You’re My Phobia

Chapter Nine: Its On

Chapter Nine: Its On
Song: Dope – With Or Without You

Her lips where a faded white as she brushed her grey hair that feel carelessly around her face. She was beautiful no matter what the situation, she always wore herself with such elegance, I sometimes envied her even though I was a male. Her small eyes shun with life even thought she sat, dieing.

“Gerard, come h-here.” She whispered.

I smiled, A real smile. “Okay.”

Elena took my hand, grinning sadly as I snapped my hand away. Her eyes were filled with grief as I lowered my head in shame. “I’m sorry Grandma.”

She shook her head as she struggled to lift herself into a seating position. “Don’t be sorry Gerard, but may I ask.” She paused as a loud cough escaped her lips, she clenched her chest tightly as she continued to cough loudly.

I bit my lip as her coughing slowly eased down, and with that I promised myself I would never grow old. I was aware it was impossible, but who the hells cares? Let a kid dream.

“S-sorry darling.” She smiled bleakly as she whipped the now forming sweat of her forehead with a loud sight. “Come c-close Gerard, I’m as blind as a bat.” She joked as she patted the mattress lightly. “Sit child, sit!” She laughed lightly as I slowly made my way towards her.

She ran her hands softly over the too familiar white sheets and then like many times before she gripped her chest tightly once more, a loud cough erupted once more.

“Does it hurt?”

Elena smiled at me as she shrugged slightly. “It comes and goes, but I’m just an old woman, we all die sometime.”

My heart seemed to be squeezed as her almost careless words repeated over and over. “Aren’t you scared?!” I chocked out causing her to laugh her high pitched lively chuckle. She tapped my knee gently as she pulled her glassed from her bedside table and slipped them on, her smile widened as she muttered as small “that’s better.”

I eyed her, awaiting her answer.

“Are you scared of dying Gerard?”

“No!” I squeaked out a little to fast causing her to eye me and smirk slightly.

“Don’t lie to me honey.”

I dropped my eyes in shame and said a small apology. “Answer the question correctly now, are you scared of dying Gerard?”

I fiddled with the hem of my blazer as her eyes burnt into me. “Yes.” I whispered.

“And why that?”

I shrugged as I avoided eye contact, I hated it when she put me on the spot. “I dunno.”

Elena laughed, “Look at me, and tell me.”

Obeying I looked towards her and was met with her two hazel eyes. Her lips curved into another smile as she waited for me answer. I took a deep breath. “I mean, how can you not be scared to die Grandma? Where do you go when its all over? What if your alone? What if-“

“Honey, honey! Breath, come on now.” Elena laughed as I took another deep breath.

“Tell me something Gerard, when you go to the Mall are you scared?”

I eyed her confused, what the fuck does this have to do with dying?

“Umm no.”

Her smile grew as she repositioned her glasses. “Well why no? You could go there and unexpectedly be pushed into the fountain and drown.”

My jaw dropped. “Holy shit!” I gasped sarcastically, giggling lightly at her he non-realistic example.

Elena laughed loudly, shaking her head. “Don’t swear. But Gerard do you understand what I mean?”

I grinned and shook my head.

“All I’m saying Honey is, that you don’t always know what’s going to happen when you go to the Mall for example, the same concept with death. You just got to accept it, and take the risk, just do it. You understand?”

Nodding, I quickly threw my arms around her, I bit back the unexplained pain that coursed through my body. Elena pushed me away as she suddenly began to dig around under her hospital blankets, I opened my mouth to question her but stopped as soon as she pulled out a white envelop. She placed the paper carefully in my hands. “Promise me something Gerard, please?”

I nodded. “Anything Grandma.”

She pulled her hands away, aware of my continue flinching as she touched me.

“Open that letter when I’m gone Gerard, will you promise me?”

I nodded as she pulled me into a much wanted hug, and for the first time it didn’t burn. My tears soaked through her hospital garments as we both cried softly in each others time.

“I love you darling.”

“I love you too Grandma.”

She scoffed, “stop calling me Grandma, I’m not that old”

I smiled sheepishly as I held her tighter. “I love you to Helena."

That was the last time I even saw her, my beautiful Grandmother. Days passes more quickly and her coughing became more and more common, until the point she had to be hooked up to an oxygen machine because she could no longer breath properly by herself. Friday, the 8th of August and 9 AM was the day I received the dreaded call from my mother.


“O-Oh G-Gerard, E-Elena..” she trailed off as she sobbed loudly.

“Ma? Ma!? W-What happened? Is she okay?”

“Oh baby, s-she’s g-gone. S-she d-died.”

