You’re My Phobia


A/N: writing the last chapter has become a difficult task for me, so I’ve decided that I’m just going to give you all a brief summary of what happens. I know this will never make up for all your disappointed faces, but I hope you at least get some joy from reading it. Once again, thank you all for your support *sappy finale goodbye shall be located once description is finished*

Chapter Seventeen: See You On The Other Side

*All has become well for Frank and Gerard as there relations begins to grow stronger and stronger. Frank had finally come to realization that he loves Gerards, he is obsessed with him, the very thought of him send shivers down his spine. His soft fingertips graze Gerard’s cheek and he watches as he winces in pain yet he does not pull away, simply because he cannot. Gerard’s phobia has no disappeared, but it is slightly improving. His fear of the pain of love is still present as Frank kisses him gently before he slips into slumber, and every night the soft lullaby in witch Frank created lulls Gerard into sleep, and for the first time, he feels safe. He feels welcomed, loved..

He feels as if he is home. And he is.
Home is in Frank Iero’s arms.

‘The one in witch cases you pain, is the one who can cure your scars’

*The feeling of dread surrounds Gerard as he walks gently down the hospital halls. “Something is wrong” he hears himself mutter, his voice is hoarse and dry as he walks towards the entrance of the hospital and there he sees it, an overly large crowd surrounding the two large door’s located at the from of the hospital. Gerard feel’s himself walking towards it, he pushes his way through the crowd, his heart beating faster at ever step as he pushes the curious and gasping audience out of his way. Then he sees it, the familiar mop of brown hair, his heart stops, as he now frankly pushes his way towards the still body in witch doctors surrounded, and then he opens his mouth wide and lets out an agonizing scream.


There his brother’s body lies, lifeless as a forgotten rag doll.
”WHAT HAPPENED MUM? WHAT HAPPENED!” Gerard screams as Frank sits by his side, rubbing his arm’s trying to calm his heartbroken boyfriend as he sobs helplessly, screaming at his emotionless mother.

She does not speak for hours it seems until her small voice squeaks, “he came for you Gerard.. he came to see you..”

It was later discovered and recorded that Michel James Way was hit by a car, but continued running towards New Jersey Hospital in search of his believed brother. Several of his ribs were broken, one in particular pierced his left lung causing a large wound to form. Michel lungs soon began to overflow with blood, until his breathing became ruff and he collapsed, but as shown and proven by harsh grazed skins it was said he crawled his way towards the doors before collapsing completely and slowly passed away.

December 4th, Gerard attended his dearly beloved brother’s funeral, and for the first time in months he felt alone, his beautiful and loving brother was gone.

He died for you Gerard, you’re the reason his dead. Frank Iero himself couldn’t tell Gerard it was going to be okay, because as a matter of factly, he himself didn’t know. Frank began to disappear during the day a lot frequently leaving Gerard to his quiet until an all to familiar face barged into his hospital room one morning.

* There he stood, tall and proud looking down at his son with pity. “Son.. I’m so sorry”

After years and years of abandonment Gerards father welcomes himself into Gerard Way’s life once more explaining his new successful life with his new life Lina.

Linda had found Donald Way drinking his life away, and decided to talk to him as a project for her carrier (Councilor) and work experience with dealing with depressed men such as Donald Way. “Talking to a random wouldn’t hurt would it?”

Indeed it did not as Lina began to council Donald frequently for free until he became sober enough to apply for a job, soon after they feel in love and were married on June 7th. Lina bore two beautiful daughters, Stephanie Way and Jane Ella Way.

Gerard was furious when he learnt that Donald Way, his “father” has decided to take him home with him, “we can be a family Gerard, a nice little happy family” he has said. Yet the word was too occur when he discovered that his father lived South California.

He would have to leave Frank..
His Frank
* Gerard became depressed as he only had 3 days left with his beloved Frank, however his and Frank’s relationship seemed to separate as Frank was making daily disappearances.

The second day, Gerard sob silently on his bed, bags packed and reedy to go surrounded him, he sighted softly as he felt missed hands of Frank Iero curl around him. After hours of serious talk.. they came to a conclusions, a conclusion that would put everything in its place.

”I have a plan baby.. a beautiful plan..” Frank whispered, kissing Gerards temples.

A/N: play the song 23 by jimmy eat world, RIGHT NOW! This is the final part to my story!

Finale Chapter: ..I Forgive, I Forget, I Tumble.
Song: 23 – Jimmy Eat World

The flowing wind blew at his lose hospital gown as he stood high above the world, he felt as if he were a god of some kind. His lover stood behind him, arms wrapped around his waste firmly, and for the first time in the young mans life his touch did not burn him. Why should it anyway? This was the end for himself and his lover. There story would walk these hospital halls, they would be phrased and hated, but these thoughts did not disturb Gerard. “How did we get here Frankie, why are we here?” the elder man questioned as he looked down upon the people who walked carelessly below. “I don’t know baby..” Frank whispered, kissing Gerards neck softly. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to-“

Gerard shook his head, shaking these words from Franks chapped lips as he turned his body towards Frank. “No.. I-I want to..” Gerard mumbled.

Gerards body was facing Franks as they took a step backwards closer to the edge of the Hospitals roof, “I love you Frank” Gerard whispered, taking a few steps back ones more, he stropped as the heel of his foot hung slightly of the edge, this was the end.

