Heaven and Hell


-not jimmy's pov-
"Where the fuck could he be"

I muttered angrily. I tore his whole bunk apart tore apart the whole back part of this place, It's a bus how far can he go. I shook my head again and began to re trace my steps, more like this steps. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell went through his mind half the fucking time. It's like he wasn't there like someone else was there and using my best friend as a place holder. It worries me, fuck it worries us all and I know he can see the worry in their eyes but I know he doesn't care. How could he? She's not here. I let out a grunt and walked back to the couch


I watched them all sigh, some had a pissy look in their faces. Nice going jimmy, in the middle of a fucking tour you disappear.

"You shouldn't have told him Matt" I said harshly. He looked at me like I was somehow kidding, but I wasn't, how could I? "

I shouldn't have told him" he questioned and I shook my head no. "Are you out of your damn mind, how am I - how are any of us supposed to know it would set him into overdrive" he yelled. No no he had no idea and none of us did but there's been something off about jimmy for a long time. I caught on way before his wife did. How can they all not see it. I kept asking myself if I should spit it all out now, maybe if I opened up they would understand better. I looked at zack that little shit better not be thinking what I'm thinking. He would kill him

"Should we call off the tour" Johnny asked, finally someone with a sense of reason. I shook my head no, no reason they wouldn't want us to.

"Moron we have no other choice he fucked up over big time, better look for a new drummer" Zack spat with no emotion, it took all it had for me not to kick the crap out of him, where's this coming from? And he's got some nerve speaking down about our brother.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, somethings been off with jimmy since way before K" Matt spoke, ok maybe he's got something going here. Maybe they all noticed. I saw JC nod just need zack now to agree, probably won't since he wants his wife

Matt continues, "he depended a lot on us and we did all we can, K too, her more then us but her being away, makes this a million times more difficult, we love her as a sister and he's our brother somehow if he found her maybe he will he ok, she can protect him, he would want us to continue"

We all nodded in agreement, but I couldn't bring myself to say a word. Jimmy had always been off always something on his mind. I mean he never stayed in one place for too long always bouncing around from home to home even when K first entered the picture he was still bouncing from girl to girl never wanting to settle, I thank god she grounded him, God knows was terror we would have on our hands now without her. I shouldn't call him a terror I mean he's nuts but the guys a Genius. No I'm not kidding the two of them are actually but in different ways but they worked and he slowed down a lot always looking at her for the right thing to do, the right move to make and he wouldn't do anything without her, believe me K didn't mind at all, she enjoyed us again like old times and I know she was happy to be included.

"Earth to asshole"

I gave zack a look, how can he be un phased about this whole thing? Him and Jimmy weren't that close I mean they got along for the sake of the band and you know it worked but once Jimmy met K things changed for them, Zack never wanted anything to do with him, always watched her like he was waiting to strike a move and I knew as well as the rest of us Jim wouldn't have it, they where two peas in a pod. but something about his demeanor worried me like if for one second jimmy turned his back Zack would be on top of her. In a way it sickened me because I never knew what is deal was with her why he was so smitten with her. She did nothing to him, never would hurt a fly either.

I turned back on the news, just as we all suspected, another attack, I lowered my head God he can't be out there.
"This is your fault Matt" Zack growled. I picked my head up to watch this unfold, what was his problem lately anyways I mean Jesus dude get a grip.
"My fault?" Matt hissed oh no
"Yes yours asshole, if you never told him he'd still be here still playing still moping around"

he yelled back. He was getting quite close to Matts face, this can't be good. I stood up ready to defend one of them mainly Matt since jimmy can't be here to grab him, you know just in case.

"He would have found out anyways and when he did what did you expect to happen? He'd just carry on and not give a shit" Zack shook his head. Good point bro, but this isn't helping.
"That's not what I'm saying asshole, he left and god knows where he went all his shit is here except clothing meaning what? He's not in the damn country anymore have you seen that place it's a fucking war zone! Who would go there and if he did leave for her there he's more bat shit crazy then we all ever could have thought" he yelled with clenched fist, I know he makes a point too. But I mean shit.
"Easy you two, there's nothing we can do until We settle down, I called Larry, he's just as shocked as we are. He's giving us a replacement and wants us to say nothing about it" JC piped up. the damn dude has a brain! He always loved K as a sister maybe cause they where 5 years apart and about 6 inches difference in height maybe less who cares but still he looked out for Jimmy's best interest good for him.
Everyone calmed down a bit. I took another drink of my beer, then I noticed something on the ground.
Jack Daniels
Oh oh shit. I looked around nervously hoping no one thought Jimmy drank the whole thing saw the news again and left without thinking... But what if that did happen. I kicked the bottle under the couch. There now we can't have that shit unfolding.
I caught JC looking at me "did you" he mouthed at me.


I mentioned him to follow me away from the other two.

"I had to, what if he drank it all and panicked or saw the news and said well fuck it and went to go find her" I whispered, I saw him give me a caring look. He knew this could he big trouble, that's one drink Jimmy won't touch. He knew better, he had K get whatever she needed with that shit and then when It's done she's all better.

K is an alcoholic and we call her K for short. He name is Katherine. She likes K since JC brought it up. JC walked off someplace and I stood back against my bunk, what the hell do I do? Did he go home? God I hope so. I should call my wife, maybe she knows. I pulled out my phone and there it was 2 calls from my wife, I began to listen to a voicemail
"Hey babe just wanted to see how things are, we miss you" I smiled at that one, I miss her and my baby girl, no things aren't easy but hell I hate being away, I always end up missing them back home, but hey have to go tow work.

I found the second one and raised it up my hear....

"Son it's dad, don't know where Jimmy is and if you seen the news keep him in check, Katherine's staying out another year, call when you can love you"

I froze oh shit. Another year another round? We better find my sorry ass best friend soon .