Deal With Devil


It was already late in the cold night of November when Hannah left the hotel where she had performed, she was tired despite there was still a show waiting for her at a pub nearby the "Subwaystation" , a show someone told her about when she was performing three days ago at the "Cleopatra" hotel, but even though she couldn't suppress that feeling of happiness , finally she could move in to her new 'own' apartment she had bought by her own money, for couple days ago the owner of the room she had rented kicked her out after he took the late payment, and now she was booking at a hotel not luxerious but it was good enough for her, what Hannah was sure of that from now on she wouldn't complain, becaue she would get her own house with the money she got, she worked really hard to get a place where no owner would eject her out every month if she wouldn't pay the rent, that what it used to happen to her in this past four years .

Hannah walked into the pavement going toward the night bar to perform again, this was her routine, performing at the hotel then coming to her so called home to sleep, before going the next morning to the conservatory of Mannheim and teaching, and now she still had an hour to work again.

There is always chances in this life, if a door closed upon your face there would be another one to open even widely, life sometimes could be harsh, but it only to give lessons, hopefully to learn from this lessons , and Hannah knew that, she always bumped into closed doors but she kept trying to knock in every other door hoping to open it, she couldn't give up easily, and her only solace was her redwooden violin, that she trusted to tell her story, and that what made her a very talented violinist, but unfortunatly she still couldn't get a chance to work at an Orchestre as she wanted always , that was her dream,to lead a big Orchestre as she plays on her strings, that's why she wandered from place to other looking for a chance.

Before she settled down in Dortmund, Hannah had travelled to many other places in north rheinwestphalia, she visited amost every village and evey city, stayd there for while a time and when none noticed her talent, she was changing directions to other places, and always her redwooden violin accompanied her, but even in this hard times she didn't lose hope, being in Dortmund was something she didn't expect it,obviousely Dortmund had her effect on the brunette with the most beautiful hazel brown eyes.


At the same time when Hannah stepped inside the pub, Erik Durm, the young brunet footballer was in his way with his friends, heading directly to the famous night club to celebrate his friend Julian's birthday, Nick Jonas accompanied them all the way, the club which was his owner one of his friends, and was not far from Erik's place, as well.

'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful
And everybody wants to taste
That's why (that's why)
I still get jealous

Their voices filled throughout the car, singing along with the song while Erik was the one on the wheel, something odd happend in that exactly moment, Erik looked at his watch, the clock was referring to 22: 15 when Erik approached the night club but at last minute he decided to turn his black Marcedes Benz car and drove to another distination, instead to go to the new night club where they supposed to revel the party, he turned his wheel heading to the small pub in nearby the Subwaystation, something in Erik's heart was telling him that he was close to something new, and a strange feeling started tickling his senses while his friends were complaining of the new plan Erik did it at the last minute.

Finally they arrived the place, and for his luck there was still inoccupied spot at the parking, Erik parked his car wishing to not meet any of those nosy fans, he wanted to enjoy this day with his friends while he can't get rid of the weird feeling that keeping him absentminded, the four young people walked side by side and then enterd the bar, something had guided Erik's feet to this special bar and Erik was trying hard to figure out what this thing let him be in this place and in this time exactly.

" We supposed to celebrate big Jul 's birthday not to come to this shitty place , our guys are waiting for us at the other club, sexyy" his younger friend, Julien said with annoyed face -after they took place at the bar- trying to tease him with the last word

" Look i don't know why i'm here, i don't have any clue why we are in this place, i just feel that i have to be here and at this moment in precise" he said seriousely while their friends kept staring at each other faces then burst of laughed hysterically leaving Erik regreting to tell them his feeling, he made an annoying face then turned his head around to check the place, there were just few people tonight enjoying the live performances from some singers, comedians and musicians, Erik kept listening to the young male playing with his guitar, singing with warm husky voice trying to get a chance , maybe someone among the people here could notice his talent and would offerd him an opportunity he probably longed to.

"please Erik show some mercy! people help, i'm dying" big Jul said hanging his neck with his both hands while the bartender came to serve them their order , Erik turned his head and looked at his friends, feeling bored and had no clue for being here , he was about to stand up and leave when suddenly he heard a sweet tone coming from the stage, and once again he felt something tickling his chest, sending vabrations all the way down to his spine.

