Status: Stories do not intertwine, will go on forever.

Unfortunate Souls


"...or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

It's a fact. No matter how hard you try, or how hard you fight, there are only two outcomes.

The worst part is when a hero becomes a hero, it wasn't their choice. Their future is chosen for them the day they were born. Fate's funny like that.

I had a friend once, who dedicated his life to the hero gig. Fit a while, I thought he'd make it. He followed the rules, never killed, even got himself the girl.

Then, one day, something went wrong. He didn't get himself out in time. He was a lucky one. Sure, he died, but he was remembered. He was a hero, forever and always.

Then there's guys like me.

Maybe we failed, and it sent us in a downward spiral. Maybe we just weren't cut out for the job.

Maybe, we just got tired of it. Maybe I got bored. So what if I didn't get the heroic death and memorial?

I like the thrill. I love for the smell of fear in the air. They fear me, and I laugh.

I didn't die the hero. I am the villain. And I am alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Definetly not 100 words.
Third, and final, part of the Tragic Heroes trilogy.