Status: Updated when possible

Don't Think I Can Fight This Anymore


Dear Quinn,

I’m glad you finally got a kayak. I’m telling you, it’s so peaceful and relaxing. Just take a six pack and set out, and try to avoid the rapids. Be prepared for an arm work out, though. We’ll go together when I visit. Still don’t know when that will be.

We’re hosting an engagement party in the tea shop today. I honestly wouldn’t do it if they weren’t friends of mine, Ron and Hermione. I hate events, they’re just too stressful. From what I’ve heard, they’re a lot like Tess and Colin. Fought constantly until they realized they were madly in love, and then fought some more. Must be nice. You find some nice Alberta wild woman yet? Make sure she’s at least civilized enough to visit London.

Have you heard from Colin at all? He said he was getting shipped home and that this time he’d finally get discharged. I don’t know why they keep a hold on him. At least Trip is talented. And I know they were more than happy to get rid of my troublesome ass.

Don’t repeat any of that to Colin, kid.

Anyway, enjoy your kayak when the ice breaks. I’ve got another 365 days of rain to look forward to so try to soak up some sun for me.

All my love,


February 25, 2001

“Stop. Nobody move.”

Evelyn Finch stood with her arms outstretched, as if it would stop all the motion in the room. To some degree it did. The two servers, Anna and Veronica, froze two steps in the door. The line cook Mark stopped in the middle of quennelling goat cheese. Jackie, the chef, scowled and kept placing tiny finger sandwiches on a serving platter.

“Where did we put the meatballs?”

“We served them.” Anna said slowly. “They were the first thing to go out.”

“Yes.” Evelyn said testily. “The first batch. But there’s a second batch and they’re missing.”

Jackie’s eyes widened and she dashed for the oven. She ripped the door open and used a rag to pull a huge baking sheet out of the heat. Fifty tiny meatballs were burnt to a crisp.

“Nice.” Evelyn said flatly. “Michelin starred chef, you are.”

Jackie glared reproachfully. Events were tough on everyone, even if the majority of the guests were easy-going.

“Okay, dump those.” Evelyn sighed, closing her eyes. Every day, this stupid tea shop was like running an army. “Ann, take those finger sandwiches and Veronica there’s more canapes over there for you. Send Trina in as soon as possible and she can go around with the goat cheese apricots.”

The servers moved into action and Evelyn glanced at the trays of cupcakes, all bearing the tiny sugar letters R & H. “Two more hours and then we can start with desserts and we’re home free. Jackie, I’m sorry I snapped at you, but we need to get as much food out as possible.”

“What’re you doing?” Ann asked as she shouldered her tray.

Evelyn was taking off her apron and unrolling the black sleeves of her dress shirt. “I’m going around with the mince pies.”

In the middle of the dance floor, Charlie Weasley laughed as he spun his only sister around and pulled her in again.

“Any new prospects?” Ginny asked her brother.

He rolled his eyes. “Since when do you want to do the girl talk thing?”

She shrugged. “I’m just asking. If Percy can find a girl who wants to snog him I’m sure you can too.”

“Well, first of all, I’m not going to find anyone in a room of people I’ve known for most of my life.
Second, I’ve got Sandy.”

“The Chinese Fireball?”

“Hey, she’s a handful.”

They danced in silence, and Ginny smiled when she saw George and Sylvia return, looking happier than she had seen either of them in years and holding hands.

The song ended and Charlie jokingly kissed his sister’s hand. She just shook her head at him and led him off the dancefloor to the bar.

“Mum wants you to come home.” Ginny said.

“Mum always wants me to come home.”

“Well maybe you should think about it.” She turned and asked the bartender for a butterbeer.

“Mince pie?” a polite voice asked.

Charlie looked down into a simple smile and a pair of aquamarine eyes. There was something about her that was so familiar. But he knew that he didn’t know her. He wouldn’t forget that face, or the sharp accent.

“Er, no, thank you.”

She smiled again and gracefully moved on, skirting the dance floor. Ginny turned around and looked at her brother. “What the hell are you staring at?”

“Who’s that brunette?”

Ginny glanced over and looked exasperated. “Our cousin Janine?”

