Heaven and Hell


- Normal-

I walked around what felt like forever. It's been a long time since I been my myself, no wife no band no tour. God I miss my Wife. I hope no one is too mad at me, I just needed some time away for a sec believe me I am coming back just I have some things to do. I walked to my gate, yep gate, I'm in an airport and I'm leaving the country I can't even begin to stay here alone to process this pain anymore. There's only one person that can help me, and I need her. I had no idea where I am going, I just know I need to get out of the country for a little bit, but I also know she would be kicking my ass right back on that bus until she got back home to me. It made me smile thinking of her yelling at me all in my best interest and even in the bands best interest. She knew just as well as me that she needed me to be with that band and I needed them just as bad, but lately they have not been filling the void, show after show I am feeling more and more empty and now I have begin drinking... she would kill me. I felt my phone ring in my pocket, goddammit when when will they ever leave me the fuck alone...

"Hello" I answered annoyed,trying to get on this plane and not have Brian come after me like the crazy mother fucker he is

"Jimmy holy shit bro where the fuck are ya, I mean come on dude what's going on" Well that sure isn't Brian, but my little shit head buddy. I chuckled to let him know I was ok, can't have them coming after me not yet.

"Bro I got some shit to do at the moment I will be back, I always do come back" I let out the most fake ass laughs I could ever possibility pull out of my ass, if he believes this shit I know I will be able to pull anything over on him.. good ol short shit. In the background I head Brian yelling for the phone, oh here we go.

I began to prepare myself for the yelling shit I would be enduring, Brian was my oldest friend and possibly my best friend ever known to man kind. "JIMMY GET YOUR SAD AS SHIT ASS BACK ON THIS MOTHER FUCKING BUS" A few people began looking at me since they heard the loud ass scream from the iPhone, I am still amazed these things have such great volume thing shit, I am not good with technology, my wife on the other hand, her and her friend Craig can fucking build a computer. Shes a genius and a goddess, how lucky am I?

"Bri I will be fine, I am coming back, soon, I will be missing a few tour dates but I will keep on tack with where we are and will get my ass right to you." I waited for his reply, I knew I could not pull the wool over his eyes, he has known for too long.

"No Jimmy, it's now or we will replace you, I can't chase you and I cannot let you run around looking for your wife or whatever your looking for on our time, this can't happen, I cannot keep up with you"

"Dude come on, someone's sick in K's fam and I have to go check on them" How in the fuck am I going to pull this shit off! Is he kidding me.

I heard Brian sigh from his end, they must be all behind him waiting for him to cut me off for good, this isn't the first time he would be out for me, this wouldn't be the first time he has called me out on this shit.

"Ok dude, but your ass is under my watch when you get back, hope they feel better"

And with that he hung up, I took my seat on the plane, and began to drift off to sleep, dreaming of seeing her pretty face soon, i hope she will not be mad, After all I miss her, and her stories, that's the way I would go to sleep half the time at home since she would never be able to sleep, she would just begin talking about whatever was poping into her head and somehow would spin it into a story so I can sleep, She too knew my head was never able to shut down the noise no matter how hard I tried.

-Hours later-

I landed in some airport, showed the man my passport and my license just in case cause I mean what is an american citizen doing in some country that is clearly not meant for him. Now I need to be careful a ton of crazy shit has been going on here and I have been warned. I was bouncing up and down with excitement and such just couldn't wait to see her, to give her a hug and maybe take her back home with me. I walked around for what seemed like hours, not knowing where the hell I was going. I stopped at this small coffee shop, I must be sticking out like some sore thumb since I have this wild hair and tattoos and I am tall as shit. There are trucks everywhere here going god knows where I just need to find a base. Maybe I should begin asking around but I did not know if they spoke English.. I wonder how she spoke to them, we aren't in Germany, not France, Not even Italy or Spain So those languages are out but this place was like I was on another planet, And I cannot even tell you where I am. I began to walk around more some while back I caught a bus going to what I assumed was a base or near a base, so I followed suit, the dude at the gate looked at me wide eyed

"Do I Know you sir" he asked eyeing me up and down, probably wondering what the hell I was doing in the middle of nowhere land

"No, but I am looking for someone, is there a way you can tell me where she is" I asked

He looked at me puzzled but then stood up straight "No sir, you are not allowed on base, I do not know how you found us but whoever you are looking for may not be here and even if they where I cannot tell you Jackass shit" He replied then paused, "But I do know you, your that dude, the band right from California and shit" He asked

I nodded, "Yes that's me, I need to go in there or find the other bases, this is important this is regarding a family member and all dude come on" I sounded pathetic and Brian would be kicking my ass at this point but I needed to get in there, in the back of my head I began to think of a plan but this would be taking some time since it must be 3 in the afternoon now. I needed to wait until dark and all and somehow sneak in and sneak around then bam! find my wife. The dude looked at me like I was an idiot and maybe I was, coming all this way, leaving a big ass tour all to look for my wife when what I really needed to do was get back on that tour and play like I meant it and suck it up.

