Best Friends to the End

June came too soon

Sadie stood against the side of the pool waving her hands back and forth through the cool water. It was early morning time, earlier than she would normally be swimming, but she didn't have much else to do. She was going to miss this pool. Yes, the new house had one, but it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't have the shade from the tall trees around the yard, the Florida house only had a few palms that provided nothing but aesthetics. She climbed out of the pool and wrapped a towel around her wet bottom half. Daryl would be by soon to see her before he went to work.

As she tucked the corner of the towel to keep it from falling he came around the side of the house grinning at her. Sadie smiled back and skipped over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Where are your parents?" Daryl asked against her lips.
"Not here" Sadie murmured.
Daryl wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in tight as he reattached their lips.

A moment passed and Daryl pulled back some, "hi".
Sadie smiled up at him, "hi, gorgeous."
Daryl tangled a hand in her hair and pulled her lips back to his. He couldn't get enough of her. Not to mention she was leaving next week. He wanted every moment with her possible until she pulled out of her driveway.

The sounds of someone clearing their throat caused the both of them to jump apart quickly.
"What's this?!" Silas asked walking over to them and putting a towel on a nearby chair.
"How long have you two been hiding this?" He asked, with a smirk on his face.
"Not as long as you think" Sadie answered. Daryl was still in shock at being caught. "Since spring break."
"That's a pretty long time to not tell your best friend" Silas answered, pretending to be hurt.
Sadie laughed "I'll explain later."
Silas nodded.
Daryl took Sadie's hand and pulled her to him, "I gotta get ta work."
Sadie nodded and pulled his face down to meet hers.
Daryl was reluctant to deepen the kiss, aware that Silas was watching them. He pulled away to see him smirking at them again.
Sadie noticed too, "come on I'll walk you around front."
"I'll be right back" she called over her shoulder to Silas.

Daryl climbed on his bike and started it before pulling her to him and connecting their lips.
"I don' want ya ao go" he mumbled when they pulled away.
Sadie blinked back tears, "I wouldn't if I didn't have to."
Daryl didn't want her to get upset so he gave her another kiss and said good-bye.

Sadie came back around the house to find Silas in the pool already floating on a big turtle float. She pulled one over with flowers and flamingos printed on it and tried to gracefully climb on. Silas waited until she was situated to start asking questions.
"Do your parents know?"
Sadie shook her head no, "and we need to keep it that way."
Silas nodded in agreement, "is he a good kisser?'
Sadie blushed red before nodding yes.
Silas laughed, "it's always the quiet ones that are the best. So your plan to move back in November is all stemmed from this?"
Sadie nodded yes again, "I would have tried to find a way back anyway, but this makes me more motivated."
"And I thought it was partly because you would miss me!"
"Well of course I will miss you too, but it's different."
Silas waved a hand in the air as if to dismiss the conversation, "OK. Enough about you guys. I need to talk about my love life!"
Sadie laughed, grateful that he didn't ask a ton of questions and just accepted her and Daryl's relationship. "Go ahead then."
"Well" Silas began grabbing the edge of her float so he could look her in the eyes, "I met a boy!"
Sadie gave an exaggerated gasp, "well then! Do tell!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry to take so long to update. I've been super busy lately with life and it's preventing free time for my story. On that note: I'm thinking about starting another story, we'll see what happens :)