For a second the play Romeo and Juliet came sweeping into his mind, Gerard smiled dumbly at the tough at Frank’s body was pressed firmly into his.

And then it happed..

Frank’s small lips curved into a smirk. “I’m sorry Gerard, but I don’t LOVE FAGGOTS!”

Gerards heart stopped as Frank’s hand pushed and he feel backwards, yet fear was not present in his eyes as he began to lose balance and tumble, but before he lost full contact of Frank’s warm skin, he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small crumbled piece of paper until he slowly slipped away, he watched as Franks fingers curled around it as he slipped until he was finally falling..

Oh, he’s like a snake disguised as a flower.
Did a dragon ever hide in such a beautiful cave?
He’s a beautiful tyrant, and a fiendish angel!
He’s a raven with the feather’s of a dove.
He’s a lamb who hunts like a wolf!
I hate him, yet he seems the most wonderful man.
He’s turned out to be the exact opposite of what he seems.
He’s a saint who should be damned, he’s a villain who seemed honorable.
Oh nature, what were you doing in hell? Why did you put the souls of a criminal into the perfect body of a man?
Was there ever such a book with such a beautiful cover?
– Romeo & Juliet- ACT3, Scene 2.

*The mood bestowed it’s florescent rays upon the young man as his body seemed to float down close and closer to the rough pavement, it all came to him. The wind rippled his clothing, wing swirled his hair, yet he refused to look away from the boy who had pushed him. Their eyes would remain locked until the very end.. and in that movement he, Gerard Way truly understood the meaning of death. The meaning of there love…

Gerard remained still as nurses seeped passed him, ignoring his very existence.

He watched as the boys form disappeared into the darkness, and he couldn't help but feel some gratitude towards the young boy, he was what seemed to be only 12, but he had faced and experienced thing that maybe a 16 year old would have. He may have been small, and looked child-like but deep inside he was a man.

"So I’ll protect him until the very end...” Those words so strong and meaningful, especially coming from a 12 year old.

Gerard couldn't help but look around the slightly empty area as those words seemed to scar his mind and soul. Gerard's eye's skimmed the door's once more, his heart skipped a beat as a couple entered. He couldn't help the fact that his eyes widened as they held hands giggling and smiling in content. He wasn't sure why the sight hurt him so, when it didn't come as a big surprise, there were couples everywhere. He truly understood the concept of love though, he had never been in love, but he new what it was, and that right there was love. The way they held each other, the way there lips met in a passionate kiss.

As Gerard Way feel through the abysses of unknown he could no longer lie to himself. He had seen them, he had known all along that Frank was never in love with him. He was obsessed with destroy.

Not loving.
*The wide moon that rose high above him seemed to bestow a blanket of unnatural glow on the young body as his burning hands slipped from those of his former lover, his body feel, slipping away until he was take about by the whistling wind, if he was childish enough, he would have said he was flying but he new better, he was falling.. and for the first time in his entire life, was okay with it. He wasn’t startled, nor was he scared, but calm as the wind rippled his clothing around, his arm’s spreading wide beside him, and even though he was human.. he had grown wings, he was god’s angel and he new, oh did he know. The boy’s eye made contact with those of his lover, who stood above him as he was slowly slipping further and further away. “I forgive you..” he whispered as the boy eye’s filled with tears, and just like Gerard Way himself, they fell.

Franks P.O.V -- *Frank watched Gerard small frame disappear, tears drizzled down his cheek. With shaking hands he lifted the letter Gerard had slipped into his hand.

Frank’s eyes widened, his mouth opened wide as a loud scream escaped his lips. There in his shaking hands was the faded image of his father and him as a young boy. Gerard had never burnt the images, he had lied. Franks’ eyes skimmed the small paper, and his heart seemed to ache.

“You’re my phobia Frankie..
…and I’m your obsession.”

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ground grew closer and closer, his heart fluttered slightly as a soft wet substance landed carelessly upon his cheek.. “Frankie” he whispered “I’ll wait for you..”

And then as fast as it had started it ended.

- FIN -


Dear Readers, yes I am aware that was extremely confusing, and I apologies for its “shitness”, but I will explained so keep reading. x)

You see, Frank Iero suffers from OCD, and he has curtain rituals he must complete, certain things he must do, and destroying Gerard was one of them. However, this is where the story twists, Gerard all along new he was going to die, he new and he accepted it. Frank didn’t push him for the sake of it, he did it to save him.

Frank Iero pushed Gerard as a final lesson. Gerard’s death was the 10th rule. “Never be frightened, keep you head up.. and no matter how far you fall, you get back up” – That is why it describes Gerard “growing wings”.

Gerard witnessed Frank’s love with james, and he was hurt but he understood that frank could never love him. Frank had to be an asshole to save Gerard.

Frank hurt and killed Gerard so no on else could, get it?

Some would say it was an act of hatred, but its not! It was an act of love and loyalty, Frank destroyed Gerard with his hopes and dreams, where as anyone would strip Gerard of his pride.

Gerard Way was destined to die, and as said in the start of the fic “there Is no such thing as happy ending” was pretty much the epilog of the ‘rules’


Anyways, so yes. If you have anymore questions, feel free to message me, or better still email me your email, and I’ll add you to my personal account ‘’



I’m so friken sorry this was pretty much shit, but I couldn’t write the last chapter, it was to ahrd for me. =/ anyways, comment! Tell me what you think, like it? Hate it?

Say the truth, I don’t mind.