"Sorry man no can do now get out of here before my commander comes back around and your ass becomes in serious deep shit" I nodded and ran off.

Plan B on my way.

-Same day, Nighttime-

Shit was it hot as balls in the day time here I am a lucky son of a bitch it cooled down some. Currently I am behind some trees still staking out this place, no one is in site and I found my way in, My wife would not even believe I calculated how long it would take me to get in the place, if they had extra clothes hanging around I would be able to really walk in with no problem. I began to think of my wife and how miserable she must be, shit I really needed to see her thank god I am here.

Time has come for me to enter, I saw the guard dude leave the door open some and walk away, wait did he know I would be showing up, well if he is a fan and I see him again this dude is spending the rest of the tour with us, I am making a mental note of it. I ran so fast into the gate cause the second I went in the shut and some buzz sound thing went off meaning you cannot get back out, this was not part of my plan but it did not matter.

I began to walk around the place taking in all I can about this place. It was like their own little village here and I knew she would be here someplace I have been following the news and making a list of this shit ever since they took her. I continued to walk around looking into the bunk hut things like crazy, I had to keep my mouth shut to not be yelling her name out, they would throw me out for sure and currently I think this is a felony or some shit, that dude did say I would be in some deep shit if they caught me but it is the risk I am willing to take to get to her, I would do anything to see her, to keep her in my arms forever, I lost her once and I cannot fucking do it again. I ducked in between two of the bunk tent hut things, I really do not know what these things are called, But I hid because there was someone doing roll call and everyone was out and in a line up, it must be "lights out" I forgot what she called it. I began to listen to them as they began to call out names and the voices had been getting louder and closer to where I was "Sullivan" Sullivan that's her, it took all it had of me not to run, not to go to her to hug her her to bury my head into her neck and tell her how much I missed her. I followed where the people where going and when I spotted her I wanted to run, but I kept my distance, god I hope she isn't angry I am here. I just needed her to come to me, to walk somewhat close to me, she looked so good in that uniform I swear I remember the times I took it off, those where always the best times. I guess it's the little things In life that you savor. I watched as she spotted me, she spotted me, oh I am in deep shit all of a sudden she came running over to me at full force, I was lunged from my hiding spot pinned to a tree.

"what in the fucking hell are you doing here" She growled at me. I couldn't help but smile at her facial expression, I knew she was waiting for an answer and I had no choice but to give her the truth.

"I needed to come, I just can't do this anymore" I looked her dead in the eyes, I saw her eyes in the moonlight look sad. 'I can't come home yet Jimmy you know this, maybe I hope but now you do, there is such limited contact and we could be under attack any fucking moment I cannot get to talk to you. but what in the hell are you doing here! Are you on a suicide mission, I mean my god how the hell did you get in here" I don't think she had enough words to get out but I couldn't take it another second, I crashed my lips on to hers and my god it felt like heaven, I felt alive again. I somehow ended taking control because in seconds we where on the ground but she pushed off me.

"No" she said firmly, I bowed my head and looked back at her sitting on the ground, I knew she craved it just as bad as I did. I knew she hated being out here even though she said she loved it. It was a lie.

"Baby.. fuck this is so hard I knew you would somehow make this move but I didn't ever think It would be now, jimbo it's so dangerous I need to get you back to Brian and Matt, they will keep you safe when I am not there" I laid my head on her lap, god I missed her so much and I felt her hands in my hair "I've missed you" I felt the smirk in her voice and I pinned her back to the tree, nothing would hold me back and I somehow ripped this uniform off and my pants..

I felt her breath heavily like she was begging me to do what she wanted from me, I knew what she wanted and I did not have to ask, it has been way too long since this deed and some things just cannot go left unsaid... or un done. I grabbed the back of the tree for leverage as I lifted her up having her eye level with me, I smirked as I watched her beginning to quiver dying waiting for me to enter, as I did I felt her back arch at my touch, for the time being things got heavy and the world stopped for a second, I could hear her soft moans with every thrust and I did whatever the fuck I wanted to please her. Her fingernails dug themselves into my back and I enjoyed the pleasure as I went harder making her moans louder I continued until we both finished leaving us both out of breath.

I watched her as she put her uniform back on and began looking around for a place to hide me. I was on cloud nine and there was nothing more perfect about this, I followed her into the darkness, as she lead me to a bunk, must be hers since there was no one in there "your staying here tonight, tomorrow I am getting you out of here before something bad happens." I nodded and began to drift off to sleep having her wrapped in my arms. I could stay here forever if she let me, All I needed was her, she was my little piece of heaven.