Status: Stories do not intertwine, will go on forever.

Unfortunate Souls


The silence screamed as the people around me bit their palms to keep quiet.

We had already been warned to keep out mouths shut, and the men didn't hesitate to pull the first trigger. As the white make slowly stained red, I was terrified to think how carelessly they would pull the second.

I couldn't help but glare at the teller. I understood it was her job, and she had the best intentions, but the glaring red and blue lights outside bright little comfort.

We were going to die, all because of a bank heist. Isn't this the moment when an unexpected hero steps forward? When an actual hero smashes through a window?

Apparently not.

One of the thiefs yanked me up by the hair, using me as a shield ass he walked in front of the windows.

The man was easily a head taller than me - why didn't they take the shot? Didn't they know children where in this bank?

One robber didn't think to grab a human shield. He stepped into the tiniest sliver of sunlight that creeped through a window.

I had heard of silencers, but had never seen one in action. As blood spurted from the man's chest, I wish I hadn't.

The man who had me by the hair was shouting, but that damn silence was overwhelming. I was yanked outside, in front of emergency responders, civilians, and news cameras.

There's no way they could be that quiet. Not when a girl is held against her will. Not when the barrel of a gun is pointed at her head.

Especially not when the trigger is pulled.