Status: The band in this FF is After Romeo!! Check them out on Twitter, IG, & YouTube @afterromeo <3

Deception of the Heart

Chapter 2

Jayk's P.O.V.

I quickly walked to the studio knowing the guys were going to be pissed I was late again. Oh well, I had a valid excuse, I was helping out a pretty little lady in distress. I laughed to myself. When I walked in the guys were already working on the choreography to one of our songs, "Where The People Go". I got into position and picked up from where they were.

"STOP!" Drew called out, irritated. He turned around and looked at me. "You do realize you're like an hour late, right?"

"No surprise there." Blake mumbled. TC just rolled his eyes and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off of his face.

"We're going on tour next month." Drew stated, as if this was new information. "This is crunch time; we need to get it together."

"Calm down, we got this." I said back, brushing off his irritation.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Take five." He said as he angrily walked off.

Blake and TC quietly looked at him as he stormed out of the door, and then looked back at me. "Yeah, he still hasn't slept yet, can you tell?" They laughed.

"I see that." I said grabbing a water bottle out of my bag.

"I take it you spent the night over by Brooke's?" Blake asked with a smile.

I smiled back. "You could say that." I laughed a little to myself. "Although, there wasn't much sleeping going on last night; we have officially taken our relationship to the next level."

"So you guys......" TC asked, letting the question hang out in the open.

"Yup", was all I replied.

"Hmm." TC said with a frown and then walked to the other side of the room to his bag. He always got weird when I talked about Brooke, almost like he had a crush on her or something.

"So that's why you're late." Blake said.

"Not exactly", I smiled. "I ran into some chick with car trouble on the way here; she's new in town. I helped her move her car out of traffic and offered to show her around some time."

Blake frowned. "And what about Brooke?"

"What about her?" I said. "I'm allowed to have friends."

Blake just shook his head. "Ok, Jayk, whatever you say."

Blake walked away before I could say anything, not that anything I said would have wiped that judgmental look off of his face. I just said I would show her around town; it wasn't like I was going to fuck her. Damn.

I quick sent Brooke a text telling her I'd see her after rehearsal, and then placed my phone in my bag as Drew came back into the room. "Alright, break is over." He said. "Let's get back to it now that everyone is finally here."

Brooke's P.O.V.

When I finally found Amara she was sitting on the hood of her car, reading a book. I had to laugh to myself, only Amara. I shook my head and laughed as I got out of my car, she hadn't even noticed I arrived. "Don't worry my dear, I have come to your rescue." I said as I made my way to the front of her car.

She placed her book mark on the page she was on and closed it. "It's about damn time." She said with a smile. "The sun out here is brutal." She hopped off of the car and gave me a hug.

I returned the hug. Her skin was on fire. "Damn, you're going to have one hell of a sun burn." I shook my head. "Come on, let's get your stuff." We grabbed everything out of her car and piled it into mine, and waited for the tow truck. I threw Amara a bottle of water before we pulled off. "You're probably dehydrated, you should drink something." I said. "You know, you could've walked to the gas station up the road and got something while you were waiting for me. I'm sure I would've found you just fine."

She scoffed. "And leave my baby unattended; no thanks." She laughed. "I'm fine, Brooke."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "I don't want to hear any complaining tomorrow when the pain of that sunburn finally kicks in."

"Yes, mother." She replied jokingly, and then turned to look out the window at her new home.

"So, how did you get your car off to the side of the road all by yourself?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She turned around with a huge grin. "I didn't, some guy helped me, and he was fine as hell." She said biting her lip.

I laughed. "Yes, there are a lot of those out here. So, did you get his number?"

"Yup, he put it in my phone." She said with a smile. "I think I'm going to like it out here."

"Look at you, your first day out here and you already have a boyfriend."

She nearly spit out her water. "He's not my boyfriend." She paused. "Yet", she added with a devilish grin.

As we were walking up the stairs to the apartment my phone began to vibrate. It was a text from Jayk saying he was sorry he had to leave so early this morning, but he was going to make it up to me after rehearsal. I rolled my eyes and placed my phone back in my pocket so I could unlock the door.

"Um, what was that all about?" Amara asked pointing to my pocket.

"Just my boyfriend making excuses again." I replied, forgetting that I never told her about Jayk.

"HOLD UP, WAIT, WHAT?" She said dropping the stuff she had in her hands in the middle of the living room. "BOYFRIEND, since when?"

I laughed at her reaction. "Six months." I whispered, but she still heard.

Her mouth dropped. "You've had a boyfriend for six months and haven't told me?"

"I know, I'm sorry, but your schedule has been crazy, my schedule has been crazy with work and school, and then every time we did talk, well, we were talking about your move out here. I guess it just slipped my mind." Wow, now that I said it out loud, I couldn't believe it myself.

She still looked upset, but she calmed down a bit to ask, "So who is he?"

I smiled at the thought of him, and I hated it; I was supposed to be mad at him right now. "His name is Jayk and we met on the beach." I giggled to myself, it sounded so cliché. "He was playing catch with some friends and his football landed near me; we got to talking and yeah, I've been seeing him almost every day since then."

"You're serious?" She asked with a straight face. Once I nodded yes she busted out laughing. "That is some straight out of a romantic comedy type shit right there."

"Says the person that had some hot guy come to her rescue when her car broke down", I laughed, raising an eyebrow at her. "Now that sounds like some shit out of a romantic comedy."

"Shut up." She replied still laughing. "So what does he look like?"

I pulled out my phone to show her the only two pictures we had together, and they were from when we first met. The first one was a pic of him kissing me on the cheek; his snapback was turned to the side covering most of his face. In the second we are sitting on the beach, me between his legs. He has his arms wrapped around me; that one has always been my favorite. It wasn't until now when I actually wanted to show him off that I noticed you couldn't really see him in either pic. In the second pic he had the brim of the hat pulled down low. I gave the phone to Amara and she stared at both pics for a few seconds before returning my phone to me. "Well, I can't really see him, but from what I can see he looks hot."

I smiled. "He is, trust me. He's actually going to pick me up in a little while, you can meet him then."