“Not Janine. Black shirt. Carrying the tray.”


“Evelyn.” Charlie repeated. The name sung to him. “Who is she?”

“You’re joking. Everyone knows Evelyn.”

“Well, I don’t.”

“For starters, she owns this shop.” Ginny said, rolling her eyes. “And, come on, you’ve had to of met Evelyn. She fought in the war with us.”

Across the room, Evelyn gracefully side stepped an exuberantly dancing couple and spun out of the way of another server. Charlie suddenly had a vision of a witch with crystal eyes spin kicking a Death Eater after she had lost her wand. At the battle she had looked like a terrible force to behold.

“I must have just missed her.”

Ginny’s face suddenly lit up as the shop door opened and Harry walked in with a tall dark haired man. She left her brother to greet her boyfriend with a kiss. Charlie watched her smile for a moment, happy to see her being...being a girl. She had it so rough, with six brothers.

Ian said hello to Ginny and walked over to where Evelyn was surveying the room and holding up her tray of mince pies.

“Great party.” he said, kissing her on the cheek in greeting.

She sighed. “I’ll be happy when it’s over. After party upstairs?”

“Sure.” He leaned close and muttered. “Charlie Weasley’s staring at you.”

Evelyn glanced over at the redhead, and smiled as he looked away. George rarely talked about Charlie, perhaps because he only saw him around the holidays, and when he did it was with a touch of respect. She recognized him from the Battle of Hogwarts, when he had lead the second wave.

“Well, these mince pies won’t eat themselves.” Evelyn said. “Here. Have one.”

“I hate British food.” Ian said half-heartedly, taking one.

“I’ll make you poutine later.”


It was finally over. Evelyn and Jackie packed up the food, and sent the servers and Mark home. Ian was helping Evelyn reconjure the tables. The band and the bartender packed up and left. And Molly Weasley dithered in the main room while her husband and children waited for her.

“Are you sure I can’t - “ Molly started.

“No.” Evelyn smiled.

“Really, Evelyn - “

“Molly.” Evelyn said, fim this time. “It’s fine. Everything is fine. Go home.”

Molly gave up. “Oh, alright. Charlie, you’re staying with us - “

“Actually I was thinking I’d stay with George.” Charlie said quickly.

“But I was going to - “

Ginny stomped on her brother’s foot. “Yeah, Mum. Charlie and I are both staying with George.”

“Did I forget to mention I’m opening an inn?” George asked sarcastically, his eyes watering.

Molly gazed suspiciously at her children, but none of them even flinched. Evelyn handed the bags of leftover food to Hermione, sharing a small smile. Molly relented and gave everyone a final hug before apparating away with her husband.

Ginny immediately rounded on her brother. “You idiot! You almost blew it!”

“Look, the opportunity was there. It was too good. I couldn’t let it go!”

Sylvia sighed and shook her head. “You need anything Evelyn?”

Evelyn shoved a few open bottles of champagne into her hands. “These are for our after party!”

“And, that’s our cue to leave.” Ron said, looking to his fiance. “Early morning tomorrow.”

“Fine, we don’t need you to celebrate your engagement!”

“Don’t listen to her.” Ian sighed, taking another bottle from Evelyn. “She doesn’t need anyone to celebrate anything.”

“I’ll help celebrate.” Ginny said, taking a bottle away from Sylvia. She caught a look from Harry. “What? I don’t have practice in the morning!”

“Spoken like a true Weasley.” George encouraged, putting an arm around her shoulders.

“I’m assuming Percy is adopted then?” Evelyn asked.

“It’s the working theory.”

Everyone said goodbye to Ron and Hermione and Evelyn finished gathering up the open wine bottles. She handed Charlie a bottle. “Hi. I’m Evelyn.”

“Charlie.” he smiled down at her. “I vaguely remember seeing you at the Battle of Hogwarts.”

“I think I have to thank you. I think you saved my life that time.”

“You seemed to have it under control.”

She grinned. “Well, thank you for keeping me from kicking him to a bloody pulp then.” She turned away. “Alright, everyone follow me to the apartment - “

“Flat.” George and Sylvia corrected unanimously.

