Status: Will contain spoilers for the game

A Heart Stolen in Skyrim

Chapter Twelve

“It’s simple enough, really,” Brynjolf said as he led the way to the desk that once belonged to Mercer. “Delvin says that now that the curse is lifted, we should be getting some more luck. This ledger has everything you need in it,” he said, sitting her down in a chair.

She flipped through the heavy pages. “Part of me wants to throw this in the fire,” she said bitterly.

“I know, but unfortunately we need all that information; especially if he tampered with anything. Delvin will be your right hand man as far as contracts go. He has ears all over the place. Whenever we get a new job, you’ll write it down here and how much the client is willing to pay.”

“I guess it seems simple enough,” she said. “I’ll miss going to the surface, though.”

“I’m sure we can find some time for you to go up once in a while,” he said with a smile.

“Anything else?” she asked, smiling back and he grabbed her hand.

“Yeah, but this one will take a while,” he said and pulled her into the bedroom.


As far as anyone could tell, if there really had been a curse, it was lifted. Jobs were pouring in from all over. Falene quickly rose in the Guild and Delvin was trusting her with special jobs and gaining footholds in other cities. In a way, Falene had become like a daughter to Alvanna.

About five months after the Key was returned, word came that Alduin had perished. Everyone went above to rejoice at a party that lasted at least two days. Shortly afterward, Alvanna and Brynjolf had an announcement that really didn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

“We’re getting married,” Brynjolf said with a large grin on his face. “Tomorrow at dawn. We want all of you there.”

Falene, who was very handy with sewing, had made Alvanna a beautiful wedding dress and they left for the temple in Riften together. Brynjolf was already waiting for her, his face bright with happiness. Maramal, the priest doing the ceremony clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. Alvanna stood beside Brynjolf and took his hand.

“It was Mara that first gave birth to all of creation and pledged to watch over us, her children,” Maramal began. “It is from her love of us that we first learned to love one another. It is from this love that we learn that a life lived alone is no life at all. We gather here today, under Mara’s loving gaze, to bear witness to the union of two souls in eternal companionship. May they journey forth together in this life and the next, in prosperity and poverty, and in joy and in hardship. Do you agree to be bound together, in love, now and forever?”

Brynjolf, still grinning, said, “I do. Now and forever.”

Maramal turned to Alvanna who took Brynjolf’s other hand. “I do. Now and forever.”

“Under the authority of Mara, the Divine of Love, I declare this couple to be wed. I present the two of you with these matching rings, blessed by Mara’s divine grace. May they protect each of you in your new life together.”

They kissed, now as husband and wife, as their fellow Guild mates clapped and cheered.

But where there is joy, there is also grief.

Although they tried many times, Alvanna was not able to bear a child. They almost succeeded once but she miscarried the child in her second term. Never had she felt such grief and spent many days locked in their bedroom. Brynjolf held her, crying tears of his own.

Falene needed a home, though, they knew. After some time, they called her in and asked if she would like for them to adopt her. It was the first time Alvanna had seen Falene smile so much. It became official and the small family lived together happily in the Cistern.

Karliah visited as often as she could. She had come for the wedding and when Alvanna and Brynjolf lost their baby. She brought gifts for the new couple as well as a special amulet for Falene.

The Dragonborn also visited once in a while. He had joined with the Imperials in the Civil War and came to the Cistern for rest which they were glad to provide. He was one of their main sources of news concerning politics. On one visit, he came with an amused smile.

“You guys have definitely made a change out there,” he said as he sat with Alvanna and Brynjolf at a table with ale. “Everyone is talking about the Thieves Guild now. A lot of guards are nervous, believe it or not. I’m sure their superiors are pushing on them even more to catch a member of the Guild.” They all laughed and drank a gulp of ale. “Congratulations on your wedding, by the way. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to attend.”

“I heard you did something quite impressive,” Alvanna said and he looked at her curiously. “Rooting out the Dark Brotherhood. No one has ever been able to do that before.”

He shrugged modestly and drank the rest of his ale. “I have to go now. I’ve delayed long enough.”

He shook their hands and departed up the ladder.

Alvanna and Brynjolf turned to face the Cistern, Brynjolf’s arm around her waist and one hand on her hip. It was bustling with people and the vault – whose keys were now held by Alvanna and Vex – continued to fill.

“I told you you’d make one hell of a Guildmaster,” he said and she laughed.

“Yeah, I guess you were right.”

That night, before going to bed, she looked at Karliah’s gift. It was a painting of Gallus and Karliah done by someone in Solitude. Alvanna smiled at it as Brynjolf hugged her from behind. Despite all her training to make sure she never became a victim of theft, the greatest thief was behind her.

For he had stolen something worth more than gold. He had stolen her heart.