Best Friends to the End


Daryl was running late to school again. This time it wasn't because of a dream though, but his brother. Merle's truck wouldn't start. Normally Daryl wouldn't have cared. It wasn't like Merle had somewhere important to be on a regular basis. However, he told Daryl that this morning was special, he had a job interview. Daryl wasn't sure if he was lying just so he'd help him but he didn't want to be the reason Merle didn't get a job. It seemed like it took forever but they finally got the old truck to start and Daryl hopped on his bike and took off.
This morning as he rounded the corner he saw Sadie wasn't alone. She was talking to the guy that had said hi to her last week. Daryl frowned at the sight of him laughing and touching Sadie's arm. Apparently glaring at him hadn't been as menacing as he thought. Daryl sped up his pace a little before coming up behind Sadie.
"Hi" he whispered close to her ear as he wrapped his arms tight around her waist.
"Hi yourself" Sadie said, smiling at him as best she could since his face was buried in her neck. "Daryl, this is Silas. He's in my first class, he's new to Georgia."
Daryl looked up and narrowed his eyes at him before muttering a hello. Daryl was giving him a slight pass since he was new and didn't know any better. He didn't remove his arms from Sadie's hips though and rested his chin on his shoulder. Silas just stood there smiling at him.
"What'd I miss?" Daryl asked.
"Not much, we were talking about Mr. Mason" Sadie answered, patting his arm, her subtle way of telling him to calm down.
Daryl just grunted. He didn't have that teacher and couldn't contribute. At least they weren't talking about anything important. As if realizing the awkwardness of the situation, the bell rang loudly through the hall at that moment and they began shuffling to class. When Silas walked in Daryl pulled Sadie back, "what's his deal?"
Sadie looked at Daryl with a smirk, "jealous?"
"Jus' answer" Daryl said wrapped his arms around her in a hug once he made sure Silas was watching.
"Ha! You are jealous!" Sadie said with a grin. "Don't worry gorgeous" was all she said before ducking out of Daryl's grip and into the class. She took her seat next to Silas and gave Daryl a grin. He shook his head at her and went to his class.

At lunch he was surprised to find Sadie already at their table with their tray in front of her.
Daryl scooted his chair closer to her before dropping down into it, "where's ya new boyfriend?"
Sadie looked at him and sighed, "stop it."
Daryl didn't say anything, just stared at her. He didn't know how to handle this type of situation, they had never been here before. He didn't like it.
"He's not interested in me" Sadie simply said, hoping Daryl would drop it.
"Sadie, come on. I know ya ain't blind. You're a beautiful girl and he's talkin ya up, he's not lookin for a 'friend'" Daryl said, using air quotes when he said friend.
Sadie put down her sandwich and turned to him before speaking, "and why wouldn't he be? We're friends, girls and guys can be friends."
"It's different" Daryl muttered.
"How?" Sadie asked in a calm voice. She knew she wouldn't get anywhere if she didn't stay calm but Daryl was really frustrating her right now. She knew it was because he was worried this guy might take her from him, but she was being stubborn and wanted him to admit it so she could tell him how ridiculous it was.
"I don't wanna share you, ya happy?" Daryl said turning a slight shade of red.
Sadie grinned like the cat who caught the canary, "yep now I'm happy."
She took a moment to pause for effect, "I'm the one that should be worried."
"Why's that?"
"Daryl, Silas is gay" Sadie whispered.
Daryl looked at her stunned.
"He doesn't want anyone to know. He's new here and didn't want it to get around until he'd had a chance to get to know some people so don't tell ANYONE, ok?" Sadie asked.
Daryl nodded, "I won't."
Sadie put a hand on his arm before continuing,"he thought you and I were dating anyway. Since you can't keep your hands off me whenever he's around."
Daryl laughed thinking back over it all now, "maybe it's a good thing, then he wouldn't think I was available", he joked.
"You guys might be a cute couple" Sadie joked back, "though then I'd have to be the jealous one."
"This mean I should stop hanging all over ya when I see you two talkin in the mornin?" Daryl asked.
Sadie laughed, "nah I kinda like it."
This new flirty nature still caught Daryl off guard, his stomach did a flip at her words.
"I like it too" Daryl said in a serious tone.
Sadie didn't have a chance to reply before a tray was laid down on the table in front on them.
"Hey guys, uhh.. is it ok, I mean can I sit here?" Silas asked, half way standing and half way sitting.
"Yeah, it's fine. Jus' stop flirtin with my woman, wouldja?" Daryl said giving Silas a mean look.
Sadie laughed and replied "he means yes."
Silas looked at Daryl again before moving into the seat some more. Daryl smiled at him and nodded.
"Ah, so you told him?" Silas asked, getting the joke.
"Yeah, don't worry he won't tell anyone if you don't want" Sadie said patting Silas on the hand. Daryl nodded to confirm.
"Thanks man, and hey I appreciate you letting me sit here."
"No worries, welcome to the lunch table of misunderstood friendships."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow! I had no idea it had been so long since I updated! My computer is screwed up so I had to update on my phone. Please excuse spelling and grammar errors :) I hope everyone is still enjoying the story. I'm trying to figure out how to arc into where I want it to go next so there may be a few more filler chapters.