“ - and we’ll drink till dawn!”

Evelyn led everyone outside and then in the door between the tea room and Sylvia’s flower shop, then up the steps. When she opened the door to her flat and everyone piled in, Sherlock’s ears perked up. He bounded down from his armchair and over to his mistress. Evelyn smiled and scratched his ears, even though she had seen him half an hour before when she snuck away from the party to walk him.

Sherlock went straight for Charlie next, sitting squarely in front of him. Charlie smiled and reached down to let the lab sniff his hand.

“This is Sherlock.” Evelyn supplied. “Paw, Sherlock.”

Sherlock obediently offered Charlie his paw to shake.

“He’s well trained.” Charlie praised.

Evelyn just smiled. “He’s a good dog.” She walked away to retrieve her cigars. “He likes you.”

Ian walked over to Evelyn’s record player and started to select music. Ginny and Harry flopped down on the couch and Jackie wordlessly summoned wine glasses. George sat on the armchair and pulled Sylvia into his lap. Evelyn refused the wineglass offered to her and drank her wine straight from the bottle. The cracks in her lips were instantly stained red. When Evelyn sat at the kitchen table Sherlock immediately abandoned Charlie lay on the floor next to her.

Ian and Charlie joined Evelyn at the kitchen table and refused the cigars she offered.

“I think Sherlock wants some wine.” Ian said, looking down at the dog.

“Sherlock doesn’t like wine.” Evelyn said authoritatively. “And I don’t like Sherlock when he drinks wine. Gives him the worst gas. Here, Sherlock. Have mince pie.” She tossed down a leftover from the party.

Charlie snorted. “And the mince pie won’t?”

She shrugged. “Probably not.”

As the night wore on, Evelyn’s friends slowly left. Jackie was the first to go, looking exhausted from the long night behind her. Harry and Ginny were next, Ginny swaying and half asleep. After Ian left, sighting work in the morning, Evelyn and Charlie moved onto the couch. Finally around two am, George and Syliva departed for the flat downstairs, giggling and whispering.

“So, I’ve wanted to ask something.” Charlie said, turning his piercing blue eyes on the brunette witch.

Tipsy, Evelyn swooned. His sleeves were rolled up to show his muscular arms. “Ask away.”

“How does a pretty Canadian girl end up fighting in a war halfway around the world?”

“I was in the army.”

“The army?” he repeated flatly.

She sipped more wine and nodded. “Got the tattoos and everything.”

“What tattoos?”

She grinned and her eyes shone with mischief. “You’ll have to get my shirt off to see them.”

He choked on his wine and she laughed. Sherlock looked up at them, then went back to sleep, seeming resigned to his mistress’ antics.

“Anyway.” she continued, carrying on like she had never said anything slightly flirtatious in any sense of the word. “Dumbledore asked for Canada’s help, but we couldn’t do anything with your government denying You-Know-Who’s return left and right. So the minister put out a call for volunteers for a special forces unit. I volunteered and a year later we ended up here.”

“I never heard of any special forces units.”

“No one knew. That was the point. It was all very secret and subtle.”

“You don’t strike me as the subtle type.”

“I’m not. Ian spent half the war keeping me in check.”

He laughed and Evelyn smiled. She put her wine down and stretched her arms.

“How did you end up in the army in the first place?”

“That is a question for a different night when I’m much more drunk on something much stronger.”

Charlie had realized his mistake as soon as he had asked such a personal question. “Sorry.”

“No, no worries.” She shook her head and smiled. “People ask all the time.”

“Do you ever answer?”


The record they had been listening to ended and this time the player didn’t change itself. Evelyn smelled like food and cigar and wine, but it was intoxicating to Charlie. Her eyes were like tropical oceans, hiding so much beneath the surface. She was leaning in to him, she had been as they talked, as if telling an exciting tale.

“More wine?” she asked him.

He leaned forward and kissed her, and instantly she moved closer and ran her fingers through his long hair. The kiss was rough and sloppy, and he hadn’t shaved in a few days, and she hardly cared as he started unbuttoning her shirt. He saw the tattoos but didn’t look at them - she demanded all the attention he had.

“The door on the left.” she muttered.

