Best Friends to the End

"Hey Gorgeous"

Daryl walked into the school building running a little later than normal. His morning shower had taken longer than expected, all things considered. As he neared the corner just down from he and Sadie's lockers he stopped, causing the person behind him to bump into him and mumble about jerks who stop in a crowded hall. Daryl paid him no mind and moved closer to the wall. He had a clear view of Sadie and for some reason he felt the need to stop and watch her.
She was pushing a book onto the top shelf of her locker, standing on tip toe to reach. It was starting to warm up out and Daryl took notice of her legs beneath the hem of her dress. He watched as she reached into her backpack to grab another book and her hair fall softly around he face as she did. It wasn't often he got to watch her without her noticing and he was drinking her in. The soft expression on her face replaced with a smile when a guy from her first class greeted her in passing. She took that moment to glance around, looking for someone. Daryl knew it was him. If he didn't move toward her soon she would get worried and come looking for him. He didn't move yet though, just a little longer.
He watched as her hand came up and brush her hair behind her ear. Daryl was a little embarrassed thinking about where her hands had been wandering in his dream. Sadie glanced around again, this time biting her lip. Daryl knew that meant she was getting nervous and decided he'd better make himself known.
She spotted him when he was almost to her and pulled him into a hug as soon as he was close enough.
"Hey gorgeous" she said, "I was starting to worry."
"Jus' runnin late's all" he said, feeling his cheeks heat up as he thought back to her calling him gorgeous in his dream. Daryl let his hands slide down to her hips as she broke the hug, not wanting to let go just yet.
"Don't forget you're supposed to come to my house after school to work on that car with dad" Sadie reminded him. She stepped a little closer and rested her hand on his chest. Daryl tried to picture them from someone else's perspective. He was sure they looked like a couple. He wondered a little about the guy who had said hi to her earlier.
"You didn't forget, did you?" Sadie asked when he didn't respond.
"No, I remember" Daryl said, "jus' tryin ta remember if I told Gus I wouldn't be in." he knew he had told Gus but needed a reason for his distraction.
"Good, he's all excited about it for some reason so you better not skip" Sadie said.
Just then the bell sounded, telling them get to class or else.
Daryl squeezed Sadie's hip before he let go, "I'll be there with bells on" he said smirking.
Sadie laughed and walked into her class. Daryl searched for the guy from this morning, making sure to give him a glare, before heading to his class.

"Daryl, you think we can make something out of this old heap?" Mr. Montgomery asked as they both eyeballed the shell of a car sitting in the garage.
Mr. Montgomery had told his family a few nights ago at dinner, which included Daryl, he was buying a "project" car as he called it. Basically an old hunk of junk that, had it been in good condition, would have been a classic and return it to it's original beauty. Sadie, her mom and sister all couldn't have been less interested. Daryl, however, had his full attention. Mr. Montgomery was excited to have someone else be on board with his project and the two of them discussed the details for the rest of dinner. Daryl had figured it would take some time to manifest but Mr. Montgomery had found the perfect car within a couple of days and had it brought over right away. Daryl wanted to offer as much as he could, which would definitely only be in help and labor. Mr. Montgomery had assured Daryl that he would take care of all of the financial aspects.
"I think it'll be sumthin great in time" Daryl replied honestly.
They had been working for about an hour when Sadie came wandering out. She found a lawn chair tucked in the corner of the garage and drug it over near where they were working.
Daryl stole a glance at her every now and then, each time she seemed to be staring back.
"Daryl, I need to excuse myself for a bit, I have a conference call to start soon and need to make sure I have everything. Feel free to keep going or stop. I see Sadie looming, trying to steal you away anyway" he said, giving Sadie a glance with raised eyebrows.
"He's MY friend dad!" Sadie exclaimed.
Mr. Montgomery chucked and kissed Sadie's head as he walked by her into the house.
Daryl leaned up out of the hood of the car and glance over to find Sadie looking at him, bottom lip trapped in between her teeth.
"Hey gorgeous, see sumthin ya like?" Daryl teased, wiping his hands off with a rag.
Sadie blushed. Daryl couldn't believe it, he didn't think he'd ever said something that made her blush before.
She didn't take long to recover before smirking at him, "yeah, your cute butt."
Now it was Daryl turn to blush, actually turn bright red. He stood staring at her, not sure what to say. They joked around but this was new. This seemed like actual flirting.
Sadie handed him the bottle of water he hadn't realized she was holding. When he went to take a drink he felt her smack him on the butt. Daryl choked on his sip of water as Sadie laughed.
"Come on" she said, pulling his arm to go swing on the wooden swing situated on the large covered back porch.
Sadie waited for Daryl to sit and then placed herself right beside him, curling her feet to the opposite side causing her to lean into him. Daryl put his arm across the back of the swing before deciding to pull it slightly forward and rest it on Sadie's shoulders. If she could be bold so could he.
"I had a dream about you last night" Sadie said as soon as they were settled.
Daryl felt his heart leap into his throat, "yeah?"
"Yeah. It wasn't like the normal ones though" Sadie said referring to the dreams she had had over the years. She always seemed to have dreams where they were doing something together; going skydiving with nuns, taking a cross country road trip to see the "World Largest Spoon", hunting a polar bear; weird things.
Daryl waited for her to continue but she didn't so he took the bate, "well, how was it then?"
Sadie began picking at her fingernails, seeming embarrassed.
"We did, things" she said.
"Runnin with the bulls?" Daryl joked.
Sadie shook her head, "no.. like THINGS."
Daryl's mind flashed to his dream and he became embarrassed, wondering if she meant the same thing.
"Like?" he couldn't stop himself from asking.
"Like, things in bed... together.... naked" Sadie said. She normally wasn't embarrassed by much but Daryl could hear it in her voice. He wondered why she was telling him if she was embarrassed by it.
"Was I any good?" Daryl joked again. It was the only way he could seem to handle this information.
Sadie shoved him before replying "of course" then immediately smacking a hand over her mouth.
Daryl sat there for a moment before feeling like he needed to tell her too.
"I hada dream jus' like it last night" he admitted.
"Did not" Sadie challenged.
"Yeah, I did" Daryl said nodding his head.
"What do you think it means?" he asked.
Sadie glanced up at him and wiggled her eyebrows, causing a deep crimson to spread across his face.
"I think it means we are growing up" Sadie began slowly.
Daryl waited.
"And of course we would start having THESE types of feelings eventually. I mean we are really super close, so it makes sense they would be about each other" Sadie reasoned. "I mean, especially since we've never even kissed anyone else it just makes sense we would think of each other."
Daryl didn't say anything, just sat thinking about what she said.
Sadie began talking again, trying to fill the space, "I mean I can say I haven't kissed anyone else or you know DONE anything else, I can't speak for you...."
Daryl realized this was an invitation for him to speak up as Sadie looked up at him with questioning eyes.
He shook his head, "me either. Nothin with nobody." If it had been anyone but Sadie he would have been embarrassed to admit it. She seemed to relax a little at his answer.
"Make me a promise?" Sadie asked.
Daryl nodded.
She wrapped both her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest before speaking, barely above a whisper "promise that if I haven't kissed someone by graduation you will be my first kiss".
Daryl was sure she could hear his heart start pounding, "only if ya promise the same ta me" he said.
Sadie lifted her head and gave him a huge smile, "it's a deal" she said kissing his cheek.
Daryl knew at that moment that no matter what happened in the next year and three months he wasn't kissing a single soul.
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Who's excited for the Walking Dead on Sunday?! Has anyone else seen the predictions for Daryl for the rest of this season/ next season? I don't want to give anything away for someone who isn't caught up but it's stressing me out!