheer practice on Wednesday's
T: how about tomorrow?
A: trying to act fast?
T: yeah, before you run away again.
A: are you calling me out now?
T: I think it's my turn..
A: fine, I'm off at 5:30 tomorrow. text me details I'll meet you wherever, I have to get back to work now.

Sliding my phone back into my clutch I get cracking on the social media, thousands of tweets pouring in as update the pages. I retweet a couple handfuls of tweets and like some of the photos that have been hashtagged #DCCRockATT. I yawn as I watch the last two quarters of the game from the press box, 8 o'clock games are the absolute worst part of this job and going into the office at 9 on Mondays is a close second. When the clock finally signals the boys in blue have won I tweet once more and sign off from the work account, I'll deal with the aftermath in the morning. Last minute meetings with the rest of the PR team in the hallways are the last of my duties before I spend another hour trying to get out of the hellacious traffic, it'll definitely be midnight before I get home and one before I go to bed.

Hannah is still up when I get home watching yet another episode of Gossip Girl curled up with a glass of wine, "Good game, Ads. How were the girls?" I plop down beside her and peel off my heels, "Perfect, had a little rookie drama but it's all good now."

"Talk to Tyler anymore?"

"On that note I'm going to bed, goodnight Hannah banana."

"You're no fun, Adleigh! Tell me what the hot boy said!!" I look back at her sinking my shoulders down before dropping the bomb on the unsuspecting blonde.

"We're going out tomorrow." She gasps and covers her mouth, "NO WAY! You gave in already?! You're slackin' on your game Ads."

"Shut up, I'm not marrying the guy it's not even a date, it's just dinner. It'll probably be terrible anyway!"

"Have faith, young one. He could surprise you." I roll my eyes and retreat to my shower scrubbing the makeup off my face and crawling into my fluffy bed. Becoming dead to the world until Monday morning.
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giving you all the chapters from last time revamped plus a new one :) #4 coming up next and it's brand new!