My entire life revolved around her, my loving and caring Grandmother who taught me to draw, who taught me to live. “Never give up Gerard! No matter what!”Sometimes I truthfully hated myself because I did give up, lots of times. But that all changed soon enough..

“Open that letter when I’m gone Gerard, will you promise me?”

That day came sooner than expected, and in all my life I had never been so afraid in my life.
My hands were shaking as the white envelope sat patently on my lap as I sobbed uncontrollably. Her world were ringing deep between my brain as I took the small paper envelop and tore it open. The familiar sent of red roses shivers down my back, Elena always had a thing with writing in scented pens for no particular reason. She said it gave the paper an ‘extra spice.’

With trembling fingers I slipped my hand in until the soft material came in contact with my flesh causing another shaken shiver to run down my spine as I pulled out the small rectangular object. And there I held a small image taken nearly 7 years ago. I was 8 years old, and my arms were wrapped around my Grandmother as we laughed and smiled.

I grinned as I observed the photograph. I ran my fingers across the silky overcoat. I slowly turned the image over, and just as I had guesses was a little message scribbled on the back written in no other than her divine script.

“Don’t let others stop you from doing what you like. Your invisible Gerard, and never forget that. I will love you forever and ever, regards Elena.”

That was the only photograph I ever had of my beloved Grandmother. I cherished and love that image with all my heart, no one and nothing could ever take it away from me.

But oh how wrong I was.

My life always seemed to take a turn for the worst, and as I said before, the was no such things as happy endings, and if there was, something or someone would destroy that happiness.

People just loved to destroy.

But why? There is no exact answer for that. The only thing I could really come up with was, they just did it for the hell sake of it. They wanted to watch you squirm and cry. It was like fucking “Cinderella” for them, they just loved to watch it over and over and worst of all, it was one of those movies you never got sick of.

Just ask Frank Iero .
I’m pretty fucking sure he could tell you all about it.

He basically thrived on making my life a living hell, but something that had been driving me crazy was, why the hell was her here? He looked pretty fine to me. He didn’t suffer from a phobia as far as I new, I’m pretty sure he didn’t have cancer considering his hair was intact.

So what the hell was wrong with him?!

I needed to know, because maybe I could use it against him. Maybe.

"Fucking asshole.” I cursed as I ran my hair through my damp hair. That elderly nurse had practically threw my into the shower complain I was sticking up the entire hospital. I picked at the stemmed carrots that tasted more like cardboard in my opinion.

“Are you finished eating Gerard?”

I jumped slightly as my eyes locked with those of the red headed nurse I had yelled out no less that a day ago. “Umm y-yeah.” I muttered as I pushed the tray away. The read headed nurse eyes me in confusion as she took the tray from my bed. “You’ve hardly eaten anything.”

I snorted. “Complements to the chef.”

The nurse stood nervously for a moment before whispering something completely out of earshot.


The nurse rubbed at her side before sighting heavily. “I said, I’m sorry.”

I stared at her completely dumbstruck. “Umm, excuse me?”

She sighted heavily once more as she repeated herself.

“W-Why are you sorry?” I asked growing more and more confused.

“Yesterday, I touched you and-“


“But, I’m so-“


The nurse looked as if she was going to cry, as she muttered a small “I’ll leave you alone.” She went to take my tray but I held it in place. “Don’t go.” I whispered, her eyebrows arching in confusion.

“I said stop b-because you were being stupid.”

The nurse seemed slightly offended as she snapped a harsh “what!?

“No! No! I didn’t mean it like that, I mean you were being stupid apologizing to me, when I clearly should be saying sorry to you, I was just upset, I’m really sorry.. errmm?”


I smiled. “Cathy.”

The nurse seemed deep in thought for a moment, witch aloud me to smirk slightly. I felt like the biggest prick, but sometimes you gotta fake a smile to get what you want. This nurse thought I really was apologizing, and trying to get her to forgive me when she was utterly unaware I was using her to get some dirt on no other than Frank Iero.

I coughed lightly, snapping her out of her trance. “So, we cool?”

The nurse smiled and nodded.

Time to put the plan into action.

“Hey Cathy, what’s with..” I trained off as her eyes were digging into mine. “Never mind.”

The read headed nurse eyes me. “No come on, tell me.”

I held back a smile.

Fucking bingo!

“You’ll think I’m fucking weird or something.”

She let out a small laugh. “I think your weird enough, come on Gerard, tell me.”

Drag it on Gerard, drag it on!

“What’s with, ermm, just never mind.”

The nurse shot me a sharp look. “Tell me Gerard, it cant be that bad.”

“Fine.” I breathed.

The nurse waited patently as I opened and closed my mouth a few times until I finally spoke. “Everyone is talking about that Iero kid, what’s he in for anyway?”