At the stage there was only faint light and a silhoutte of girl standing there, in her hand was a redwooden viola, the spotlight went directly to it focusing only on the instrument, Erik kept looking at the unknown girl trying to catch her face while she started to play , her music was kind of happy, and suddenly the grumpy friends stopped arguing, giving a chance to listen to the girl, Erik found himself getting amused with the sweet soft tone coming out through the strings of the redwooden instrument, and so did his friends.


Hannah kept closing her eyes sailing with the tone to the deep, enjoying every note she hit, this time she chose something light to perform , something based on the feeling she had right now, because tomorrow would be the requird day for her, the next day would be the new chapter of the new journey.

Erik enjoyed so much the girl's performance, feeling every time his heart skipped a beat, according to his reaction, he could admit that he came only for this moment, just to see this girl, his fate brought him here just for this girl who was standing few steps away on the stage, grabbing a redwooen viola, when the young girl finally opend her eyes and the light turned on again annoncing that the show was over, Erik felt his world spinning around, out of sudden his heart skipped several beats and started throbing so fast making his blood gathered directly down toward the south of his body

Well I see trees of green and red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself

" What a wonderful world " he sighed , completely hypnotized, his eyes was still glued on the girl.

Erik felt his heart racing wildly when he noticed the small smile drawing on the brunette's chubby face, he couldn't get his eyes off her and the same strange feeling jumped on him once again, now all what he wanted was to meet the girl, to speak to her and why not maybe to get know her better.

Just for few seconds and Erik noticed that he started making plans, how could an ordinary girl with a violin to get his attention easily? he thought while the young brunette walked down the stage. Heading to the exit, Erik paced his steps to catch her before she would gone away from the sight.

Followed by his friends, Erik found himself standing at the exit , but unfortunatly the girl was already gone, he stepped outside scanning the street when his eyes suddenly fell into someone grabbing a black case, buried their face deep into the warm coat because of the cold night, that one looked still hesitate to cross the busy street, Erik focused his gaze on that human being and for his luck, he could figured it out, she was the same girl Erik fantazised to meet her and talk to her few minutes ago, the real reason behind why he was in this place and at this moment. Erik grinned and when he was about to walk toward her, a similar voices pulled him out his dream

"What are you doing here, let's go to our real party" Toni, his friend spoke out and dragged him with him, damn Erik lost his chance right now, how he could find her? he wondered and then made a mental note , " Tomorrow i'll be back, just wait for me, please" he whisperd the last word before he turned left to go to the parking.


It was getting colder that night and Dortmund is really cold in such months and Hannah was pacing to get the subway to take her to the other side of the city, she finally arrived the station and while the train was still in it way, Hannah stood there sinking her hands deep inside her coat's pokets humming a song while waiting , it didn't take much time and the train was finally here, she ascended and she could even found a place at the third wagon, there was just few people get in this line, with her black glacing case in her hand she prefered to stay near the gate, , she leaned her head in the pole and in her eyes' memory she travelled to the same place her soul longing the most, to her beloved Eusserthal, where she grew up around her beloved family, in the middle of the woody montains and thick forests, where she breathed the most pure air, where her soul touched for the first time the meaning of the enchanted lovestories, and where she tasted that feeling for years ago, every time Hannah closed her eyes, ghosts from her past life shown in the front of her eyes , then leaving her with broken heart loaded with life's worries.

But no, not this time, even though she had some painful sweet memories, she finaly managed to live at least as she wanted, for four years ago, she gave up from her dream, to struggle and survive a shape of life she didn't plan to live it even in her bad nighmares and it most virulent. Now it was her time to be happy again, and with a huge step like to have an own house she could say that she made an achievement, because from this moment there would be no worries, if the owner would kick her out because it's her house, her property. Sometimes her job at hotel can't make a lot of money and some other night she could, beside her work at Mannheim was just temporary and she had to find another job, but all what it was running in her mind was the house and there would no worries after she got it, so at least she had to sigh in relief.


At the club, Erik left his friends celebrating while he took a place in the corner , didn't want to be disturbed, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, trying to remember the girl and the song she played, and started imagining the girl playing with the instrument while she was laughing with him, playing hide and seek and finaly kissing passionatly. Erik opened his eyes and immediatly touched his lips , feeling eager to meet the girl again" I want to see you again my angel" he said silently, "please father help me to find her again" he started praying stroking gently on his tattoo.