Heaven and Hell


I looked at my peaceful sleeping husband, I could not help but wonder how he even got here, how this time it was so bad he had thought of no other choice but to come find me. I looked down at my leg, it still burned from the blast last week and I am so glad he did not see it, I do not want him to worry over me, or over anything that has to do with my job. My Job is not normal, but neither is his... but his is more, how should I put this, civil. Playing in front of thousands almost every night. I knew I had to get him home as soon as possible, I knew they had tours to do and Roll Call was beginning again and if they checked these bunks I am fucked and so is my husband. Within minutes I was back inside and to no surprise he was still asleep. He looked so cute sleeping, all curled up probably still thinking I was beside him sleeping. I dove into action as I carefully woke my sleeping husband so I can get ready to transport him out of here before something bad happened.
"Jimbo bug" I sang softly, I wanted him stir in his sleep mumbling to continue longer, I swear the man can sleep thing a dump truck driving 100 miles an hour through a living room and not even wake up once, me forget about it slightest tap of our next door neighbors im awake.
"Bimbo up time come on" I said a little louder this time his blue eyes shown very sleepy and oh so beautiful. I smiled at his waking state happy he was with me. I must admit I miss him terribly when I am not home but work needs to get done.
" good morning beauty" he whispered, I guess Noticing I was in uniform. I guess he realized where he was since there was noises all around him and very loud bangs here and there, being around if so much I don't even hear it.
"Come on Jimmy time to get you home. I don't even want to know what Brian had in store for your ass kicking this time" I let out a chuckle as I somehow stuffed my over 6 foot husband in this thing you would see at a hotel carrying dishes and shit info the kitchen, some kart thing. I put the tarp over it so they wouldn't see him, poor Jimmy he's all stuck and shit and cramped. But he chose to show up.
I got Jimmy out of the area where I was down the street and kept going until I got to a taxi service where I have then directions to the local airport that's leading into the city. I told my commander I was searching the area so it gave me Some time and that I was transporting thing so more time added. I lifted the tarp and let our a very cramped jimmy who began stretching his legs
"Oh thank god don't ever put me back in that thing it's worse when I'm trapped in an airplane with no leg room" I couldn't help but laugh as I gave him a kiss. I really did miss him, but he can't stay here. Brian was probably meeting us here because I can't leave the place I am so they have to come to Me. I began to wave my handed frantically as Jimmy gave me the worst look ever, he looked terrified. Brian came running over along with Matt.. Oh shit. When they reached us Brian was just about to begin yelling when I made sure he didn't jimmy's facial expressions worried me and I hope sending him back will not be a mistake. I am sure the all saw how he looked too because they took a step back and Jimmy attached himself to my arm.
"I know baby it's ok" I whispered as he kept backing up hiding himself in me more, I gave Brian a sympathetic look, I knew he couldn't leave me he needed me but I couldn't be there all the time. I didn't know what to do when my work isn't over and won't be for a while, somehow I needed to find a way to get back. I knew things where getting much worse here and I knew he wouldn't the able to be too long without me. I didn't know how much more I can put them all through this, I knew they felt the weight of me not being around but I knew this was my job, they knew it too and somehow took it better then Jimmy ever did. He always had a hard time detaching himself from me but I did not really realize it was as bad as I thought it was. Ever since I left when we where kids he was somehow destined to make sure I did not leave again when I came back for good this time. I knew he could not bare to leave my side, I was his light, I was his everything, this I knew, and so did everyone else but somehow he needed to deal with it. I slowly began to unlock Jimmy's arm with mine, I knew they had a flight to catch and I knew I needed go get back before anyone came looking for me, and realized An american citizen was in the place, that would not go over well. He looked at me with pleading eyes, and it pained me to have to let him go, not knowing when I would return. I Watched as he began to walk in Brian's direction as he held his head down. As he caught up to Brian he turned back to look at me, his face had the most saddest expression and it killed me to see him walk away. I missed him so much, but when I am in work mode I tend to forget the outside world. The world I live in consist of two modes, work and home, going into home mode proved difficult for me since it seemed like unfamiliar territory for me. I watched as Brian gave me a thumbs up as his sign for telling me he would take care of my husband. I missed them both so much, and wrestling with them all, we where like family, they were my brothers. I turned on my heal to leave the airport to get back to camp. Today was uneventful at least for me, besides sneaking a rock star too and from base, I will have to ask him just how the hell he even managed to get in there, since it was guarded all the time.

I got myself back just in time for roll call, thank god I did not need to miss that or I would be in some serious shit. The rest of my night was pretty uneventful as I laid myself down, clearly missing the once sleeping man that was beside me last night, my desire to be home grew more and more as I kept remembering what we did, it replayed over in my mind like a broken record. Without warning the sirens had gone off, signaling us to become on guard and armed within seconds, I was out of my bunk and ready to see what was happening, a few others came up to me, wondering if I had gotten any word, since I was in charge of the group. The last thing I remember is being swept off my feet flying someplace far above me, but there was no pain because I am not sure if I even landed or If I am even alive.
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I know this one is short but there is a reason behind it<3 keep reading to find out