The nurse breathed out slowly. “Ahh, Frank Iero. Yeah, he’s a special kid that one.”

I eyes her with confusion.

God bless Drama.

“What do you mean? Everyone seems to be saying that, he apparently had a hard time or something.”

God bless that male nurse who told me very little about him also.

The read headed nurse nodded her head deep in thought as she took a seat beside me. “You swear not to say anything Gerard.”

“Scouts honor.” I joked as she giggles.

“Alight, I’ll tell you.”


“Frank was placed into hospital care when he was 16 year old, the foster home couldn’t take him anymore, he was just driving them all mad, so they made a deal with the hospital and all this other shit, and they arranged for him to stay here until he was 20, and then he could leave.”

My heart skipped a beat. “H-He was a foster child?”

The nurse nodded. “Yeah, his mother abandoned him and ran away with her boyfriend.”

“What about his Dad?”

Cathy’s eyes dropped. “He died of Cancer. As a matter of fact, room 341, that same room Frank sleeps was the exact same room his father died. He insisted on having in, and I mean, cried and cried until he got it. He loved his Dad that kid. Alfred Iero his name was.”

I listened intently, waiting to get all the information I could.

“He was a guitarist also you know. He taught Frank everything he new. I was in the room when he passed away, and I swear to you Gerard, I’ve never seen something so sad in my entire life. I remember he was coughing up blood and everything, and Frank stood there holding his hand and crying softly. And then with all his energy he pulled out his guitar, and you know what he did Gerard, he fucking played it. He played it for Frank, and I swear I have never seen that boy cry so hard.”

My throat seemed to tighten, as I shut my eyes for a moment before opening them, faced with the tear stained face of the red headed nurse.

“I’m sorry.” She chocked as she whipped away the tears. “You just h-had to be there Gerard, it was the s-saddest thing I’ve ever seen. He played Gerard, it surprised us all considering the condition he was in, but he played, and he sounded like a fucking God. But then, he stopped and began to cough up more blood, Frank was just crying and saying home much he loved him. And then his time was coming, he was dying and Frank by this stage was just horrible, I’ve never seen someone cry so badly, but man, I can understand.” She took a long breath as I stood there frozen.

“He feel back, and with all his strength he handed his guitar with Frank, and with that his last words were ‘play with your life Frankie’ soon after he died, and frank just sat there crying over his body for hours until he finally had to drag him away.”

The red headed nurse grinned as she eyes me. “That guitar kept him alive. That, and well James when he stuck around.”

“James? Who’ James?”

The nurse giggles. “It was his boyfri-“ She froze.

My entire body shut down.


Cathy’s eyes widened as she began to shake her head. “Wait! No! No!” she began to rattle on as my jaw dropped.

“B-B-Boyfriend!?” My voice squeaked.

Cathy looked around nervously. She laughed nervously. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

He was Gay. Oh. My. Fucking. God.

The nurse scratched at her uniform. “Okay!” she suddenly muttered startlingly me. “You cant say anything Gerard, I swear, I shouldn’t have said that. I shouldn’t have told anyone, I promised, oh god..”

“Clam down, s-so he’s gay?”

Cathy grinned. “I’m not sure, I think he is, either that or he’s bisexual.”

My body seemed to race with thousands upon thousands of questions, theories, until the question that had been bugging me still wasn’t answered. “But wait, you still didn’t tell me why he’s here, what’s wrong with him?”

The tension in the room seemed to grow as Cathy thought to herself for a moment before butter those three words that would change mine, and his life forever.

“Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.”

And then in no less than a second it all came crashing down, it all made sense, it all fit together perfectly. Everything that happened, had a routine. He would always come and teach me one of his “rules” at 7:00pm. He would always leave before 7:30, and then the same time tomorrow it would happen once again.

But there was more to it.
And I new it.

Frank Iero was obsessed with me.

He had to destroy me.

And then it came, the small smirk that grew wider and wider. I pitied his fathers death, but I didn’t not pitied him. He destroyed everything I loved, and now it was time to get pay back. I was going to destroy him, and I was going to fucking enjoy it. That faggot was going down, and this time the table had changed, I was going to be making the rules now.

“Cathy, what time is it?”

“6:45, why?”

I laughed harshly. “No reason.” My voice barley a whisper as I waved her away and asked for some privacy.

I watched as her form slowly diapered down the blue hall way. I licked my lips.

“Rule number 3 Frank Iero. Seek out those who have done you wrong, and have your revenge.”

Prepare yourself motherfucker, because I’m about to show you that pay back can be a real bitch.
♠ ♠ ♠



Tell me what ya think *smug smile*